-- Buy C Well, lly caught upfith ge, twist my arm, wrestled me {0'the mat (which kngckag the cotion balls out of my"sars) afd begged for my Yecipe lor her Home Cookin' column. : For woeks [thought Cathy had beet saying 'mute every time ie. The accompanying hand gestures. nonsense of weight conyol. # How ged is this chocolalp mousse? Let me tell you a Ingle story. This one is true. In 1984 | was in Haifa, Israel, with a group of people from all comers of During an introductory exercise we all said our names and 10ld where we | guessed fy. were felling me © stuff some- , thing wry mouth. All this time, I've been thinkin Cathy Kas been trying 10 get me 10 talk more quietly (I'm not the most soft-spoken person, my kids fell me), when all along she's been saying 'mousse' and making cating motions «0 marlene russell writer's blocks Tt wasn't until | hit the ground, forcing the cotton balls 10 pop out oh cars, thal | heard the word 'mousse 1 guess you'Ye cager Wo know what the hock I'm walk ing about" P . The mousse 10 which 1 wfer 1s the chocolate kind. | wrole'sbout i a couple of Months back and 1old how « calls 10 me in the sddie of the might, implonng me ©. "come, tat" What I dida't tell you is that | hear all foods, whith came from. Afierwards 3 very exci od man ran acrogpthe room anda | "You're the lady who makes the chocolaie mousse When you've got something this good you don't just give it away. We have an idea. Instead of publishing the recipe we will make i avaiable for $1 per copy. Here's he best party, all the money will gow Operation Scugog © help with theit Chnstmas Food Drive. Accompanying the recipe is a reprint of the "Call of the Lonesome locolate mousse, "give to Operation Scugog It is also worth mentioning, the recipe comes with a guaranice that the leflovers won't keep you awake 1 guess it's lime 10 come clean shout 'my" fcipe. | pot we." Whatever! luscious Drop by the Citizen office at 36 Water St. in Pont Perry to purchase your copy. It Would make a fun gift 10 leads me 10 the cotion balls. Plugging my cars if my no Mousse" column mail with a card i from my sister, it says her name right on it So, when | called Jackie 10 well her about her chan acts and good deeds she runs in the family) and said, "Oh, no, it's Donng Keyworth's recipe." "Ul bet if we caught up with Donna (now in Torida) she'd laugh and say, "Oh, no, it isn't mine immediaigly laughed (nt Whether your of the a » is L] Perry \ gee night course you'll probably enjoy # Port " Night owls love night school School, Every 3 night, the schoo! vesdey exercise. If you'd like more information about PPHS fairly hums with activity) fom quilting classes 10 night school, contact Mike Steely st 985.7337 3 > What to do with your Christmas poinsettia . - From the Master Gardeners You have just roceiyed or are ahamt 10 receive a polasetiia for the holiday season. What 10 do? When you get your PloFax Put itn a well-lit spot and give 4 thorough soalfing until water soeps mio the gaucer. If your plant ws folk cordon Ag through the home, botiom for dn Water imme in the Port Perry Plaza 985-0918 BW a GREAT GIFT IDEA - Good Selection Framed Prints In Stock from $29.99 20% OFF a orders placed tro our selection of a dastely if eaves begin 10 will. The brightly coloured pag of the pow. sctta blossom is really a rosese of "rod, pink or white bracts which are # type of lead. The rue flowers are he uny yellow knobs swrrounded by the petal-like bracts. If youdike a challenge, your plant can be kept 10 bloom again next year, In late February or when the plang has passed its prame, pot in a dimly lit area and gradually withhold water. 7The leaves will drop off most varieties. Aer sever al weeks of low light and Tike water four plant is ready for a win tor rest. Cut it hgek™1o 6 inches, or 0 it has a nan 8 you want « shootd ip the spring. Put in & cool place with of 45 0&0 degrees F. Water sparingly throughong the winter 30 the roots don't dry oub In the spring, When shoots begin » 1 sprout out of the old leaf scars, or when night lemperatures remain shove 50 degrees, bring the plant hack into the light and resume your Aptering schedule. This is alo the tne © move the plant 10 a pot one size larger. Use a well-drained pes ung mix After all danger of frost has passed, Move the plant outside in full sun where it will stay until fall Sink the pot in the © con serve moisture. Don'f forget to "most people water during dry spells ind fertilize hours darkness. times 'Place that gous absolmely no light. with 20-20-20 during the summer y In July, cm all back 0 4 incheg Jong. THIl will encourage HOMESTEAD by Ballard & Carnegie HWY. 7A EAST - PORT PERRY 985-2451 or 985-2157 your plant 10 grow full and have oiliny blooms. In lee August, take the plant inside, bul continue 0 give it plenty of light and water The fhal.sicp is the most criscal 10 assure bloom. A continuous night me dark period is essential for flowering. Pounsettias are short day plants. This means they must have a set nutber of usimierrupted hours of darkness fo bloom. Even one night of light can interme the whole cycle and keep thE plant from blooming. From § pom. 0 8 a.m. is a convenient period for ou need 14 10 25 sure they're an 8 Moonlight, » streetlight or even a Nashlight-can ypeet the cycle and delay or prevent bloom. A closet or basement is a good night spot for the plants. You can also cover with # black polythene bag During the day bring # out ino full light. Start the treatment in mid-September and continue 10 md By then, the bracts will be ing up. Bring the plant bright light, water thor oughly, kaop it out of drafts You can keep. this lovely and fos tive plant for many years. Good ack! Questions on this or any other A? Write to