Togetherness Quebec Premier Robert Bourassa sooms 0 think he knows what ie rest of the country will do (or won't do) if la belle provigee decide io break away from Canada n City over the woekond, Bourassa for gee first time said that if Quebec sepanmics, the rest of the country will (all span as well "Can you see the weston provinces Suing themacifes © help other (the Manume) provinces, once Quebec is out of the foderstion™ he awked 2 a meeting of Quebec Liberals. he federation, we strongly believe what's left of Canad will indeed stick together and get on with the business of being tne country And yes, we think the Westorn provinces nd Ontano will come © the ad of the less fortune provinods on the castor const. Sar, wkd be Cg hee ugh cma mcs, bt 4c Canadiagg shor on their desire © kop the rest, of the, Right off the bes, the rest of the comntry would not id vit to huge amounts of federsl money that sre now pouring no Quebec and 0 such things as official bilingual Just why Mr. Bourassa Sinks he knows how evel of the counry will renct is handy » mymery. Faced with » movement thay is gaining momentum in Quebec, he is simply ying 10 scare he rest of the country eo granting more constitutional concessions © Quebec. More fale thinking Canadians these days would dearly like 10 soe Quebec remain in Confodenssion, but not at any price. Quebec will have © make up is own mind ff & wants 10 romain i 8 an equal pares, of #0 kalone. In 8 word, Quebec can't have & all ways 1 Quebec decides 1 bresk sway from Canad snd become some kind oflm country, there i no doubt ts willl case some ser ous dislocation for the rest of the country Bag bets give Engluh speaking Canada credit fgfmare ioughness nd resolve than Mr. Bowness thinks we have. He's jumping 10 sole prety tag conclusions if he thinks Quebec's actions can pull the Teg) of the country completely span. » = What the rest of the country wants 50 badly nght now bs 5 resolution of the Quebec issue, one way or another. The constitutional bastles over the bast two Gecadies have Jef this country weary, drained of ss energy t0 got on with problems like the cconomy bronically, Jacques Paracas, or oder gf te Prt Quik hich wants an independent Quebec, takes the opposite position from Mr." Bourssm. He mys the rest of Canada would be more united withollt Quafec because all the constitutional hassling would finally be ove We are geting a wiflg tired of Roben Bourassa, As we sid we hope he can koep has province in the Federation, hough With up 10 60 pr cont Suppor for sovereignty, i's going 10 be a ough task Bax dont sell the rest of us shon, Mr. Presser. There are a lot of pos PA Sg eke Wat & Care withos Quekée bs wa won | sorifice Don't you Canada will lon ge Maritimes dee for the sako of money, yodose gor all wrong Af Quabec goes, just stick around and wasch what Mappers in tha rest of Candia, iY Killer ice Au the ene of yeu thee Is oly why 1 desc the to condi: 4 Non Lake Scugog: deadly This is common knowledge for anyone who lives in the Scagog area and it shgpld be for anyone olaggwith even 8 smatioring of common sone. Yeu, every your in fie duysdending up 10 Ohvistmas there are 8 foolish few who soem 10 want 10 temyx fate by venturing ono the ke cither on foot, on § sowmobsle, or incredibly, in a Car or truck. Wigh'the temperatures Nuctuating wildly this time of the year, the it conditions can change just as dramatically It was just shout a your ago whim several Citizens and members of the Scugog Fire Department Tied their owh lives in an effort 10 rescue even when the cold weather sets in and the ioe firms uv always the wmost caution there on the lake. 1t can be a killer. Sorry, Mr. Premucr, we beg to differ If Quebec decides 1 back out of. Gry about us, Mr. Premier. If you thik dhe rest of |! y 10 the detriment of is Dancing on the Lake, the su 's surface of Chalk of earty December Sparkling cling sunlight spares, making the shoreline's making jewel-like decorations on Not Fair for the a To the Editor | refer 10 Johp McClelland 's Viewpeint of 19th November, 1991 "Lighten Up, Colin." He objecti 10 my use of "rape ~ One definition of this word is the xt of waking anything by force as in taxes, (forcescompel, requirg) Perhaps better said by Pap "When Kings their Crowns with out consent obtain, "tis all a mighty rape and not a reign." Mr. McClelland says | am wrong in my opinion that the three returned incumbents (10 the Scugog Township council) favour spending tax dollars Perry vices in ual areas. | hope | am wrong and that we get equality of spending injall arcas (of the Township) Does want inter-lock- ing bricks and fancy stroet lights, a all taxpayers paid for on Water and Queen Streets in Pont Perry? 1 that we should have » strechecape cost, if resi- of merchasis want 10 up- grade 10 something better (more costly) they should pay the differ- of the sewer system wired, and as Mr staigs it is a Regional responsibility sed the funds would comé from develop payers. Secondly, the Region from 1985 0 1990 used & portion of general revenue 10 support the user pay sewer and water sysiemy, | ALT am saying is that we should not extend the funding pool for more services that are not universal Taxpayefs in general already support a multitude of services from education to welfare. It is not fair for rural taxpayers 1 pay "for a water and sewer service they will never get. Colin Kemp, Nestleton Bill detrimental Tothe Editor; Il passed, Ontario's Bill 143 would be detrimental 10 the proper - ty rights of residents. This legiala- a vy thent exaonindry powers 10 enter any property in Durham Region. According 10 Section 7 (1) any instance, it is lost across the board. The province could use the power for other purposes. In 1215, Magna Cana became law, and it is rightly regarded as the root of the rights of citizens in any free . The 39th article states "No free oy shall be taken or by the provinié would be able 10 enter any he/she feels should be test ed for its potential as a landfill (garbage dump) The property owner would have no right to appeal a decision of a provincial inspecior Tig property owner has no legal recourse © excavabon on his property. If he atiempts 10 phys- ically stop this trespass, Section 10 (2) gives the province the right © arrest and basically beand him as a Criminal. Jevies and the provincial goyem- ment. Firstly, the provincial govern mént goty its fullde from all tax- The contained in Bill 143, while specifically aimed at dump site selection, violate our property rights. In my opinion, once this right is lost in a specific d or any ES nor will we inflict upon him or cause him any harm, unless by legal judgement of his What kind of society are we liv ing in if residents are regarded as nuisances 10 be put down if they get Jn the way of a particular ment ? / When it comes 10 a choice between a citizen having a basic right to defend his home or 10 facil- tate the convenience of some tech. the right answer. Residents should be allowed recourse to defend their homes. David Dietlein, ' Scugog councillor, Ward 4.