Scugog Citizen -- Tuesday, Je ry % 199; 2--3 dm The Citizen's | RECESSION FIGHTER No, we don't need a spelling lesson! YOU NEED A ... BARG * Buy Two Regular Display Ads of the same ; - Saray, he! size during January and February 1992. [gpa pia Your third ad (of the same size) is FREE! Er .---- Place your Free Ad in any issue of the Citizen until the end of March 1992. YOu Can @VeN PUL cas he Sas Cavers Sates Po aseruius all three ads in the same issue if you like. Doug Ollitfe, Eric Farncombe, : Marlene Russell or Valerie Ellis Take advantage of this offer as often 36 WATER STREET, PORT PERRY as you wish within the time stipulated. Phone 985-NEWS (6397) Regular display line rates apply to the first two ads. Fax 985-1410