Christmas exuberance direction of Tom and Catherine Millar, will present four shows (Dec. 12, 13, and 14 and SB p.m.) and » Dec. 14 matines at 2 p.m. Get in the mood for the festive season! Let this talented group of young people entertain you and your family. Tickets st $5 each are now on sale al lrwin Smith Music "This is Your Lite', Santa Claus, an extravigsnzs of Christmas carols, skits and other festive fun will come to the Town Mall stage in mid. December courtesy of the Milisr Lights, some of whom are in the photo, sbove, hard al work ol under the musical rehearsals. The cast of 31 New council officially sworn in The newly elected Scugog Township council was officially sworn into office Monday after noon m a conhident and up-beat mood that there are better time ahcad The oath of office and of alle gance 10 the Quoen was taken by Scugog administrator Earl Cuddie in the council chambers packed with family members, frends and special guests for this formal occasion Mayor Howard Hall, beginning his second term at the helm, sad the last three years have been "ough ones" fiscally for Scugog with a growing population and a cut in municipal funds from senior levels of government. But he stressed he wants 10 stan the new lerm on a "positive note The recession is bottoming out now and there may be some hight at the end of the tunnel," he stated Keeping his remarks brief, the Mayor said the test for the new council will be to find a "reason able balance" between providing services and keeping the lid on tax hikes And he promised an "all-out effort 10 the commercial/industrial assessment base in Scugog. "This can be done ™ he stated In their remarks the other boost "LUKE'S ® COUNTRY STORE 207 Queen Street - Port Perry 985-3011 12th ANNUAL S' DAY SUNDAY, DEC. 8th 10AMto1 PM Christmas Shopping For Kids Only! (up to 14 years of age) Kids will Recelve 10% DISCOUNT CHRISTMAS TREATS All Day Long! We will be open from 1to 5 PM for regular adult shopping as well. members were equally as up beat, promising hard work for thew constituents and hard work on the problems that will confront the Township over the coming three year orm Area Harvey Graham (who was acclaimed Nov. 12) sad he had 0 think long and hard about returning 10 public life because of the "cynicism out there" (among the people) He spent two terms on council in the 1980's But he ended on a humourous note, stating that Grahams have farmed mt Purple Hill for five gen crabons I'm the uaditionalist on this council, 30 I'll be keeping an cye on the newcomers," he sad with 3 smile The other members swom into office Monday afternoon are Yvonne Christic (Regional rep) Ken Carruthers (Ward 1) Manilyn Pearce (Ward 2) Ken Gadsden (Ward 1) and David Dietlein (Ward 4) The meeting opened with a prayer from Port Perry United Church minister Bob LePage and the singing of O Canada led by Ken Jackson. A reception fol lowed the swearing ¢eremonies councillor Operation Scugog has good news this Christmas The news about Operation Scugog is all good! "Everything is going really well." says Operation Scugog's Bard Carnegie enthusiastically About a half a dozen families still need to be adopied ('adop won' is when a business or indi vidual or family provides a needy family with an entire Christmas dinner, except for the turkey which is supplied by Operation Scugog), but other than that, Mrs Camegic says everything is going according to plas. As of Monday, 124 families have registered for Operation Scugog Christmas hampers, It's a lower number than last year's 140, Mrs. Carnegie says, and even though she capects this year's number will climb 10 meet last year's, she is surprised there are not more families than that needing a hamper. Families receive hampers through the rec ommendations of social service agencies, church ministers schools, and sometimes neigh bours. Operation Scugog volun weers gather food and gifts from the community, place them in hampers and then distribute them The busy 'gathering' will take place Friday, Dec. 20. So far, the food bank is over flowing, the Operation Scugog bank account is in good shape, and all but six families are adopt ed "I am just overwhelmed," Mrs. Carnegie said. "It's a won derful story. | just want to let everybody know how great they are. This community is just over whelming, they way they respond every Christmas!™ While things are going well, Operation Scugog can always use more money, which is used 10 do things like: present cheques to Central Seven: provide a Christmas party for COPE, a pro. gram which helps people cope with mental illness; buy gifts for Meals or Wheels clients at y ATTENTION " SNOWMOBILERS Asselstine Count WEEKLY SPECIALS Now until Christmas yw December 3rd 10 10191 BRAVO SUITS, 2 pe. YAMAHA GLOVES .. CARBIDE RUNNERS .............. 10% OFF Check Out Our Clearance Room with Up To 35% Off 986-443 DURHAM RD. 57 south of Blackstock Christmas; provide a luncheon for shut-ins in the Blackstock and Prince Albert areas And even though the food bank may be full now, times will likely get tough a few months down the road, and a bounty of food and money now will help the food bank feed hungry people through February, Marchand Apnl Here's a quick list of ways 0 help, this Christmas Depots in Port Perry for new unwrapped gifts and non-perish able food include: the Canadian imperial Bank of Commerce, the Bank of Montreal, the Royal Bank, Pont Perry High School Dennis Anderson's Chev-Geo Olds, and at Santa's House on Queen St. ONLY DURING the 2nd annual Christmas Tree Lighting ceremony Friday, Dec 6, starting at 7:30 p.m. Most pub lic schools also collect non-per ishable food items at Christmas as well If you'd like 10 make a finan cial donation, why not buy a reconditioned stuffed animal from Port Cleaners on Queen St. Make a donation 10 Operation Scugog and take home a cuddly stuffed oy If you love chocolate, drop by the Scugog Citizen office and buy a copy of Ciuzen columnist Marlene Russell's top secret Perfect Chocolate Mousse recipe The recipe costs $1, and that dol lar will be forwarded 10 Operation Scugog And if you're looking for a delicious breakfast, why not take the kids 10 Breakfast With Santa, this Sunday Dec. 8. Enjoy a deli cious breakfast at Stables At Greystone restaurant (3120 Shirley Rd.), let the kids say hello 0 Santa Claus, and all pro. ceeds will go to Operation Scugog. Two sittings are avail able, at 10am, and at 11:30 am Tickets are $3.50 for adults and $2.50 for children 10 and under For advance tickets, call 985 1598 Cheqoes can be made out to Operation Scugog and sent to Barb Carnegie, 240 Mary St, Port Petry, LL 1B7. If you'd like 10 adopt a family, volunteer your time, or if you just have a question, call her at 985-3651 158 Water St, Port Perry 9854411 |