113949 - +59 Vol. 1, No. 18 Tuesday, October 22, 1991 Circ. 9,000 24 pages _} help~you keep score. (Incumbents are marked with an asterisk.) A is for apple i there was & fregh biked pie on your dinner Saturday selling thelr wares during Apple Day. I Sunde are someone In your fam Among the h ing young nd bought apple or two from (he many boys Cartwright's Jelirey Zeidman, 6, and "lan movement who worked hard all Vanderniet, 12 [1 Don't miss it! Red faces, loud voices, long speeches - all-candidates meeting? Wednesday night's (Oct. 23) Scugog Township all-candidates public meeting should be a night to remember, with a long list of anxious candidates all wanting a spot in municipal politics. This is your big opportunity to ask them all those hard questions you've been wondering about; your big chance to nail down some answers Hosted by the Taxpayers' Coalition Scugog, the meeting will be held at Port Perry High School. The action starts at 7:30. And in case you need a reminder of who's running for what, here's your own pegsonal game card. Bring it with you to the meeting -- it'll what's more fun than an MAYOR Howard Hall*, Glenn | REGIONAL Yvonne Chrisue®, Colin Kemp AREA Harvey Graham (acclaimed) PUBLIC SCHOOL Joyce Kelly & Roberta Drew (both acclaimed) SEPARATE SCHOOL Kathy LeFort, John Sacco WARD 1 (Reach) Andy Andrews, Ken Carruthers, Connie Southern Allan H. Bertrand, Fred Canrmng WARD 2 (Port Perry) Manlyn Pearce*, Paul C. Michel WARD 3 (Scugog Island) James Tower, John Abbott, Ken Gadsden, Manlyn Tripp. WARD 4 (Cartwright) David Dietlein, Charles Hill, Neil McLaughlin, Chiff Davis Stevenson wants longer jail terms for gun crimes Malcolm Durham MP Ross Steven wants longer jul (8rms for anyone using a firearm in a crn Personally. | believe at least five years should be added usual prison terms in such case the MP said in a statement last Friday Mr. Stevenson 1s a member of the Commons comm ¢ that has reccommended changes 0 Canada's gun laws The changes 10 Ball C-17 will likely be law by Chnstmas, he smd Mr. Sievenson said the changes by the ( sgni [icanpefiprovements They include raising the age fom 16 10 18 for buying a firearm requinng photographic 1D when applying for a Firearm Acquisition Certilicate (FAC), increasing the cost of an FAC to $50 ($25 10 renew) and giving authorities more power 10 investigate the personal background and stability of those who apply for an FAC Mi. Stevenson sd he consaders himsell neither "pro or anti-gun and he sharply rejected criticism that the commitiee was stacked" with government mem bers who are "soft" on gun control As one of the government members of that commitiee ommons Commitee arc control I can assure you those allegations (cru 1sm) were not correct," he said Earbier thus year, Mr. Stevenson circulated a questionnaire to all houscholds recev in his Durham nding He said h d 1600 responses 17 per Almost 80 per cent of those wi responded fad they favour more resincive gun legislagon: 90 per cent want wougher screening for gun buyers, and 92 per cent want longer prison terms for cent of whom own guns those using firearms in a crume Mr Stevenson sud he regrets the commitice was not able © respond 10 the widespread public for tougher prison sentences That specific section of the Criminal Code is not pant of the gun cobtrol legislation, so the com mitice was not authorized 10 change L} oncem However, the Minister of Justice (Kim Campbell) did give her assurance that there will be shor new legislation 0 increase the minimum sentence for gun-related crimes," he saad Mi. Stevenson stated that he is satisfied" the amendments 10 C-17 increase significantly the safety of the general public with mimimal difficulty creatgd for those who own and use fuearms legitimately © Fe A mh of beoskdns has ht Sougg Township in recone works, the bem coming over fe weckeind when Seeves bit 2 home in Aade door wan food open i She sessdonce on River Seve witha TV set, VOR snd fess jas filled with loose change spond missing Sg. George Soom of Durban Region Police sed there have boon several brosk over the last few works in ol wea of pate © mary of thom, A Scugog. At one Castle Harbour residence rooney, thieves. made off with a lege quantity of ewelry, clecsonics and family how fooms the can't be meplaond. Sg. Soon sed many of the break have when place in full daylight. Police we not are if de break as are fhe work of fv me indevichal, but he id hese wom D be a Wha pears © be happening is fat Sueves knock on he fon Break-ins hit homeowners hard of spacious Kctvity door and if nobody sewer, they smash ther wary in. And hey ae king hugh orice Seems fut we easy © cary ach choonics, Jewels, appliances, money and in some stances rifles and shoe pon. He said if somebody sewers the door, they shaply clin fey we lost and wk for devotions. Police ee weging resitonts 1 double check the security on their homes and report sy kind PRINTED ON 10 cLED NEwspriInT