the most i issue that Scugog Township will face in the next three years is one that is geting scant attention in the current paign for the Ni ber 12 municipal elections. According to Howard Hall, who is seeking re-election to a second straight term as mayor of Scugog, that issue is the expansion of the sewage treatment gystem in Port goes ahead? "The Township doesn't have the money," he On the issue of taxation levels, Hall said bringing in a local budget this year with a 4.5 per cent increase 'was difficult, but he is pleased it was done. He denied there is "fat" that can be rimmed locally and said a zero per cent tax hike is not realistic. He was one of more than 20 R I councillors who voted "in "I'm g on that i "(to the weatment system) If not, this Township will be facing some real problems," he said in an interview last week. 'The Ministry of the Environment is i3 souucting a study on whether the lagoon system can be epenia safely. 1 the MOE says the Yon can't be expanded, Hall suggesifd the Township will have to look at other altematives to spur develop- ment, such as expansion to the ham- lets. But he made it clear that expan- sion of Port Perry with more inten- sified housing depends totally on increased sewage treatment capaci- ty. Hall is being challenged for the mayor's chair by Glenn Malcolm who is completing his first term on council as the rep for Ward 4 (Canwright) He said that economic times are tough in Scugog, but he's confident and optimistic about the future and feels the Township "is principle" for a new HQ building in downtown Oshawa. "I have no problem with the working departments (of 'the Region) located in the centre of the mast populous city in the Region. And in the long run, it will save tax dollars," he said. Commenting on council salaries, he said he has "no problem" with the new council looking at this issue. But he noted that Scugog council salaries are the 2nd lowest in the Region (only Brock Twp. is lower) Since his election as mayor three years, he prides himself on devoting full time to the job. "The salary level," he said, "has 10 be fair." The dump site issue is one that is out of the hands of local and region- al politicians, but he pledged "yes, 1 would fight against it (if the loca- tion is Scugog) But he warned that the new site selection process adopted by the (the tough times) beter than most other municipalities." These tough times however, have put local projects like a new municipal building and recreation facilities on the back burner for 10 come. "It will be a long time before we see the (recreation) complex if left to public funds. Now is just not the time to be thinking about (swim- pools and arenas," he said. Scugog be putting funds asidé for the day when the project "will make it very tough 1 10 Stop once a site has Been desi Hall, 62 has lived most of his life in Port Perry, He served on the for- mer Port Perry village council, one term as Ward 2 rep on this council and the current term as mayor. He WL Malcolm believes that a zero per cent tax increase, admirable goal, he doesn't think it is possible for local coun- cil to reach that goal in the com- ing year, Realistically, he said, council should be aiming to bring in a tax increase "under the inflation rate." The 39 year old Nestleton resi- dent who is completing his first term on Township council as the Ward 4 rep, is challenging incum- bent Howard Hall for the mayor's chair in the November 12 munici- pal elections. Asked in a recent interview why he doesn't-feel a zero per cent tax increase is possible, Malcolm said there are too many costs already "locked in" to the 1992 Township budget. Union contracts for one call for a 5 per cent hike in the 1992, the second year of a two year pact already But he added, he wants to see council salaries frozen at current levels for the next three years and favours a citizen committee that would.make recommendations to il on salary levels. menting on the idea of a two-building concept for Durham Region HQ, he said. this "makes nosenseatall" "I am opposed to this in princi- ple. (two buildings) would defeat the purpose of amalgamation (to bring all Regional departm under one roof) Recreation facilities in- Scugog Township should be expanded only when the tax base grows and the economic outlook improves generally, he said. Only then should the council start to discuss this again. As for the Township putting money aside each year for new facilities, he would prefer to see created. But if the final site is Scugog and after all environmen- tal hearings are completed, he said he would push hard for the best possible compensation. "But money could never com- pensate for the an or nega- tive impacts," he added. At the Regional level, he pledged to work hard to make sure, the needs of Scugog addressed and that includes ing to control the Régional mill rate. When asked why he decided to seck the mayor's chair, Malcolm said he feels there has been a "lack of direction in this Township." He went on 10 say he feels the Township needs a change, "look to the future and not the past." And he said he believes his three year term on council has given him the*municipal experi- ence "to accept this new chal- lenge." He said over theslast three years, he has taken satisfaction in dealing with problems large or signed by the council and the bar- funds ear-marked in a g | small, investi g them fully gaining unit, reserve account but not ear- and' when necessary, referring "I don't believe there is any fat marked specifically for any single them to municipal staff. in the local budget," he went on. purpose. "I don't like to leave loose "Just keeping the increase at 4.5 And he said he is not in favour ends lying around," he said. per cent this year was tough of puting "any kind of a Maicolm and his wife Arlene enough and meant a red in on when i have three children. They operate the roads department budget. Taxpayers are willing to take some cuts in services, but not too much." might start. Malcolm said he is opposed to a Durham landfill in Scugog, saying it should be closer to where most of the garbage is Soccer field house closer After more than two years in the planning and discussion stages, the new field house at the Scugog Soccer fields is close to reality. Construction of the facility, which includes storage space, meeting room, and snack ber, is expected to start as early as this week. ' On Monday afternoon, council ayarded a Jt 0 ty bre the Chamber of Commerce. He is currently chairman of the Foundation at Community Hospital. Quiet Hallowe'en Durham Regional Police describe Halloween Night in Scugog as "Quiet" with no serious incidents. There was the usual large wd of youths who spent most " of the evening.milling about on Queen Street in front of the Post Office. And they 1ssed enough eggs 10 Port Perry, Durham Police were ready for any kind of trouble Halloween Night with extfa offi cers on duty, un-marked cruisers and the paddy wagon patrolling the streets. It was a quiet Halloween Night "| for the Scugog Fire Department as the members of the Cacsarca Hall were called out abodt 9:30 to put mix up a giant omelette, most of gout a minor fire on Old Scugog them aimed at the Police cruisers and a paddy wagon that cruised * street every few minutes or so. The Police moved in around 11 . 10 start«dispersing the large crowd and a spdkesman said there were no arrests and no serious incidents, A home in Prince Albert was damaged when hit by paint pellets and there were reports of one smashed window in a home in * high school. Road in Blackstock: In Port Petry, there were no Halloween related calls that night. Police had been tipped off that the new lighted sign in front of Port Perry High School might be trashed. The night before HaHoween, Police 1did several charges of tres- . pass as there was a large crowd of teen-agers in thé vicinity of the 4 Herder Port Perry. o $64,000 a the lowest Hower three submitted for the work. Further negotiatiofls Township tion starts should reduce this price a bit more, said Ward 2 rep Marilyn Pearce on Monday. Prices for the facility originally came in considerably over budget and the Township asked for re-sub- missions. One of the deletions to bring down the price was the show- ers. Councillor said the pro- ject will come in and the PHOTOGRAPHY Oo WE'RE MOVING 180 'MARY STREET, PORT PERRY 86-1 1415 win a, Space To Serve You Better! Cooked Ham or Extra Lean Ground Beef a hog farm at North Nestleton. aX Port Perry Plaza - 985-0918 November SPECIAL r-4 ek ALL POSTERS and PRINTS Great Solution [eel] Problems! Photo Processing (One Hour Service Available) § Typing Word Processing Photo Coples Fax Service _ Framed Prints Camera Accessories ALL WORK GUARANTEED * - REASONABLE RATES 985-0918