& CITIZEN CLASSIFIED 985-NEWS . Deadline: Monday Noon | : Scugog Clilzen -- Tuesday, October 1; TOT 33 \ Fax: 985-1410 : For Said § For Sale Pork Wanted| Pp For Rent SAND, GRAVEL, Call Gal Gay Carter after Fivogass wl, 48 EE PANE WINDOWS, 6PM neysr used. 44x56°, Wp 020) -- 83447" door, FIREWOOD - All hardwood, cut steel. nap 72". Call 985.0676. MUST GO! 1 tang, 4 cylinder Ghia, automavk, ps, pb, hatchback. $950. Of 961 Escort Wagon. 4 spd. $675. Private 985-3866. and split 16°, also fi 965.3961 Mid logs. Call TRUCK CAPS, box liners, running boards. Sales and installation. Van & Truck World Call 579-6868. FALL BUILDING SPECIALS 20'%24'-$2800.; 24'x24'-$3100.; 268'x36'-$4500.; 32'x36'-$4900.; 36'x48'-$7000.; 40'x60"-$8700. + SEASONED FIREWOOD . $60. per face cord, 12°. $10. extra for delivery. 985-7745 (N26) CHAIN SAWS Chaing sharpened, all sizes. Call 985-2817. (TF) DRYER, working condition. $45. Call 965-9057. | ANTIQUE CHIPPENDALE mahogany dining suite, 4 side, "2 arm chairs, table with double claw-foot pedestal, buffet and china cabinet. Must be seen. Call 985-4015. 1983 SUBARU GL 4 cylinder, 4 speed, 4X4 wagon good running condition. -$950. or bo., as-is. Call 986-5261 after 4 PM. "DUTCH CLEAN" Two experi- enced, energetic women will "Dutch Clean" your home. We donit cut comers - We clean them. Telephone 985-7043 or OVER 1,000 SQ.FT. Downtown Space at competitive rates. Heat, hydro, air conditioning included. Also suitable for "2 boutiques. For details 985-3508 or 985-0306. (TF) AUCTION SALE Sat. October 26th CC pissy Selling chip truck, house trailer, furniture, Qualified service and repair. Call (416) 986-5669. BURGLAR ALARM SYSTEMS 1 BEDROOM, studio new fridge and stove, private entrance, upper deck, cable. $475. per month - all inclusive. Call 985-0715, LOVE SEAT & SOFA Camel back, chippendale legs, Demask fabric would suite peach or rose decor. Less than 3 years new, plus No GST or Provincial Taxes. Call 985-4015. GRAIN BOX & 10 Ton Wagon, snowblowers, rear blades and tractor chains. Call R. Mostovy (705) 324-7047 - Janenville. GUNS WANTED Any make, any amount, old or new. Turn those unwanted into i cash. WASHING MACHINE Hotpoint, heavy-duty, 5 cycle, excellent condition. $200. Call gs 986-0957. Call 852-3986. ALMOST NEW COUCH with maiching love seat, chair and ottoman. $950. Call 985-2936. DINING TABLE with extra leaf and four chairs with seats upholstered with beige material. $400. Telephone 985-1448. CANON AE 35 mm Camera with. 50 mm lens, 100-200 mm zoom, 200 and 136 mm fons. and flash unit. $500. 986- Protect your home. Police, fire ---- =r + and ambulance. - phone SHARED ACCOMODATIONS house in Reg. since No Ask for town has z bedrooms available Jou: CHEV SILVERADO 1/2 Wayne: 985-2639. PIO8 full use of house. Single up, seeks same or single oy 000 km. Phone 985-9977 females. Reasonable rent. Call ering. Sewing* Sas 4st. TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT 1979 FORD PICKUP Rare shortbox, total restoration, 100 many new parts to list. It's'a must see - new wave striping. Appraised at $9,000. Asking $8,500. Call after 6:30 PM (416) 986-5772. (TF) SEWING G ALTERATIONS for all types of clothing. Reason- able rates. Call Barb 985-3788, (TF) custom DRESSMAKING by P Work Wanted ed] "GRANDES COMPANY Green Cleans (no chemicals) homes and offices. 'We offer "Mother-in-Law" clean. Ready for inspection! Bonded, insured APE ¢ BUTTER Delicious. No sugar or additives. $3.50 Ib. Makes a nice gift. - 985-7893 'Boats | Cars * and police security checked. member. 986-0689. or 725-9177. 24 hr. answering; (031) NEED A HAND? - Call Murray! Grass cutting, window clean eavestrough cleaning, gardén- ing, hedge and tree trimming, p painting, WINTER PROJECT for next summer's fun. 16' Fibreglass boat and controls & tilt trailer. Only $595. Call 985-7704. '79 CHEV MALIBU wagon, as is. $300. or best offer. 985-4607 BETSY needs a new best friend - 1987 Olds Cuflass Snos wmobiles 6 cylinder, requires companionship, 2 door, auto; 1983 CITATION - $500 & 1986 SAFARI 447 - $2000. 985-3954 Business Equipment 728-7591 or 985-9783. (TF maintained - $5300. Phone ater 6 PM (416) 985-0002. fully loaded, power seats, p. ' do AMFM Please call 985-0069. M ing, garage, attic, basement and yard clean-up and removal. (TF) plus Signature *M" 985-2882. Prime Water. Street location. Available November' 1st. $749. includes appliances & yd Call 416-264-4916. N25) COMMERCIAL, Rotai or Retail'or Office 760 sq.ft. prime Water Street location. Storage space also Th Call evening: Jae) ALMOST NEW - Fall Tuneup 264-4916 Sewing Machine Repairs, all ~~ === TT makes. 