--~-- Scugog Citizen -- _ , January =~ » ENTERTAINMENT = | JFK, the new film directed by Oliver Stone asks the audience to believe that American President John Kennedy was murdered, not by Lee Harvey Oswald, but by his own government. The film is a lacerating attack on the alleged cover-up of the assassination of Kennedy in Dallas on November 22, 1963. For years, there has been controversy over the killing of the president, whether or not Oswald acted aloné, and why the autopsy result was withheld. In 1966, New Orleans District Atomey Jim Garrison launched a full investigation into the killing of Kennedy, and while his find- ings were often ridiculed or shot JFK: A lacerating murder, Lyndon Johnson sent more troops to Viet Nam which escalated the American involve- ment. Garrison felt this is exactly why the government wanted the young president dead: war is a money maker for a lot of industry. Ruby's night club. As well, Oswald was a friend of homosexual David Ferrie, who was killed before he could give Garrison valued information. Why did the FBI bug Garrison's office? Oliver Stone has the ge 10 explore many questions in the alleged cover-up, but focuses on the theory that the CIA was responsiblefor Kennedy's death, and later ald. It is no secret that Lee Harvey Oswald maintained. his innocence through the questioning, later to be gunned down by Jack Ruby. Ask yourself why Oswald, said to be a loner, had so many con- Certainly the jury may have quitted the busi charged by Garrison, but every single juror was convinced tflere was a cover- up, and that Oswald did not act alone. Their beliefs were stricken from the court records. Why, why, why? Out of these many questions and theories, director Oliver Stone has fashioned a startling, often down, over time it has become apparent that there was indeed a cover-up in the Kennedy killing. Garrison actually went so far as to bring criminal charges against several by in an john h. foote at the flicks effort to weaken the government, but failed 10 make them stick in court. What he did do was temify the American Government who quickly put a lock on the Warren Commission's findings about the assassination, refusing to issue several subpoenas that Garrison had issued. You have to ask why the American Governmept would want Kennedy dead, remind yourself that Julius Caesar was killed by his own generals, includ- ing his beloved Brutus. Stone's film explores the theo- ries of Jim Garrison which he pieced together by interviewing witnesses to the killing, finding forged testimonies in the Warren Commission report, and digging out a frightening connection between Oswald and the CIA It is impossible 10 come away from the film thinking Oswald acted alone, there is just 100 much evidence 10 the contrary John Kennedy wanted many drastic changes in the American political system and was felt 10 be a threat 10 this own Cabinet and Senators, thus the chances are very strong that they had him eliminat od Garrison did indeed make a mockery of the Warren Commission, making it very clear the cover-up went all the way 10 the White House, and in some cur cles he was felt 10 the right on in his allegations. A major problem for him was finding witnesses who would testify, because if the president of the United States can be killed, imn't the average citizen just small i potatoes Among the many plausible the ories Garrison had was that Kennedy wanted no part of the looming Viet Nam war, while his government did. In fact, Kennedy's hopes for re-election (in 1964) were pinned on with drawing from Southeast Asia and dismantiement of the CIA lronically, four days afier this nections to American Intelligence? He was an ex-Manne who was taught in Russian while in the 'Marines, then defected to Russia for two years, only 10 be re-admit ted 10 the States with no questions asked! How did the Police and secret service know his whereabouts so quickly after the killing? Would 30 police have been called to pick up a man in a the: atre for an un-paid movie ticket? Why were his statements to the Police and Secret Service classi fied and then destroyed by the CIA? More importantly, how could nearly 70 Police allow Oswald 10 be shot at point-blank range by Jack Ruby? It all seems very convenient, which is why Gamison began his probe into the killings: Oswald claimed all along he was a patsy, but he was charged with the mur der of the president Now, how could the newspa- pers in New Zealand have the charges against Oswald in their issues, just four hours after Kennedy's death, yet well before the US press had that information? Odd Stone uses Garrison's informa: