» +] GRSNEWS. All we cized, the Citizen's Community Calendar is absd- lutely Grol Simply éall the Cilizen mt ask is that we got Community Calenddr entries by | Friday noon. Space limuations apply . ONE PARENT Oshawa Chapter One Parent Family sAmociation moots § pm. at Simcoe Sgjtiemem House, Simcoe Su §S., Oshawa, for 'Kids Christmas Craft night. For info. call 986.5707 or 728, 101 1] \_. y. ar (19 Tuesday (20 Wednesday * [ 21 Thursday 22 bride er Saturday ONE PARENT he - DINNER BAZAAR MAGIC DINNER Oshawa t Ope Parcht | | Oddfellows Lodge Beef ] Count Lady Snowbird Hocus Pocus Magic CWL Falifest Roast Family Association meets 8 pi | of Supper, 6:30 p.m. Adults $9. | | Christmas*Tea Bazaar, Show, host: Beef Dinner, 6 p.m. at at Simcoe Seulement House, 387 BRIDGE 1 1:30. p.m., Nestleton |} od by 2nd Scugog Immaculate C Simcoe Si. §., Oshawa, for Scugpg Duplicate chub, | /1 Community Hall. |] Beayers, .Cubs & church. Call 985-9496 'Newsletter Layout' night. New Prince Albert hall, 7:30 p.m. J Scouts at Goreski | CRAFT SALE members and guests welcome. | MEETING Summer Resort, 7pm. | Potpourri Craft Guild, Call 986-5707 or 728-101 1 : At 230 p.m. Durham Tickeu $2 cach For : Cele Co Sale, 10 oo Masonic v wen Lynde Public. Sch 5-869), Hall. Free admission Whitby, | 985-3225 for inl CRAFT SALE JUNIOR FARMERS / an 32 rs ' Potpourri Craft | Showdown 9, Rb Coalition Scugog. Guild, Ohrighings Craft Durham West JF. annual LF Monthly meeting. 8 pm. a Sale, 0am wEpm Variety Night, 8 pm 1° + Neston Hall, everyone wekome | Masonic Hall. Free Greenbank Hal, donasiogh Ww. . "J M witiosion ) \ food bank veload. ) " \L \. ; = = . (51 \/, /n A / ------ 3 " . SANTA CLAUS 25Monday 26Tuesday B 27 Wednesday || 28Thursday 29 Friday _)(30saturday SANTACLAC FREE! MUSEUM BRIDGE MEETING JEW Santa arrives in Port 4(_ your non Candlelight Scugog Duplicaie Hy Sam Cawker at the Si Muga Chueh Perry at 2 p.m. in this wonderful annual profi group has an Evening Tour, 7 10 | | Bridge club meets Bike Scugog Hisoncal Preview. Tom 0 Scugog Chamber of Commerce (amily afta upcoming event 9 pm. Admission Wednesdays at the [4 3 mocng. 9pm SILVER you'd Uke publi by donation. Prince Albert ¥ pm. & te Boreha Martha Baird, silver & goldsmith al Community Contre, | and 7:30 pm. Farther information, 98S M50 alter 6 pm Scugog Memorial Public Liteary, Nov Wo Dec. 13. Artist's reception Nov. 9.4:30 10 4 WORKSHOP pm Bd Mutiart's work AUCTION Unstod Oharch Silemt Aon, 10 am. © 4 4pm Call 985-2884 CRAFTS Children Xmas cafe at muscum, | io 3 pm, $10, call wo regusact . BAZAAR Scupog Ohwistian School's Chvntmas Baza, a te Lacham Compre, Sam wépm BAZAAR Church of Ascension parish hall, lunch, Junior Rifle Shooting 7:30 0 9 pm. a Pont Parry Rod & Gun Oud" Call 985-8854. Pwenis must accompany youths RNol6yn fi Ey _J\ J \ basa Ham wlpm J er "NN . YES, PLEASE SANTA Please, please bring me - + Minolta Camera *.. because | know they are the best, most reliable cameras on the « market ogay ... and fantastic value for the money! VIDEO CAMERA RENTALS a fabulous 1) 5 mong with less, but one thing | have neglecied © mention is that making big changes in our lives takes time. drop habits of long sanding. and since change can be able 4 Another importa pout is that for some people, More with less, concluded I"ve boon talking shout how we can learn 10 live and they are meant 10 be. TV seems 10 set up all kinds of desires and discontontments msde un, wha ever our age. Koeping ipofl hogs us be more cresuvd shout ourselves. Some readers might make the conection that if everyone were 10 take this advice, there would be Quite an Impact on our economy. It's wee there would not be ad magy jobs in some sect if we ught ourselves 10 nood less, but we weuld be able 10.1 by with less mopey and there would be some new job opportunities a well Remember, 100, that as EF. Schumacher possiod oul in "Small is Beaugiful™ 20 ' years ago, we anno continue to rely on the hur eco Rome wasn't bull 0 8 day! & will like & while © difficult progess, small sieps are probably advis, i nomic thinking iu what been responsible for QUOTE FROM PHOTOGANC Souleg sores ON ling cama to come aleng in is, Jani Gite Soins Sm. the Maxxum 1 3088 wt shar 9 will be havd for of us. Comparisons are odious the upping make them constantly Toul ams he AF 3 SLA fold" ot Ios Warmed 10 SUMP Cursciva aot 10 ff 'SEE THEM NOW AY those who have more than we do (there will always =) Be flerty <b deose tuk isa 0 Sir amaped of mid = o>» RJM photographics . we wiki realize jus how enormously pumorinnd rich we really Bre. Most of us might soon discover wR, 30 WATAST 985-8821 ! (ht peracasl gomtonyment will be ound, nok n the ob quantity of "stl" we surround ourscivés with, but in 4 ' our efforts w improve the quality of life for everyong who shares this fragile planct with us.