TR There was an idea bouncing around my brain a few years back. It was for a TV commercial that would show a couple in bed, making love Nothing 100 graphic, something you could wach with your kids. Something you would want 10 waich with them. As the camer pulled back form the foot of the bed, you'd see two closet doors, one on either side of the head Aids! Whose problem is it? a problem in the iy PE eat te aoread though IV drug use, again we slept at the switch, perceiving it 10 be a problem for someone cise. Perhaps as we advance we will recog- nize the pain of another as our pain Then these blights can be shot down earlier Listening on my jcar radio, to a Ghost-like figure coins ro oe fosek ~~ marlene russell would form a © phone-in show, got me thinking about Aids in a way | hada't con parade of bodies overlap ping and melung into the) writer's blocks For example, if anginal couple in the bad The only sound would be dramatic music, the scary kind that makes your gui churn with fear. The music stops sbruptly and you hear 8 voice say, "Asds' Where did start? When will it sop?" There's more, but you've pot the idea Last week's news story shout the M-yoar-old woman who died of Ads two yoan ago. but not before ellag ber doctor shout ber sevgal encounters with some 30 NHL players, wt my brain 0 bouncing This, following closely on the beck of Magic hob s fall from basketball because of HIV (human mmunodeficioncy vires) prownd 8 his blood, hae me liv ng in fear for future poncrations Will maskind learn before i's 100 late" Why do we unk i won't happen 10 ws" A decade ago we beaathed 3 ugh of refuel of we were howrosesual and believed & only \. YOu We pracucing safe sex' with (both hav ing had other sexual parmers) and decade 10 have a baby, you risk your lives removing the condom in onder © pot pregrant The neat fact | didn't catch clearly, 3 noisy track phased me, I'm encore if Be sumber wan 30 or 450 thousand. Does it maser? It's the number of people you have potentially sfecied (or bees infected by) of you have had 26 sonal paren "If you canncx be conan at you have boon the only sexual partner of your spouse in the last 10 years you thould be tened for Aude." the announcer procismed All of Sus information is frighaeming Rawr tan wll uw If you clipped my anger coleman, 8 quick reference ells A you that anger, fear and anxiety always go together. Since anger is a response 10 threats we don't have 10 be wo astute 10 realize that the very fabric of society is thre. ened by this "20th century plague' One of the callers suggested it "might be time 10 gon- uder only one sexual partner." What's 10 consider? Do we have a choice? The only safe sex is one panner who has never had another partner When we choose that partner, thelr chamcior must be such that we can trust them with our lives -- ALL DONE My PINICAL \ 0 | FOR, ANOTHER YEA WHAT DID THE id SERVICE DIRECTORY (Wg sai ums wy | | {Exceumt sue | | BARTS | FoR MY AGE BART [ia K el TEN u Sa HAF: 2p | § / ¥oxront $0 | TOD HIM | Was (5 TF: CONSTRUCTION roo csrds (416) 985-3490 rw peivx WALLPAPERING TAPING TT SHARCON EXCAVATING Systdans of Grading and Trucking hy Fou Sheen Jones fi18) 985-9005 a Copier DB5-B877 285.0412 Runs Jones (708) 357-2730 We hare beacons Electrical # \ member of the hos J Onterse Professions Remon! Assn, ws | kenPmuRRAY || | TO | LT Batvooms * * Red Rooms | rt i Custom AReraions * AGESOons | | RESIDENTIAL « IOUSTRIAL || a. COMMERCIAL . Fa : For ¢ Foae Uitimate Call Today POLE LINE CONSTRUCTION {| } LUCYK | PERRY | 5 NCE ar ry + Fi . RENOVA LTD. | 9 985-7005. | (416) 985-8569 or 434-0517 | --T J) Box 111, PORT PERRY, ONT. LOLIA2 16) 0s 833333 0 0708) 1» 878-2023 - ' =.