Scugog Citizen -- Tuesday, October 22, 1991 + J da Briefs from around the Scugog Township council table PARKING SPOTS One of the new spots will be in Scugog Township will be front of the Post Office on Queen adding two more designated spots Street; the other on the east side of Water St., for handicapped parking. at the foot of Mary made cats, bunni Vi . » All dolled up! Sue Barton of Port Perry shows off 'Father Christmas', one of her unique handmade dolls. Mrs. Barton will be selling -hand- angels and other dolls at the annual Christmas Craft Show this Saturday (Oct. 26) at Port Perry High School. Well over 100 vendobs will have all kinds of interesting crafts on sale at this show that Is now in Its 11th year. This show runs from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and It will be a day well spent where you can browse among the craft tables, enjoy lunch in the cafeteria and look for that special gift for that special some- one. It's all under one roof at the high school. Ld 10 . HOMES UILDER MANUFAW PURE FOR THE 1991 - REE HOM £ Sms ONTARIO HYDRO "Hey Neighbour, Be a Bower Saver" Contest +b. 5 QUALITY is PROUD" @ CLEAN FRESH INDOOR AIR © LOWER HOME HEATING COSTS + EXCELLENCE K @ NO MORE DRAFTS or COLD SPOTS @ AQUIETER HOME THE BETTER BUILT HOME @ BETTER QUALITY ASSURANCE HOMEBUYER INCENTIVE Visit8ur New Homes Display Court Soon! HWY. 12 at SUNDERLAND (705) 357-3427. Monday o Friday 10105; Saturday & Sunday 10104. J 1 O Authorized Desier OME S rern CSE Street. I approving this Monday, council will look intoghe possibil- ity of another spoffon Queen Street, perhaps in front of the Commerce Bank. RECOGNITION, PLEASE Scugaeg sports teams that win at the provincial level or higher should be recognized by § municipality. That suggestion was made Monday by Dave Roulston, a member ofthe XL Eagles wi club that won a provincial ule last month, "Mr. Roulston, who was spel ing to council as an individual and not representing the XL team, noted that other municipalities ur their winning teams. cugog has presented youth teams with Township medals, but there is no policy for adult squads. Councillors said the idea. is worth fusther study. LEAF COMPOSTING The IBaves are hitting the ground these days and if you want to get rid of them, try the two transfer sitions. Bins for com- posting have been placed at the stations (one in Cartwright,' the* other just yest of Scugog Arena) and leaves will be accepted in clear bags. If not in clear bags, the contlin- ers must be emptied into the bins. The program will continue for several more weeks STILL TRYING Efforts will continue by an ad hoc touncil commitiee to mediate a long-term ute over noise between resi of Heath Cres. in Port Perry and the nearby Mother Jacksons plant. * Npting that sound levels from the Blant aré within legal limits, several councillors said progress is beffig made in solving the dispute. Heath Cres. residents and the company have both responded to recommendations from the ad hoc committee. Council members fee] that with more meetings, more progress can be made "" "NOT HAPPY Councillors are less than happy with proposed zoning amendments designed to provide a broader range of housing in"Bownship. The amendments, preplred by thé Township consultants reflect few initiatives in housing demanded by the provificial gov- emment. But councillors expressed con- \ Circulation: 9,000 in Scugog area, Price: § cents per flyer. cern Monday that the amend- ments may not protect existing houses or neighbourhoods. For example, thé amendments would permit boarding and room- ing houses and accessory apart- ments in all zones; and semis and duplexes in R1 and R2 zones, Currently, Scugog is made up of 87 per cent single family homessand consultant Darlene Proudfoot told the Monday meet: ing there is a need for different kinds of housing in the Township, especially in Port Perry. The province wants to see other kinds of housing make up 25 per Cent. The proposed amendments? likely will not come to a voit, before the new year, A newicoun- cil will wake office next month. Adult For information Scugog Citizen: the best choice fog flyer distribution. Fall Season Dixie Lee is now serving . HOMEMADE SOouP ' ¢ La M