Review T-T] Scott and Marilyn Pearcl, bring- ing the total 10 $8,000 raised at the one day event Bantams In Finald The Port Perry Boys Bantam fastball team chalked up a pair of victories in York-Durham League play and then capped off a suc- cessful week by reaching the finals in a wournament held in Bramalea. Same Time Next Year What happens when a marmied couple, married 10 other people, renew their affair at the same time every of 'Same Time Next Year', a sold- out comedy performed by Steve Foote and Lorraine Chiusiolo, brought 10 Town Hall 1873 by the Borelans Boat Accident Four people escaped serious injury July 6 when their boat flipped over on Lake Scugog. The driver, and two passengers suf- fered minor injunes. Dog Rescued A young, female bearded collie recovered nicely ffm a broken jaw suffered when struck by a car n= TE or Love always - Happy 1st Birthday on January 5th, 1992 to the "SIMS TWINS" DARCY & STACEY "Wasn't that a year to remember!" Mom and Dad, Your Sisters - Melinda and Cori, Gramma Sims, Nanny & Grampy MacPherson, and all your Aunts, Uncles and Cousins. - k The family of ELMER & JEAN LEE To ' : to a dance B ' i information for this space, ing their parent 50th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY at 8:00 PM on JANUARY 4th, 1992 . at the Blackstock Recreation Centre. We invite all citizens of Scugog to submit photographs and - €§€§$§e_e rn LL sa lilt Tl A -- Matters", free of charge, to for children; 25, (Please contact our will also be with a submitted photograph and copy of 100 words or less. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE "SCUGOG CITIZEN" at 985-NEWS (985-6397) or drop into our office at 36 Water Street, Port Perry, Ontario LL 1)2 free of charge, in June. The break was repaired ot the Uxbridge Veterinarian Clinic with funds from the 'doggie banks' at Pete's Pet Pantry and Happy Pet Foods helping 10 pay the bills. Sales Up Housing sales in Durham Region continued 10 perk wp in June, up 41 per cent over the same month a year ago, wa report from the Oshawa and District Real Estate Board. Love And Barle Trewin has a fast one pulled on him a the Blacksiock Tractor Pull, held July S & 6 at the fairgrounds. In an earbier story in the Citizen, he said he had © never marmied his fiancee Marlene because he was 100 busy at tractor pulls. Well, his tractor pulling buddies (led by Harvey Graham) rustied up a fake bride (Bob Swain in a veil), a real preacher (Rev. Dale Davis) and had them- selves a "wedding" right there in the middie of the wack, Saturday night. "I've never been so sur- prised in my whole life." he said JULY 16 Festival Days Terrific! The weather cooperated and the crowds were big at the Scugog Chamber of Commerce Festival Days Country '91, in Pont Perry July 11, 12 and 13. Because events were scaled down, cost wise from previous years, Country '91 also made money ed on the property of the late Wilfred Vine, just cast of Blackstock, when his bel were auctioned off. Ontario Scholars Cartwright High School Ontario Scholars included: Throughout most of the hot, sleepy summer, only one many had publicly revealed his inten- tions to run for Mayor in November's municipal election Incumbent Howard Hall regis- tered early, and it wasn't until Friday July 19 that Cartwright Ward 4 councillor Glenn Malcolm added his name 10 the registration list, making the Mayor's race a horse race. Bantams Red Hot The Port Perry Canadian Tire Bantams were hot (like the weath- er) July 20 as they sweptdour games © win the fastball ourma- ment held at the lakefront dia- monds. The wcam was near Maw- less with twee straight wins in the round robin 10 advance 10 the final Frontenac 2,700 Jobs On The Line General Motors of Canada Limited confirmed Scarborough Van Plant would be closed prior 10 the end of the sum- mer of 1993 Water Worse The quality of water at the beach in Port Perry was geting worse and health officials blamed able levels for fecal/choliform Fed Up With Taxes Fed up with property tax hikes of nearly 50 per cent in the last three years, ratepayers in Victoria County were joining the Taxpayers Coalition of Ontano More than 300 turned out at a meeting July 16 in Little Britain's arena. Diver Injured A 20-year-old man who dove into shallow water July 20, near Washburn Island, might have sul- fered serious spinal injuries. For Big Ones Rob Hill of Blackstock and Rick Campbell of Oshawa were one of 150 weams entered in the Bass N Tano Live Release tour It was a proud members of the Loyal Orange Lodge Purple Hill No. 399 as they unveiled a new banner at a cere mony in the Blackstock Community Centre July 9. Township Vs Marina on Lake Scugog. Low water levels did not discourage the pair. Bantams Win It The Port Perry Canadian Tire Bantams were as hot as the weath- er (almost) as they won their home July 20 at the Efforts by Scugog T hip 10 recover $28,000 in realty taxes from Port Perry Marina were thrown out by the Ontario Coun of Appeal. The Township owns the Marina on the Port Perry ing in favour of the operator. Minister Eclipsed The trip was two years in the planning and the highlight was about seven minutes. Rev. Charles Bull of the Anglican Church of the Ascension, Port Perry trav- lakefront di ds. Playing fanned 13 Port hitiers 10 lead his team 10 a 7-1 win for the homer At the recent Future Dairymen's Compefition, spon- sored by Eastern Breeders, Inc, the team of Ben and Robert Warren and Carolyn Barkey of R.R.#2 Blackstock, under the leadership of Frank Barkey, won the op team award and the 0p exhibit award. + JULY 23 Tires A Threat Concern over a property on Scugog Island where several thou- sand old tires were stored, conun- ved. In July, owners of the proper. ty were wondering if they would got hit with a hefty bill 0 ensure the tires pose no threat 10 the envi- ronment, even though they had nothing 10 do with bringing the tires there in the first place Christie Announces Yvonne Christie announced she would be seeking re-clection in Ndvember for a second term as Scogog Township's rep on Durham Region Council Graham Yes, Cochrane No After a three year absence from local politics, Harvey Graham announced he wanted to get back into the fray by running for the Area Seat on Scugog Township Council. Don Cochrane, on the other hand, cited health reasons and a need fo take a break from politics, for his decision not 10 sock re-clection for the Area Seat Thanks, Larry! Larry Glasgow was presented with a diamond tie pin 10 recog: nize his 41 years of service © the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. Skating On The Green? A group of young skateboard- ers suggested the old bowling green on' Queen St. would be a good place for the Township to build a proper skateboarding facil- ity. About a dozen teenagers dropped into the Council cham- bers' July 29 10 complain about a proposed by-law 10 ban skate boards in downtown Port Perry. Fatal Crash A 20-year-old Whitby man, James Deakin, was killed July 23 when the car in which he was a through the hottest and most swept their three round robin games in convincing fashion, Gambler Hopes Up elied 10 the Baja p early in July 10 see the ual eclipae of JULY 23 Then There Were Two ger went out of control and rolled on the Brock Rd., north of Pickering. Tough Luck The Port Perry Squirt Legionaires ran into some ough luck at a tournament in Cobourg July 27, snd it cost them a berth in the championship game. Tournament Champs The Country Style Donuts team of won (he annual Youth Lob Tournament July 19-21, sponsored by the Seagrave Parks Board. No Fishing Lake Scugog was not in a friendly mood July 27 as 150 teams hit the water for the Bass N Tario Derby. The caches were Sg. und sever win SH iee Soke © get one or two fish 10 the yeighy at the Port Perry water- ro endy Wins Speedy Muffler Kings were kings for the day July 27 during the Cartwright Junior Division series, pulling off a ng win in the final minutes of the game against Lishmans St he ould amo of Shiva Guts wid Please see REVIEW, page 11