MORE SPOR SHORTS Thanks to Sharks for filling in! FROM PAGE 23 Tiremen. . Thanks to Shark Players, Ryan Ridgeway, Jason Kane and Bill Sandiford for filling in. Saturlay, November 304 Port F erry 2, Woodville 7, This is a ) game that the boys would like to forget. The first two periods saw a lack of lustre performance which resulted in a 6-1 score for Woodville after 40 minutes. In the third the boys gave their "a but were stymied by the Woodvill€' goalie. Scoring were Todd Smart and Mark Cosway with assists to Jason' Coutoulakis, Noah St. Amand and Chad Garvock. Woodville was given one more goal that go one saw go in the net except the ref. Mike Tripp made 'an unbelievable save but the ref. signalled goal. Some you win - some you lose. ' it's 'never say die' in men's hockey It was "never say dic" for fe N and squad who overcame a 4-0 deficit to tie first place Fitzgerdlds 4-4 in Scugbg Mens Hockey action Sund@y morning at the ScugOg Arena. Fitzgeralds opened a 4-0 lead on a pairof goals by Paul Yan Camp' and singles from Heary Forderer and Bary «Wager. Forderer-also got an assist*in this 8 ONC with Doug Bronson setting up' three and Lee Wilbur and Kelly Lee getting one helper each. Leading the "special effects? comeback effprt for Sportsland™ was the [eague's leading point get ter Bill Bridge who potted one Tim: Kane from Van Camp were the marksmen for Compton. Andersons skated to an easy 6- 2 win over the basement divelling Van and Truck World'crew, with six different players rs gouing a god in the winning cause! Rick Sheehy had ge with two fssists,. Peter Lane, Doug Suppelsa and Carl Durward were all one and one with Sean Fewer and Wayne Taylor netting singles. Joe Mcintyre helpe - three goals with Glenfia and Ray Zaparanuik gett assisteach. ~-- Brian Samis got an un-assisted marker for Van and Truck with goal and three assists. Mike "Lasry Jackson from Dale Bronson McQuade had a pair with one assist, Wayne Norton had a goal and assist and Tom Patton helped out with a single assist. J and D Carpentry handled « Compton Cable without too much trouble and Gary Lance fired two _ goals and two assists en route 10 a 5-2 victory. Todd Wilbur and Fred gyMoffau each had a goal and assist xt with TerryFlicler getting a single- on. y Reg Mclntyre proved there is still-life in the old bones with two JBssists, Brian Cowie had the same, "and Joe Curran had one set- up. Jim Beatty from Jim Duncan and Bill Van Camp, followed by Wreaths * Crafts * Jewellery Woodworking * Denim Clothes - Fashion Clothes * Indian Crafts and much, much more! «JUST AROUND THE CORNER" ® SATURDAYS 9:30 10 5:30 SUNDAYS 12:00 to 5:00 geiting the other. And in the final game of the mornifig, Crandells breezed past Nortons by a 7-2 margin. Ken . Jeffrey and Rob Kroonenburg led. the scoring parade with two each. Richie LeFort had one with two assisly with single magkers from Ro Thomson aiid John Kortaba. _ Rick Olaisen and Steve Calder. had two assists with one each to Steve Groves, Bruce Gracie and 1 Bob McEachem. Counting for Nortons were Randy eer from AJ Bonner, Doug Brown from. John Woodward @nd Dave Dickson, .Pineridge Atom B On Thursday night Pineridge Atom B's treated the fans to an exciting game of hockey as they skated to a 6-5 win. both teams showed they had the ability to win this night, but i was Port who was up by a goal final buzzer sounded. Port! Scoring for Port i in this game wag Dave Gainey 2 goals, Greg ay to go, the. when the Bren and Ryan McQuade 1 goal, 1 assist each, Adam Hobbs and "Nitk Pelyk 1 goal each, Scott Sanderson and Glen McCready 1 ""assist each. On Sunday, 'the Pineridge tom "B" téam travelled to Manvers, for. their next league game, Again, the fans were treated to an exciting game of hockey as Savage came up with plenty of good saves throughout his two periods of play. Pat closed the sec- ond period down by only one goal. With. a goalic changé and a sick player on the bench, Port contin- ued to go one for one as our crew made further attempts to score. It was finally Manvers who found the net and closed the period by a score of 3-1. Ports only goal was scored by Dave Gainey assisted by Greg Bruton and Ryan McQuade. Elgin K ). Team When the dust had cleared, a team from | Close, oh so close! Talk about close! It was a three-way tie at the Port Perry Curling Club last Wednesday afternoon. | duririg the Rent & Save Ladies Bonspiel, relying on the aggregate score to decide on.a winner. Whitby was awarded first place (above, with sponsor Mowbray. In the photo, below, d: Liane Si ttl, Carol $ Is the tesm from PoRt-Perry that claimed second prize. Team mem- bers include: Kelly Evans, Laural Gritlen, Carol Jackson ang Donna Fairman. len, Kathy R and Cathy ----