tion 10 probe deeper, letting us know that Oswald was a friend of Jack Ruby, who frequented A thrilling movie that 1s relentless in its coverage of the possible cover- up. We sce over and over the famous film of the killing of the president, but we see it as never before, enlarged, slowed down and strikingly clearer than before We seen Kennedy's head snap back, odd considering that Oswald supposedly fired from behjnd. Why were the Secret Service and Dallas Police pulled from their security duties the day of the mur- der? When Kennedy was shot, you clearly see the secret service run- ning up the infamous grassy knoll, where shots were said 10 be fired, but that was de-bunked by the Warren Commission. Of course, Garrison has since proven there was at least one shot fired from that knoll: chances are it was the fatal shot that tore Kennedy's head apart. I can't remember when a film of this magnitude has been released. It is one of the most important films ever made because it forces us 10 look at fac- wal evidence, disputing what we have been led 10 believe all these years Worse, it confirms that the governments of this world are cor- rupt. not even the leader is safe, Cost: $50.00 7] ACTORS" WORKSHOP - A Comprehensive Study of Method Acting 12 Weeks: MONDAY EVENINGS begining JANUARY 20th Instructor: JOHN H. FOOTE, Artistic Director, Borefians Theatre Ages: 1610 70 No Experience Required Call; 985-0611 for Registration Fo Goma, Fou Served | JANUARY LINEUP THURSDAY & FRIDAY NIGHTS D.J. & DANCING HWY. 7A and WATER STREET attack on alleged cover-up anyone within government is expendable. Perhaps more fright- ening was the hold the govern- ment had on the media; forcing the media to accept and believe Oswald was the lone gunman, per- haps even setting up Oswald's murder to silence the scapegoat. This film raises some terrifying questions, often because they are answered with proof so strong it is inconceivable the American gov: ernment actually thought people would blindly accept their "find- ings." Seriously, Lyndon Johnson was sworn in as president minutes after Kennedy died, ordered the Kennedy family out of the White House in two days, ordered the body flown to Washington, then sealed the autopsy reports. Then this same man, who had been vice president, went against Kennedy's wishes to escalate the war in Viet Nam, a war that cost the American treasury $500 bil- lion before it ended a decade later It was also Johnson who select ed the Warren Commission to examine the Kennedy murder Stone fills the film with a sense of outrage, yet manages 0 convey a true sense of sadness and remorse at the loss of Kennedy Kevin Costner gives a fine perfor- mance as Garrison, an idealistic man searching for the truth with the "system" always against him. At times, the film resembled "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" (1939) although the impact of JFK is astounding. The supporting cast includes some of the finest actors in film, with marvellous results Joe Pesci is devasiating as the psychotic Ferrie, who understood too well the implications of what Garrison was trying to do, and died for it. The fear conveyed by Pesci in his final scenes is primal, this man is simply and totally terrified. Donald Sutherland has a brilliant- ly acted and directed scene with Costner in which he lets the DA know that the cover-up reaches far higher than Garrison thinks and Gary Oldman is riveting as Oswald, portraying him as the enigma he became to the American people, a lonely, mis- pnderstood man who knew too much. However, the real star of the film is Oliver Stone. Although he has twice won Academy awards for directing (Platoon and Bom on the Fourth of July) he is often attacked for his politics. Granted, he may be a touch paranoid about the sixties, he may have a problem with the American government, but it's worth keeping in mind, this man fought in Viet Nam and knows all 00 well the futility of War. He has reason to be angry What you have to admire about Stone the director, are his unique gifts 10 tap into the psyche that enrages the viewers who see his films, and the intelligence he brings to cach film JFK was criticized by the US government even before it was released, which gives you some idea of the paranoia felt about the film. At three hours, JFK is longer than most mainsuream films, yet Stone's fluid direction, which is among his finest work, keeps things moving at a brisk pace. He draws superb performances Please see JFK, page 14 You're the Star .... Laser¥aracke" Every Saturday Night - Sing along with your Favourite Music RNTER TO WIN TRIPS PORT PERRY (416) 985-9955