Tuesday, December 3, 1991 wr 10 Scugog Citizen Teaching values to Ed Mutiart, a mar » has want hm or her 10 do. The fist 1 wught in places all over the world, "odu | the child what you fcaraed a hard | himself want done. If the Child doen't do about judgmg Chaldros it, then "warn the child If that His own daughicr, Sune, was doosn't work, ke "act fst 3 wddicr when he was aught When Me. Mutant ¢ od Sune this lesson. She was playing with for dinmcr, "my darling daughter 0ys In the living room when Mr. ignored me." and continued play Muuiart called her for dinner mg with her loys. So he wont u As 3 icacher and a fa k ihe socond sicp, and warmed hor abides by a throc-sicp proc the consequen he dide oaring a cid io do wha mmcdiately the dinner children table. Sull, Sure he picked her up tom and placed her in her seal at the able During dinner, he ignored hum swatied hor bes puzzled at why Sure, who had never done anything contrary before, was sud denly disobeying her father. H thought about ot for a long Without and with his lips tm before an idea hit hum looking al Suri Ciosed, he sand, "Sure, would you is pleased to welcome DIANE RICHARDSON fo our sales team Diane has over 7 years sales experience specializing in GM Employee purchases We invite all Diane's customers and friends to come in and share the excitement of the new Chev-Geo-Olds lineup AT YOUR DENNIS ANDERSON CHEV - GEO - OLDS LTD. CHEVROLET - GEO - OLDSMOBILE DEALERS IT'S Our lowest financing and our biggest cashbacks of the season. Make your winning choice at Dennis Anderson y Chev - Geo - Olds Ltd. * CASH BACK ( 2.9 00 * See Dealer for Details ING AS Low AS Ld (¥] DENNIS 268 QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY 985-8401 DERSON Ed Muttart, a world renowned educator, 8 In Port Perry last Thursday conducting » workshop about teaching values and virtues lo children. it seemed only right to take a picture of him with the youngest person in the audience, little Chad Colston (who is aimost three months oid). See siory for details like some candy?" She dudn't answer. He repeated the question louder, and still Suzie didn't reply Tt was then," Mr. Muttan spd I realized my daughier had gone deal That story brought an audience of parents almost 10 cars, during Ed Muttan's workshop at Scugog Memonal Library last Thursday night. Mr. Muttan has spent many years working in education as a icacher p pal and prin paoperaliPh Montesson School in Calgary. He and his wife of 40 years have raised four children and now enjoy six grand children. He was in Pont Perry 10 give helpful advice on teaching values (he calls them 'vinwes') 0 children, and with a gentle voice and many interesting stories, he passed on the importance of spin wal guidance, discipline, and love "1 think we do a betier job with our kids if we lay down the law ._and then stick with i," he sad, talking about the importance of consistency. Small children depend on their parents for laws depending on them to learn (he importance of physical laws like gravity, spiritual laws like 'thou shalt not kill' and civil laws Parental laws are most important to children, he says, because young children learn oy from thew parents. That ung an example 1s 0 important Also important Muitart calls an Children are all differ individua wh resting wha Mr ronment deal env nt, and giving cach hid the environment he or sh helps potential 0 be the best he or sh need develop that child an be Mr. Mutant does have book on the subject. For informa a work ton about 1, contact Marlene Russell at 985-9339 Scugog Citizen's Dancing Lights f Christmas Contest. Just call PREETI 3 LY See paRL 8S for detail FNEW YEARS EVE] 5:00 PM Seating for Dinner Only 8:00 PM Seating for Dinner & Dancing to DJ RESERVATIONS REQUIRED Open Christmas Day at 3:00 PM - Reservations Please L312 SHIRLEY ROAD 985-1598 J)