" WW Citizen -- No ber 5, "1991 i LE ' per gg Wrestling their way straight to the top Four years ago this month a group of guys got together and formed an arm wrestling team in Port Perry. They haye put in countless hours in training, countless miles driving to competitions. But on October 13 in the small town of Gatineau, P.Q., just across the Ottawa River from the nation's capital, this group of guys reached the top of their sport. At the Canadian National Arm Wrestling Championships, the team of six competitors won an incredible five ngtional titles, placed second in four mere class- es, and just for good measure took third place in four others (see photo) - "This, is the best showing ever by the Port Perry Arm Wrestling Club," said' team captain Mike Haigh in a recent interview. "To have five national champions from this club is Rally quite some- thiig." wrestling) Winning isjnice, the icing on the odke, but it's not everything. We are proud just to be there and to Mike Gould' said that arm wrestling at the top competitive level gives the individual a target, a goal and a sensg of accomplish- ment. , As 'might be vps} in arm wi the members of the Port team are big.and strong, with mus- cles on top'of muscles. Their "uni- form" is a black t-shirt with the club name on it, and blue jeans. If you met these guys on the street comer, you might be tempt- ed to give them a, wide berth. But that's just the appearance, imposing as it is. Spend some time with these guys and one quickly learns they are easy going, articu- late' andeotally devoted to the sport they all enjoy so dearly. On the surface, arm wres i: looks like a sport where br strength is the only factor. Indeed, But he was not totally at the strong showing by the club. The members work very hard, take this sport very seriously and go into all competitions in a frame * of mind that straddles the fine Jine between confidence and over-cen- fidence. "We are not over-confident, but you have to go in (to competition) believing that you are going to win," said John Roberts. And, he went on to say "we're just average guys who work hard 'and like to have some fun (arm g top level one is struck by the huge amount of physical energy expended by the two competitors, often in the span of just a few seconds. Sgrength is necessary, of course, but the as Mike points out, the sport'is as much technique and science. | And int some matches, the com- petitors look like they are ready to tear each other's throats out. That may be what it looks like, but Rick Erwin notes that in all the years he has competed, he's . REMEMBRANCE DAY . WREATH LAYING CEREMONY ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BR. 419 11 AM - Sun., Nov. 10th, 1991 Public Most Welcome "WE WILL REMEMBER THEM" The Port Perry Arm Wrestling Team brought home plenty of trophies from the national finals held earlier this month. In fact, it was the best showing ever by club members. From loft, Pat M , first gf loft, 165 ond pro right hand, 165 pounds; Gx Garth oon, Erwin, first left amateur, 2nd pro 200 pounds; Mike Haigh, téam captain, referee and named to the Canadian federation; John Roberts, 2nd ama- tour right, 221 pounds; 3rd pro left and 3rd dn the pro 200 Ibs., Mike Gould, first.amateur 200 Ibs., 3rd amateur left 176 pounds; Rick Klock, first first pro right hand, 200 p never competitors come to i "The competition is fierce, but it's all left at the table," he said. Arm wrestling as a sport has had to battle an "image" " problem over the years. Just mention the words and some people conjure up a mental picture of a foul-fouthed hulk with too many beers under his belt challenging all comers in a sleazy bar-room. Nothing could be further from the real picture. The sport is gov- erned by the Canadian Arm Wrestling Federation (Mike Haigh was recently flamed a director) and there are strict rules at all sanctioned competitions. Though the matches them- selves are fjercely gamipetitive, - ; Rick 136-150 p 0 from the table, arm wrestlers develop close friendships, offer support and encouragement and love to pass the time swapping stories about the sport. v As for the members of the Port Perry club, Pat Mastrangelo talks about "family." Indeed, they often call each "brother," so strong are the bonds that have developed over the years. * And unlikt other clubs with huge memberships, you don't walk in off the street and become a membér of this one. John Roberts waited a year to get in. The newest member, Rick Klock, was welcomed just a few weeks ago. "We decided he (Rick) has what it takes tobe a member of ne PERSONAL TOUCH Floral Specialists - Elegant Flower Arrangements » ilk, Fresh, Gift Baskets - 'S 209 MARY STREET, PORT PERRY (416) 59360 S =. ds. See story for details. this team," said captain Mike. The incredible showing at the Nationals in Gatineau® will enhance the. aleady strong image of the Port Perry team in arm wrestling circles. When Garth Carison won the pro class (over 200 pounds) in Gatineau against a_very large and worthy opponent, almost all of the more than 1500 spectators were wildly cheering him on. The trophies the team' brought: . home (see photo) dominate a cor- ner of Mike's living room, which also serves as a training room, complete with table for practise maiches. The hardware makes an impres- sive sight. And you know the team is proud of the ascomplishment. Yet, as John R A observes, if you don't win, you walk away proud to be a competitor. Both the image and the popu- larity of arm wrestling has improved much over the last few years. There is a chance it will be a Md ion event" at the 1996 REMEMBRANCE DAY Wreath Laving Ceremony - Blackstock Cenotaph ROYAL CANADIAN. The KRCA invites applications for the . position of Secretary / Receptionist This is a permanent position and involves general * office-secretarial support to the Administrative Secretary. Candidates should have excellent skills in the operation of IBM compatible computers and office procedures. Knowledge of Microsoft Word 5, Desktop Publishing and the FOI Act would be an asset, A valid driver's license is essential. Hours of work are 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Monday to * Friday inclusive. Additional hours will be required periodically. The 1991 wage rate is $9.09 to $10.03 per hour. Please submit resumes and references by November 25, 1991 to: KAWARTHA REGION : +> CONSERVATION AUTHORITY "i PO. Box 819, Fenelon Falls, Ontario KOM 1NO f The Authority would like to thank all oi apply, however only those to be interviewed will be contacted. * | J LEGION BR. 419 10:30 AM - Sun., Nov. 10th, 1991 = Public Most Welcome "WE WILL REMEMBER THEM" Financial Accounting Business Consulting - Income Tax Planning & Consulting Financial Planning & Projections Paul Van Camp CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT CORPORATIONS + FARMS - INDIVIDUALS SMALL BUSINESS Ontario L9L 187 985-9725 Olympics, and Canada is bidding 10 host the 1994 Worlds. In the meantime, members of the PPAW team will continue to put in the hdurs training, put on the miles driving to competitions. And you can be sure they'll bring home a few more trophies. ATTENTION Folk Art Painter's Supplies NOW AVAILABLE AT LizyLou Decor Centre 239 QUEEN ST, PERRY