CITIZEN CLASSIFIED | 985-NEWS = Deadline: Monday Noon Fax: 985-1410 & P Coming Event P Coming Event | P Coming Event | P Coming Event | » At Rest 3 At Rest TT omen Sunday, Doe 5.1001 3H, OISCOVERY TOY EXHIBITORS' | STAFFORD MONUMENTS NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE 38th ANNUAL CHRISTMAS DEMONSTRATION EXTRAVAGANZA CHORAL FESTIVAL at the Port Perry United Church 41991 at Blackstock on Centre. Music by Dec. Recre! Educational toys, etc. Sunday, December 1st, 200 PM Crafts, hot dogs, pizza "at Caesarea Hall. November 30th McDER! - PANABAKER CHAPEL offers top quality cemetery monuments and flat markers at reasonable # prices. Our Dennis Franssen. $30.00 per Presented by the Church Choirs * af 53 Lakeview Drive, Pag Perry and December 1st from 9 to 4 Bowmanville store at 143 King couple. Call 986-5574 with guest accompanist, Bev 985-1561. 10% of Sales to Vendors wanted. 986-0754 or gst ihas an INdooy How. - . Foster. Operation Scugog. 966-4557. N26) We serve all faiths and NEED STOCKING STUFFERS oe home appointments are avail- Buy tickets to Rob Baattie -- S.A. Cawker Deana Club : able, Free flower containers are pssst Suet [omemade 10 | [[Crat Supply sue | serum moss: fupecomme es | "i 1992. Call 986-4948 CR AFT SHOW NOV. 29 - DEC. 1 Nou ary, gob . ro Si Dice 1 After hols call -- Sol Sun = cos Saturday, Nov. 30 Fr \ ot Sun Safed or atthe door. = (N26) x 28 35-217] References are available as Th k 9AM to 4 PM 7 JE Tmss LD well as a writen guarantee on ANKYOU | | kinsmen Hal | | FancyWorks | wo chet aazasns : i Ls Corn of John & North Sts. at Community Nursing Home Greetings WARD. 4 - | would like to thank Port Perry Books * Patterns * Lace and Port Perry Vila, y. all my 'supporters in the recent Stop in before the Ribbon * Mops * X-stitch December 7th from 11 AM to 4 Greetings election. Congratulations to | Santa Claus Parade. Christmas Decorations Pu, Home Baking, Cralts..S0 If you see : Dave Dietlein and ios mofe plus Talented Vendors, Draws, y Neil McLaughlin Follow the HEARTS! - Tea-room and much, much JAYSON ereivtaeisrmeeied more (D3) When you see Caesarea Hall Auxiliary wisho ~~ ~~ ~~ eee and his thank Irene Train for her help 7 NEW YEAR'S eve Dance ; Bh His So RICHIE ho we forgot to include uesday, December 31st a " ---- ad 2 in our » Thank-you » Thank-you Latcham Centre. Your hosts: on Nov. 30th, 1991 'MILLER Port Perry Lakers Hockey, Club. wish him a For tickets call Doug 985-8561. HAPPY 21st N26) iii mien NEY BIRTHDAY! Ducks Unlimited Canada The Port Perry Committee of Ducks Unlimited wish to thank the many generous Donors, Sponsors and Attendees who contributed to making our 7th Annual Dinner such a tremendous success. The FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS raised will be used for wetland conservation projects to help preserve these valuable but diminishing resources. + Any Ball Players and Coaches who would like to be on the Minor Softball Float in the Santa Claus Parade are asked to meet at the fairgrounds at 1:30 PM. "REMINISCENCES of YESTERYEAR" will be presented by Mr. Sam Cawker at the Lake Scugog Historical Society general meeting, November 28th at 7:30 p.m, at the Borelia Centre. All welcome, Wish Him A HAPPY BIRTHDAY 30 and Holding? Street, from 11 am to 2 pm. Homemade lunch served by young friends of Santa. The family of Jack and Kay Cracknell invite friends and < Notice Bl Notice | » a | to an Open House on the occasion of their 40th Wedding Anniversary at Es Pi | Church, SPACE NOW AVAILABLE for vendors in unique indoor flea market. Call 985-3508 or NEED HELP | PREPARING for CHRISTMAS? PORT PERRY . SNOWMOBILE CLUB ing, (TF) lore, babysitting; extra during, after parties, | evenings. Book ahead! For _more information call 985-2123, Zakeana. (D3) MOVING SOON? Scugog Moving & Storage Inc. OVER 25 YEARS MOVING EXPERIENCE PORT PERRY, ONT. CANNINGTON, ONT. (416) 985-4360 (705) 432-2237 and Trail Permits now available. Call Marion Lee 965-3508, PUBLIC AUCTION Hosted by the Kinsmen Club of Port Perry at the Kinsmen Hall, starting at 6:30 pm on Tuesday, December 10, 1991. Viewing begins at 4:30 pm day of auction Consignments and donated items Port Perry, Saturday, November 30th from 6 to 9 PM. Best wishes only. | Caesarea Firefighters' Association ANNUAL TURKEY. & HAM ROLL 8 PM - Saturday, December 7th Over 75 Turkeys & 5 INSURANCE BRO (41 6) 985-7306 EMMERSON