EDITORIAL! All quiet Scugog Township voters will go to the polls November 12 10 elect a a new municipal council Nominations closed a couple of weeks ago and by this time any voter even remotely interested in this important democrat ic process should know who the candidates are and what posi tions they are seeking. And pan of this process was the al)-candidates last Wedpesday night at the Pont Perry High Sc More than 400 citizens umed out for the meeting, which was sponsored by the Taxpayers Coalition, Scugog. That's a pretty respectable wrg-out foran gil candidates meeting, espe cially in this day and age of apathy and cynicism towards most things political ILis an indication that in Scugog Township, votes do have some strong concems about issues and they want to see and hear the candidates before they mark their X on polling day But more than one obSetver noted that over the lengthy tinfe the meeting was open 10 'questions from the floor', there was not a single question for the two candidates in Ward 2 (Port Perry). Marilyn Pearce and Paul Michel, who are running for the Ward 2 scat, were not called upon 10 answer one question about where they stand on issues or what they hope to accom plish if elected to office. This curious lack of questioning might lead one 10 conclude there were no Ward 2 voters at the meeting. Or maybe there are no 'issues' bugging the residerits of Port Perry We know otherwise, of cpurse. But it was still a tad strange not 10 hear any com questions directed at Pearc® or Michel, . a The overall tone of the meeting was markedly low-key to the point of being downright polite. There were no sparks fly- ing between candidates (aside from one brief clash between Kathy LeFort and John Sacco, who are running for the Catholic trustee position) and for the most pan the quéstions from the floor were reasonable, though without any really sharp barbs In shor, the meeting did not degenerate into a "slanging match' and that very fact Sllowed those present 10 get a fairly objective picture of who the candidates are and what they believe in Certainly the presence of Joel Aldred as moderator for this meeting had something 10 do with keeping the tone at a decent level of respectability The candidates' formal spoefhes were limited 10 exactly two nlinutes, and Mr. Aldred, Stop-watch in hand, raised a chuckle from the audience on several occasions as he cut can- didates off in mid sentence In his opening remarks Mr. Aldred reminded those present that on that very day (Oct. 23) in 1956, the Hungarian Revolution stated and a lot of people fought and died for the very rights "we are enjoying tonight." This wry who om is an important one for Scugog ceting held There are very serious issues 10 be addressed over the next three years such as Taxation levels, services, development, housing, and the one that was on the minds of many at the meeting: thé possibility of « large landfill site ih this Township A As the campaign moves into the final two weeks, Scugog voters must make an effort 10 find out about the candidates exactly where they stand on these and other issues, large small, = Take the time to talk 10 the ple running for mayor! regional council and the ward seat where you live. Read the ASR ash Question und ge before you head into 10 behold. Take a Happy Hallowe" en The a of Gord and Chris Geer in Prince Hurd 51), and chuckle over some of the tomb- Albert Is cernainly something stone sayings (like, Here lies 'ol Dick, who drive-bydl) you have a minute (their house is on always said, "See | told you | was sick." ak re - LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Please, think of t the patients To the editor: | am starting my letter with a thank you 10 Mr. Steve Lance of Vista Care Sterivision TV Company, who sees the needs of the patients of the second floor of the Whitby General Hospital Also, thanks 10 Digpe, a repre sentativg for the TV Company who nes 10 please the patents when the TV reception is terrible (or none all). The pationts are paying a hij rae and should get 10 channels sometimes they are lucky to get two or three. Long term patients should be allowed to have their own TVs and pay a reasonable monthly rac, Cable should be put in. Who #5 holding cable up? The hospital of the TV company? \When | saw how hard it is for the patients and the nurses 10 show er them, wearing boots 10 protect the nurses' shges, | have asked three different about geting information on a O Tub that might be donated but | have never £01 any response There are a lok of volunteers who pay their dues and say "1 am a volunteer at Whitby General Hospital" but where are they when #0 many patients need 10 be fed? Or for reading and talking to them, etc. One howr or 30 minutes 10 feed them, . The patio where patients, family and friends sit was in terrible con -~ rend Where are Sy Vi? If a window is opened for some good fresh air, and is seen, no longer can it be opened. If one patient can have his/her window open, why not the others? Why couldn't they be opened once in a while 10 air the room? This could be done when the patients are out of the room The adminisgration , should spend some Lime c what is wrong, especially for or can't express themselves of speak for themselves. Wouldn't that be a feather in whatever And a thank you to the nurses who care, and they know who they are, and also w the housekeeping staff Mrs. Shill, mother of Susan, second ow. Manila. Friendship heals To the editor: An open letter to Mark and Lynda Shaw and family. Last week wo all watched helplessly as your house and all of your possessions burned in a terrible fig. Thank God you and the children and Sacha the dog. were all out of the house at the time . Some may look at the ashes and ruins, and see nothin, and desolation, but when you , please remember, the whole community is standing beside you. You will never be alone in a place like Blackstock. The school, your neighbours, and people you've never even met are all working together 1 help in this time of néed. * Please don't feel that people look at your poor house, then at our own well-stocked houses, a few sheets, towels, or a cer- tainly won't be missed by anyone. | The children at school are leaning a valuable lesson in car ing for their neighbour by bring- ing something to school 10 donate. They all feel pain for what Jason and James are gBing through, and they want 10 help. If there is something we can do, that hasn't been done yet, just ask someone, If they can't help, they'll find someone who can. Meanwhile, hold onto your hats. In a year from now, a shiny new house will be sitting at 13 Mason St., and while some things can never be replaced, friendship and caring will help case. the pain of the loss. dition this summer --- no flowers in are doing 100 much. When we Name withheld, 36/Water Street Published by " royd : Perry, Ontario ~~ 58% Cis Fbibing sd pd cul ne: 985-NEWS : Fre oh B- McClean Coty Ofte Rg rf in 985-1410 . + Cathy Ollitfe . ou an er free of - ivi Har Member of and businesses in Advertising SalewCircultion: ? 6B Se :