- 000 EEE0EE0000 CSET , January 14, 1992 'Council deletes subsidized, hou ing Scugog council has requested that subsidized housing units be dropped from, a development pro- posal on the east side of Union Avenue ifi Prince Albert. Council was unanimous Monday afternoon in asking for the deletion of the 36 Durham Housing rental units from the Vanedward development propos- al. And council also wants the 'area of Prince Albert/South Port Perry examined in a District Plan before telling Vanedward how many and what kind of homes can go on the 27 acre parcel. Vanedward partners Ted Griffen and Glen Van Camp of Port Perry were, in the chambers Monday when council: made the decisions. Mr. Griffen had suggested Je 3 area is already under c It is expected the preparation of a district plan could take up to six months, Council's actions in deleting mix of 168 housing units y. up of singles, semis, street town- house and the 36 Durham Housing units. Edward plans. "I just don't see Port Perry as- 'patch-work' planning," he said in reference to an earlier statement from Ward 1 rep Ken Carruthers who supported the. call for a District Plan. At one point, Mr. Griffen said "I dearly hope (preparing the District Plan) won't take two years. (the community) is-out of (serviced) building lots and the construction industry could dry up," he stated. folelo]ala|as]slalale|a]a]a|s]a|s]s]s]=]o]e PORT PERRY WADO KAI the subsidized housing cc "of the proposal and calling for a District Plan were greeted with cautious optimism by 'Steve Edwards of Union Ave. He is part of a ratepayers committee which expressed strong concern over the proposed development that was unveiled by Vanedward about a year ago. "Yes. I would say these are positive steps," he said when con- tacted by the Citizen after the meeting. The original plan called for a said the commit- tee thinks about 75 homes is more acceptable, or higher if the devel- opment had direct access onto the Oshawa Road to reduce traffic on Union Ave. and sideroads. During discussions with coun- cil. Mon afternoon, Mr. Griff n ji Durham Housing ns to know by. the end of this week if the subsidized units would get approval. Vanedward still has the option of trying to get the entire proposal approved. But Mr. Griffen sug- gested it is unlikely the company would try to push ahead without the blessing of the local council. ~ geese | .one or the other -- or both! Exercise for seniors Seniors! Here's an exercise program designed just for you! Every Monday and Tuesday, exercise and line dancing classes are held at the Latcham Centre.- And they're just for people aged 55 and up! A On Mondays, excercise starts at 11-a.m. and ends at noon; and line dancing picks up where exercise stops, ending at 1 p.m. You can do On Tuesdays, the order reverses. Line dancing runs from 11am, to noon; and exercise runs from noon to 1 p.m. These special classes started January 6 and are 10 weeks oz. To take part, just wear your most comfortable 'sweats and:show up! slejsjs|ejs|s[a|a]a]a]m) . KARATE CLUB Year-round Instruction for the Whole Family SUNDAYS & TUESDAYS at 6:00 PM At the Latcham Centre, Queen & Water St., Port Perry Established 1974 Award Winning PAP KARATE CLUB DIRECTORS It's a fun way to keep your New Year's resolution! FROM PAGE 3 : planned for Saturday at 10 a.m. (no matter what the weather is like!), the palace will open at 9 a.m. In fact, Mr. Goldberg says the palace may open earlier in the week if the weather permits. Special events at the palace include a Skate-a-thon, with local schoolchildren participating, from Feb. 10 to 15. All proceeds go back into, the community. There's also an Ice Golf Tournament and a Hockey Shoot in the works. The dates are dependent on the weath- er, but watch future editions of the: Citizen for more details. ® ROB DODS WorttE JANHEWINGEN RONNOLLON FonRuskay Despite the numberof people 3rd Dan ; who have helped with the Ice FOR INFORMATION CALL: Palace, more volunteers are need- RON MOLLON at 985-7098 or ed. If you'd like to help out, call Class Times 6 PM at 985-7982 by) - COMPARE ~ IMO 3MO 6MO 1YR Adults $40. $100. $170. $290. Children $30. $75. $120. $180, FAMILY RATES AVAILABLE CCEEEEE00EDEEEEEEEEEEE0E ~ Mr. Goldberg at 985-2630 or Lang Cope at 985-3221. And the crew can always use more Christmas trees! If you've still got one, why not bring it to the Ice Palace and help make this year's skating experience even more beautiful!' BERBER i HOD 1200 SQ.FT. BUNGALOW including DOUBLE . - . 'GARAGE. BUILD ON YOUR OWN LOT. * Painted drywall *Pl *7 Includes: *.24 oz. carpet and cushioned floor * Vinyl siding (optional brick) *Fullb 2200 SQ.FT. including 3 CAR GARAGE. BUILD ON YOUR OWN LOT. * 200 amp service lumbing and electrical fixtures from samples * Furnace and roughed-in for air conditioning * Financial assistance available year extensive warranty ivi 1900 SQ.FT. CAPE COD STYLE. BUILD ON YOUR OWN LOT. : Custom Built Homes from SCARBOROUGH 298-8823 "Hi PORT PERRY 1-41 6-985-3491 Member 4 Mark igh quality casement windows Gain en A Wekeirg $65.00 per Square Foot KESWICK 1-416-476-7626 Ice Palace opens Saturday organizations have helped make (, the 'palace possible: Big Brothers/Big Sisters of North Durham; Blackstock Brownies; Blackstock Lions Club; Central Seven; Durham Soccer, Kinsmen K-40; Literacy council of Durham Region; Oddfellows; Port Perry High School Student Council; Port Perry Minor Hockey; Port Perry Snowmobile Club; Rebekahs; Ringette'sar. Team; Ringéte's' Novice Team; Ringetie's Petite A Team; Rotary Club of Port Perry; Scugog Community Care; The Kinette Club of Port Perry; The Kinsmen Club of Port Perry; and the Knights of Columbus. Many local merchants (100 many to list!) have also contributed. The following community FIRE 1 CALLS SCUGOG HALL NO. 1 | (PORT PERRY) Jan. 9, 22:22 Reg. Rd. 7 & Hwy. 7A Hydro wires.* Jan. 12, 15:21 ++, £ "Ambulance Assist, Snowmobile accident. + Jan. 12, 16:55 False alarm. SCUGOG HALLNO.2 (CAESAREA) | No calls. Great for Parents and Teachers. CANDICE YOUNG 985-1551 = = DISCOVERY TOYS Educational Consultants, required immediately, . ful time / part timb.