-- Se ugog Citizen -- Tuesday, Nov, ember 76 1991 0 a= Letters to the Editor Community hall column sparks debate To the Editor w they won't work now, where you Copamanily Hall and 1s alway where the hall is the centre of acuvi- umes) I'm also sure this letter wall It ony the walls of commun are enticed of you don't volunteer gga + end 2 Selping hand, includ ty. I 1 left ths ketter anonymous, I'm bring more entices from others, but halls could talk 10 do a wk or chore and where you © ing the ( hrisimas bazar, but did not sure other former members would bey, they always speak their minds Well, Cathy. you got that night. are cried of you do - receive recognition anywhere. That have a hard ume figunng out exactly A former member I'm sure Cacswea Community Hat In this society of iwe™ncome person 1s Irene Train | want 10 kt who wrote it. (1 have heard these Sharon Gooding could tell you all of the things you families it becomes Tncreasingly Irene know that | think she is a very same opinions expressed quite a few Williams Point. mentioned 0 your eolumn (Scug hard 0 findgvohmhicers 10 do com- special lady wren, Nov 19) It could also 4 miguty work and | can sympathisc I believe there 1s sull a place for you of mecungs where a beautiful = hat these found ladies are geting the Community Hall in small vil prayer is read hubhas no meaning. wrod. But who needs the added stress lages like Caesarca, where pleasant where a profiiniy © spoken openly, mentioned in the first paragraph. meetings can be held, special activ where new members, excited by Ie ally, thore i» ancthat penn ues for the young or old can be ora ciflessly for a ed, where many people ar involved in the making of decisions. In reply to candidate 's letter now added are old that those wioa wh were ined once and didn | work ther Te the F dion mg Soho in WB ur mbhe ; wien a tun cis and mo ; CASIO PT-100 KEYBOARD vt wo | hg seo one (4.99 : or coca TANKER TRUCK TOY { vmmigiee of Concerned (Eas Battery Operated "Thi Littl > Child', » PC ST en 9.99 -- s e y @ poem CODE-A-PHONES 00 78880) fag von 36,99 Fi od 84.94 Hxkaes crys i y VIDEO FLIP BOX ; ) ~ he a de SALE 1.46 " as sa AMIGA 500 PERSONAL Pert Perey COMPUTER SYSTEM Abortion should be outlawed ose 387.88 NIKKO COMPACT DISC PLAYER neg om sae 119.99 DESK or WALL MOUNT TELEPHONE 60-7858 9 Reg 1999 SALE . OAK HOME ENTERTAINMENT CENTRE (45-0663-€ 9 Reg 18999 SALE | 39.9 CASIO KEYBOARD CA-401 (69-8125-4) 1 ONLY Reg 319.46 SALE 219. 46 CHRISTMAS SPECIAL COMMODORE 1541-0 DISK DRIVE . (69-0109.2) 2O0NLY 149. 99 ern Reg 24599 SALE N 'Blectronics Vy. TT Quareties are Limited Shop Early! ONTARIO LoL 185 \ 4 CANADIAN TIRE (416) 985-4575 PORT PERRY PLAZA 9857341 ANCING AVAR ABLE orren GOOD UNTR DEC. 1841 CHRISTMAS SHOPPING STARTS at CANADIAN TIRE with these SCROOGE APPROVED GIFTS!