6 month warranty on THREE BEDROOM HOUSE, . 9858018. 1029) LOVING MOTHER will babysit your toddler in my home, Monday to Friday, Shirley Road. gldeal for. Oshawa commuter. Smoke-free Call close to school, hospital. Nov. 15th or Dec. 1st. $850. + utilities. Call 985-2311. CENTRALLY LOCATED Large two bedroom apartment, fridge and stove included: $630. per month plus heat and hydro; first and last. Available Nov. 2nd Reply to_Box 305, Port Perry, West of Perry, or 15 mi. North & on Hwy. 12. 1970 G| truck with two fryers fridge, all in working order; 15' house trailer, sleeps 4; Moffat propane deep fryers and 36° grills, Electric Moffat fryer; Cash register, Steamers, Upright: deep freezer, Large barbecue with rotisserie, New mini washer and dryer, 2 modern bedroom suites, 4 pc UR suite, Nesting tables; Oval coffee table, End tables, Blue coych & chair, 7' pogl table, 2 . VCR's, TV's, 2 Day bed, Coal oil lamps, Odd chairs, Old mechanical toys, Guitars; Old tea tins, Wall clock, Desk, machine, Lamps, Baby swing & grade, Children's toys and Brass & wicker, Knick , Bathtub easy-lift chair, Tools, Torches, Electric & _ rechargeable hand tools, 2 h.p. compressors, Riding lawn mower, Gas mower, Wheel barrows, 'Electric snow blower, Chain link dog run, Pile of scrap metal, Step ladders, Dishes & glassware, Bedding, plus much mare, Lunch available. Terms Cash or Cheque with ID. Owner PROFESSIONAL wallpapering & painting. Reasonable rates. Call Roy Povey 985-0940. (029) PAINTING, WALLPAPERING, plaster § drywall gepairs, jepais, JX spraying, custom wood finishing & refinishing, furniture refinish- 985-4 and will not be held 9354156. er -------- responsible fr any accident or EXPERIENCED MOM wishes to _ injury 'in connection with this care for a child in her home. sale. Sale managed and sold by Daily rates, call 986-5926. 3 seep eye COCHRANE dT. VANCAMP.CONTRACTING AUCTION SERVICE . Sand, gravel, fill, 'limestone, 985+; elp Wanted | vod topsoil, and 5 Call 985-8469. (TF) WE REQUIRE a responsible non-smoker to care for our 6 month daughter, Monday to Friday, starting in January 1992. Must be- located between 3rd Custom cutting of your wild butcher. possible commission. Asly for Done. . at 985-7354, power mirror, tilt & cruise, fuel injected, 4 door, air 'bag, i game by , Port Perry - Call (416) 985-8916 (029) otc. 2 tone brown, 68,000 NTI RE a $17,000. Phone, 285.2000 o or 'OIL SPRAY UNDERCOATING : 985-8690, (029) All vehicles, reasonable 5 POLLED BULLSFOR SALE Call 985-3689. (022) 2.1/2 years old, regi Limousin Bull; 1 year old res bG0Ge Bows HUNTERS - TAKE NOTE | Simmental Bull; also yearling 4 door, 318 and stocker calves. Call Roy. condition. Hy og ceftified. 985-7704. McLaugh $06.4865. Call loaded, good Wild game, cut & wrapped. Rea- sonable rates, (705) 786-3320. (NS) i IMMEDIATE OPENING ) for part-time clerical position in sales oriented office. experience essential, ow- ledge of Bedford and Word- Perfect preferred. Apply in writing to Box 162,«Part Perry, RDEWANTED ing and repairs, References, conc Brock and Port Perry. Leaving Port Perry 'between pry oe 0) & certified. Call Richard Coming to our house would be. 6:30 &°7:00 AM, Monday to Tie o0D WINTER CAR, i Appleton 985-9649. (9). considered. References and Friday to Taunton & Thickson Drake, es. ash, ee rd ous cuevaweEr + (EON ILI CF Toe Con runs well. $450, Call ator 3 PM or all; 10%) 357.0088 ha i -..,--- 985-0876. is fireplaces / chimneys. ae-0007 TWO SALESPERSONS rr (029) New and used cars - Top GROWNVICTORIA ATTENTION HUNTERS Commission - $50,000. por joar CITIZEN il 985-6397 Watch for the Scugog Citizen's WINTER GUIDE 91/92 to be published Kove ADVERTISING DEADLINE i Any Local Groups or Organizations wishing to promote their Winter Activities are welcome to submit their copy by the same deadline date. , . Call the SCUGOG CITIZEN for more information 985-6397 pd 13th, 1981 OCTOBER 31st, 1991 INDUSTRIAL 'or STORAGE SPACE for rent.. $125. per month. Contact Karl Herdér «*4(TF) . Kitchen and bar. Call 985-8912 or 085-8764, leave ADVERTISING' ; DEADLINES : "REAL ESTATE ¥ : Saturday, November 2 - 11 AM Cleaning out of Greenwood Store, 3 km. east of Brougham, off Hwy. 7. Coolers, fridges old signs, large amount of small, hardware. Many more collect- ible items. Terms cash. 3 picture frames, , pine shelving, cup- message. ~ (EOW-01) :