The Port Perry Senlor Citizens Club will be holding its annual Bazaar this y at.the Latcham Centre In Port Perry. Doors open at 11 am, and the bazaar runs through to 4 p.m. There will be all kinds of crafts, a bake table, light refresh- ments and a lucky draw. And In photo, above, Doris Grierson shows off a few of the many dolls that will be on sale. All sum- Scugog Citizen -- Tuesday, October 23, 1991 --5 a Those old phone book blues Wondering what to'do with those old phone books? Well, you can now recycle them in the blue boxes. Durham Region, which is responsible for recycling announced last week that the pro- gram will start immediately. "We are happy to be able to expand the hlue box program to collect phone books, especially at this time when the new books are being delivered," said works com- mittee chairman John Aker The reason Durham is able to expand its blue box program to include phone books is because a market has been found for the recycled material, according to Ken Donnelly, solid waste manag- er for Durham The old phone books can be placed in the blue boxes on regular ° collection days. For those resi- dents who do not have blue box pick-up, there are designated bins at the transfer stations in Scugog. call 579-5264 10 arrange 40 drop off the old phone books. Businesses in the Region can Recycling those old phone books Is now as easy as dropping them in the Blue Box. Durham Region announced last week the Blue Box recycling program has been expanded to include those old books. And for those Scugog residents without blue box pick-up, they can take the old books to the transfer stations. See story. mer, club members bought dolls at yard sales, and repaired them, outfitted them In hand-made clothing and got them ready for sale this Saturday. The bazaar is an Important fundraiser for the local Senior Citizen Club. UNTIL OCTOBER 31, 1991 CASH BACK from KitchenAid' ola ond a KikchenAld food waste from HOMESTEAD by Ballard 3 Camegle OR GET *50 CASH BACK If you buy 0 KitchenAid dishwasher by sell Come in NOW and fake advantage of this.great cash back offer! TA aout Geis of terme and condone. Ofer aegees August 11 9 "Wade mark of KITCHENAID. NC. USA. Kaotwnket Carte be. losses 0 Canate FURNITURE * APPLIANCES * TV Hwy. 7A East - Port Perry CARPET A VINYLFLOORING 985-2451 or 985-2157 We are talking vES! about the Santa Claus Parade- 2:00 PM - SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30th, 1991 ATTENTION Service Clubs and Organizations, Church, Youth and School Groups ... you are invited to participate. This year's Scugog Chamber of Commerce Santa Claus Parade is being organized RIGHT ROW! and we need you us regarding your participation in this event for the children This year's theme will be a Storybook Christmas Santa's ONLY appearance will be on the Chamber of Commerce Float at the end of the parade For more information and float registration, please contact Kathy Kroonenberg at 985-2066 or Anne Tielemans at 985-26998 or Register by mail using the attached form to Box 1282, Port Perry, Ontario LL 181 SCUGOG CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 1991 SANTA CLAUS PARADE PARTICIPANT FORM Organization