wr" 10 -- Scugog Citizen ~ Tuesday, November 19, 1991 = | The | 200 MARY STREET, | PORT PERRY (416) PERSONAL TOUCH 7 & Floral Specialists - Elegant Flower Arrangements tS» Silk, Fresh, Woldings, Funerals - Gilt Baskets - Balloons x om @ Ore F Family Matters | CLARKE - FREW On Saturday, October 5th, 1991, Virginia Frew, daughter of Donald and Norma Frew of Nestleton, and Dan Clarke, son of Gary and Pat Clarke of Lindsay, were united in marriage at St Mary's Church in Lindsay, Ontario Attending, the Bride as maid of honour was Tena Wolters. Bridesmaids were Erin Edgar, Tamara LaMarsh, Sylvia Terwillegar, Michelle Douglass, and Andrea Edgar. Flowergirl was Laura Hamilton Attending the Groom as best man was Jeff Morgan. Ushers were Dave Devan, Chris Poole, Mark Mooney, Gregg Houser and lan Clarke Ringbearer Was Logan Poole Virginia and Dan honeymooned in the Caribbean are now residing in Scugog Township HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY Travis Appleton on [4] November 19th, 1991 Love & Kisses from Mommy & Daddy (Debby & Ryan) A i a ; 3 ; We invite all citizenasf Scugog to submit photographs and information for this space, "Family Matters", free of charge, 10 mark these special events: First Birthdays for children; 256, | 40th, 50th and over Wedding Anniversaries (Please contact our | office 985.6397 for a Citizen photographer to take pictures of Suilivetebiton v4 30 YSUA 8 totes' Engagement Announcements and Post -S d (Please keep copy Se acl Wedding Announcements will also be published, free of charge , with a submitted photograph and copy of 100 words of less. FOR MORE INFORM. , PLEASE CONTACT THE *SCUGOG at 985-NEWS (985-697) or into our office at 36 Water Street, Port Perry, Ontario LL 1)2 a Ted Letter to the editor Kidney campaign a success Te the Editor On behalf of the Kidney Foundation, Durham Unit, may | take tus opportunity 10 exiend my sincere appreciation 10 all volun teers and citizens of Durham Region for thew support through out our Peanut Campaign I am pleased 10 inform you of our overwhelming success, selling 50 cases of peanuts, and raising $41.2% Due 10 this support and gen erosity, we have fulfilled once ] - | | ' 4 oy ble tox | Plan 10 attend the hands-on Fantasy Finishes Seminar at | Lizy Lou Decor Centre, 239 Queen Street, Port Perry from 7 to § PM on Monday, November 25th, 1991 Teaching 'Values and Virtuesto Children MR. Ep MuTTART, BSc, ME, BSc (Camegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh) and Master of Education (UBC, Vancouver), educator and for parents, teachers, and to teach children those val positive self-esteem. BEE THURSDAY, 8: The workshop PM LIZY LOU DECOR CENTRE I Queen St, Port Perry WS.23% world traveller, presents a stimulating workshop make for harmonious human relationships and BEER 5CUGOG MEMORIAL LIBRARY $7.00 con be paki of the door served This community service is mode possible « through the sporsanhip of the Bohd community of SCUGOG reat social workers on how lues and virtues that NOVEMBER 28th again, our goal to improve the quality of life for our local kidney patients through research, educa won and patient services. We have so many un-sung heros within our community ordinary citizens actively involved in raising funds and awareness of the Kidney Foundation. They are a vital pan of our society, keeping alive the values of volunteerism. The hean of the past, help of the present and hope for our fugue Margaret Crees, Program Director, Durham Region Family support rules changed Staming March | next year anyone in Ontario who neglects to pay family support will have payments automatically deducted from income Ontario's Attorney General Howard Hampton unveiled the new Family Support Plan this month in ume WJ dove-tal with a three month media ad campaign that will lead into the March stan up for this program Currently in Ontano, there is over $400 million in family sup port payments un-paid, and meq make up 97 per cent of those who have support orders filed with the Family Support Plan "More than 80,000 children are not receiving family suppon," Mr. Hampton sald aX Port Perry Plaza 985-0918 November SPECIAL 20: ALL POSTERS and PRINTS Photo Processing (One Hour Service Available) 985-0918