6 Citizen EDITORIALEY Right on the rise again The voters in Louisiana rejected David Duke last week in his bid 10 become governor of that southem state * It's not often that the press from all over the States, Canada and other countries flock into a southem sise 10 cover a gov emor's race So what made this one so different" David Duke is a former Grand Wizard of the racist Ku Klux Klan and in his yonger days was photographed sporting a Nazi brown shirt complete with swastika arm-band : He said during the recent campaign Yor the governor's office that he has "changed his way of thinking * But in reali ty, the fact that a former KKK Gras Wizard who used to parade around in Nazi regalid could even get so far up the political ladder to be 3 candidate for the govemor's office is, weil, unthinkable November 18, 1991 Just minutes y wih he iu hustle she ng bustis of downtown Pert Scugog Line:6 Porm, fronted by this Or is 117 This is 1991, and there are some signs in many countries around the world that the forogg of the extreme! righf arc on the march agdin. And by the extreme right. we mean outright Nazis, fascists, ultre-nationalists and others who feed and tive in an amosppgre of fear hatred and oppres Non Just over the weekend, the Spanish capital of Madrid was cloggedsas many thousands paraded in memory of dictator Francisco Franco, practically an Axis partner in World War 2 In the new unified Germany, authorities are edgy over the rise of "neo-Nazism " Skinheads sporting swastikas, jack boots and spouting Nazi slogans and phrases from Hitler's Mein Kampf are making a habit of beating up "foreignen," mainly from Turkey, North Africa and southeast Asia, and in the process blaming them from all the economic and social problems in the country. Sound familiar? b" France. 100 has its hate mongers directing their venom at anybody "non-French™ and a party of the far right is gaining popularity by pledging 10 "kick out all foreign workers." It is no accident that the growth in popularity of extreme right movements is takipg place in the wake of the complete dis-crediting of the communist regimes of the Soviet Uniod and Eastern Burope, and while the world is suffering severe economic hard times The moderate political parties of the centre are in a state of confusion and disarray, debt-ridden and weak -kneed, unable to identify the problems, let along solve them bg wood ve ¢ foo ing people everywhere need not ak Klansmen running for govemor in Duis, or a few swastikas spray-painied on a synagogue in Toronto, or gangs of sKip-heads celebrating Hitler's birthday and then taking the streets 10 bash foreign workers Perhaps not. But anyone with even a cursory knowledge of historical events in the first half of this century can't help but GS Wk Seuss Gury 3nd Aa) berreen what hap pine then and what is happening flow. And these who sniffhat the world will never let it hap- 'pen again should keep in mind that in 1924, Adolf Hitler was Tn Jaf for for Jig pan in trying 10 over-throw the government Nine years later, he was chancellor of Germany, and six years afer that, launched World War2. The of the extreme right are on the march, just as they in the first half«of this century, Thosg marching today may and dress and eve behave in 4 different fashion, but their is no legs evil. And the jargets for their evil are the game 100: the less fortunate, minorities, molal 5 a bury ~ LETTERS TO THE EDITOR groups and anyone who refuges to think or act agghey do # . . A a The * rape "of taxpayers? To the Editor: It is inseresting 10 nol that two of Pearce sad adn of progecss dd nat get off the ground last serm, one the retuned incumbents © Scupdf "eit the SS milliod recreation Township council are already proposing the ape' of the Wxpayers from rund wards of Resch, Scugog Island and Caftwright for the benefit of Post Perry Regi co lor Yvonpe Ohrisie pe sell fysem as the keyAo development in the Township; (he sewer system that benefits Port Perry, not the rural regions. Ward 2 councillor Marilyn facility for Pont Perry; She men voned the $7S0000 spent on Waser Stroet, but dad nox sry this resuliod in a reduced roads budget for rural oan, It is my opinion that the three returned incumbents favour Port Perry in sponding tax dollars © the detriment of services in the rural wean. However, the election of fou new fiscally responsible council members should bring a retum © contol of our tax dollars and equals ty of service (hroughout the T 1 wilh the new council well and wipe thom 10 aim for a 20m increase wos olin Kemp, Nestieton. Editor's Nowe: Mr. Kemp was a candidate for the Regional council seat in the November 12 election, losing 10 incumbent Yvonne Christe Newsletter upsets Ward 1 candidate To the Ediwor: + During the modnt municipal elec ton a group &alling sell the Comminee ofCancafhed Citizens of Marsh Hill Out a newsletter 0 every "Wad | It is not the content of the , hewslouer that Gauebs me concem, but the way it win preseniod 10 the These toncerned citi- ay solution is wogh a 3 zens are nothing short of being phony. Afier much thought and re evaluation | have come 10 the conclu son these people really not for the env really don't cue for agriculture and they have a really bad case of NIMBY , whatever in 1 can sy this by the undier-handed way in which they rek d this ton was 10 be hekdlor all intents and purposes. | believe and other cands- dates believe ke me that the inger view they conducted was af un biased one. Apparently it was not 1 believe they violated my rights = a candice, and | for one will be very watchful in any dealings with ts group in the future. A newsiotier, just a day before the elec: crimes soos 10 be increasing daily. As nothing is foolproof, some information of the overall effective: ness of conditioning would be nec: cmary Canada is still & free country: These violent criminals would have 10 be given a choice 10 serve their i W{ouniry be 4 be Sonitioned asin dy 1, Ward | candidate. mony * Any solution towiolence i is wi worth a try nial Is A we and even a couple of dozen less «riminals on the streets would be 2 viclory. 1 applaud your cofrage in pub- lishing this very controversial letter. Eleanor Florence. i Member of: