- AL ny od { or Se Ginn Toes, December 3.1091 : . . IY EDITORIAL h Way to go! A word of congratulations 10 the beckey teams rom Pont Perry and Cartwright High Schools on the way ghey played forthe Challenge Cup Ma moon at the Sc Arena This was a game the way the sport sho be played: fast, crisp. with plenty of goals and sconng chances | make it caciing. some hard hits, but only three manor penalies There are umes when one can go 10 3 hockey game and soe enough mayhem on the Ke 10 come away with a suck fosling tat sompihung © not nght with our national spon The contest betwoen the Rebels and Chargers was not in this Cate gory mall Hockey enpoys 3 marvelioss tradibon i this countryamd we hogt the friendly nvalry hetwoen CHS and PPS for the Challenge Clip ontinues 10 fours fagrmany years 10 come In sponsoring the vophy forthis ansual evel, he Scugog Citzce + pleased © have yod 3 small role i supporung toh the sport and that fnendly mialry botween the two schooh To both wams, 3 game well played Let's keep it positive = - Scugog [ownshp council i now offically in power | With the ywoarag-n coremonscs Moadsy filemon, the "lame duck" perused sce the clacton lant month © ah | p ¢ the election nth if over, and ¢ two | womon and five men that Scugog voters induces 4T br prefer | ence wo run their mencipal affars for the neat twee yoan, can pot down 10 By bunnoss a hand And they are facing a wagh ob ahoad Make no mistake ahr that. Like afl other mumcipalitses in Ontano, Scagog © facing the double barrel whammy of how © keep wervices at the prosent levels (perhaps even provide a few new ones) and at the same Ume hoop property tax increases to the harest mitamum possible This is not an cay ask by any eau because i demand for SCIVIOES REYES JOCK Bway Whether the nation-wide rocosion i botioming out depends on who you talk 10, but most analysts agree the wmcrdhead goigh to be a ough one. Sull, at the naugural meeting of the new §ougog council the mood was anything but decry. Io filet, owas positive and up-beat with Mayor Howard Hall syressing that's exactly the way he wants it whe Similar sentiments wore expressed by the other membery of the council after they had boon sworn © office and pledged My ance © her Majesty. (Nice 10 soe the oath Jo the Qugen hasn't 1owally disap peared in Ontario, yet) A cymc may soll that o's pretty easy for councillons 10 be up beat andposiuve a an inaugural mecling Hut Shy not stant off a pew erm in Bus kind of a mgod? In fact, one gught go %0 far as 10 say this council should strive To keep thet mood gowng as it ponders the issues and problems that anse. A Mente of humour wouldn't hun, either The Mayor, in hil address ®t Monday's meeting pledged an "all out effort" 0 ncreage the commercalindustral aasessmcnt in this Township For obvious raslin (new tases, jobs, spinoff benefits, gif) dus 15 an excellent iiga, one that las hoon talked about by a leit two of the new members of cogncdl (Ken Gadsden and rn) We They face 3 wough task in tough economic Limes, 0 11's gong © wake some new, creative thinking and a whole™dot of old-lashibned hard work Of course? b the ind: Mo al base without seriously changing the flavour of Scugog or parts therein, - 10 the challenge, election is over, the new council has been sworn 10 office and if the senjmonts expressad Magday are any indication, there is & new mobd around "city hall a common resolve that it's going © ake the concened efforts of all seven 10 identify the problems and set the right course of action 10 solve them hope the Mayor and his council are successful in doing just that over J ep. the three year erm e . . i * Taking its time Winding north/south, crossing Scugog Line, 6. meandering through forests ang now, as still as winter itsell fields. this quiet stream is likely frozendy i LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Agrees with Baptist Church To the Editor premature in the sixth month. | | thought | would take the time Mave fnends who have had "pre 19 write ib order 10 present my view on the whole aborion issue | agree whole heartedly with he stand the Port Perry Baptist Church has waken in majlifg 2 booklet on this opi Begg a member myself, | con nder the mahng 10 be a posceful way 10 create awareness in the community, We must not roman blind 10 the facts any longer here is no way 10 get wound "i this issue abortion is the king J of innocent life--otherwise known by the common term murder People are scared of this word, but M's true . If you have ever seen a photo of a growing baby inside a mother, * Bow ¢ an you deny "11" as not pling human? The little hands and feet forming, the song kicks a ymother can foel in the later stages. It does not make sense Te is life there ' The sad and tggrible truth is hom cyiny abortions are now being done ih Canada and the United States. Many are Sone in even the seventh 1 ninth months of preg wer I dis-agree completely abortion and | believe that Haman life begins at conce; . but | 1 Soe how anyone can deny of humanky and pér- mit abortion ip the last months especially. It i just not humane I pave frienths who were bof ' mics." These poogle' we fine, alive and well. We mood 10 wake up We noed 10 take notice of what exactly happening in Our world and our country Mary people do not 1otally understand the abortion issue That is why the Pont Perry Baptist Church decided 10 dagbe mailing I is important that people hear both sides of an issue and it scoms the pro-lifg side gets pushed 10 the sidelines because people don't want 10 hear and find out the truth about abortion } Some say the booklet mailed out is obscene, but it is reality and it is happening. It has even hap pened many times today. Some may say the booklet should not have been mailed out--the pho- 10s are 100 explicit--children could get hold of them Being 20 years old myself, | can tell you that your kids have seen and heard much worse. Take a look a TV. magazines, lisien 10 some of the music and some of the language peoplg use. Besides the people who say the pictures are grotesque must also agree that aborgion is because that is what . 1 will not prolong the issue, but 1 want 10 let you kfiow that though you have heard from those against the Port Perry Baptist Church's stance, there are many who sup- port and stand behind them all the way Melodie Barron, Port Perry. Opposed to abortion To the Editor: It may be of imerest 10 know that the church | serve throughout the world, is officially 0 abortion, and has been so for many years Allow me 10 Guote the affirma. ton from the canons Or constitu. ton of the church: "Every human being, from the time of is a greatdre and a child of God, made in his Image, wnd likeness, and infinitely precious soul: and that the unjustifiable or incxcus able wking of life is always sin ful" Further, | might mention that, ot least one of our bishops (not in Canada) has been imprisoned three times for peacefully protest ing abortion: (Bishop) Alfred Woolcock, DD. Rector: Church of the Good Shepherd, Oshawa. (a sister chutch of the worldwide tradi. tonal frticah Communion.) Perry © Aad 385.NEWS, . nt 191 Sor Clg 1. RC