118073 Hng A Proud Voice For Scugog Vol. 1, No. 30 Tuesday, January. 21, 1992 CIRC. 10,000 28 pages Ontario. tee on social development. on Monday. Stern message Scugog Township councillors are sending Queens Park a sid message about Bill 143: they don't like it very much, Ward 4 councillor David Dietlein has been given the green by council to deliver a message on behalf of the Township at public hearings into Bill 143, which deals with waste management in Councillor Dietlein and Ward 3 councillor Ken Gadsden have drafted a three-page critique of the Bill and Dietlein will travel 10 Queens Park January 30 to deliver the brief to the standing commit; After a few minor wording changes, council approved the brief The Township brief is critical of the Section in the proposed Bill that would give inspectors the right to enter any property to conduct tests in the search for a landfill site. Refusal to grant permission to an inspector may result in court Please see STERN, page 4 <> "fd x yi . You Lace 'em the Citizen Perry's Open bgp In front of a photographer Alr ice P gat , ladies! This trie had a-gfeat time lacing up thelr skates for morning at the official opening of Port . Despite the cold, cold, blustery weather, 10 enjoy a skate, a sleigh ride, and a hot chocolate ari The (500 oxoty 10° Geraher And nobody had as much fun as this trio « from left, that's Doreen Kendall, Debra~Foggettl and Yvonne Christie. Doreen and Debra are two of the many dedicated volun teors who make the ice Palace possible. Yvonne, Scugog's regional coun clllor, was among the dignitaries who helped cut the official red ribbon. Actually, all three were 100 busy to skate! Hundreds lace 'em up Cold? You bet! But frigid tem- peratures were just what the doctor ordered for Scugog's Open Air lee Palace in Port Perry, which attract ed hundreds of eager skaters on the very first weekend it was open. The official opening was * Saturday morning around 10:30 b am, (it was delayed slightly because Mayor Howard Hall, who made his TV debut by falling.on ihe ice, was tardy). Despite the cold, blustery day, several families showed up 10 enjoy a few quick rounds on what is hailed as the world's largest outdoor skating rink, hot chocolate, cookies, and » sleigh ride, courtesy of Steve Prizn1teED ON 109% Grove of Blackstock and his eam of Belgian horses. For only $1, you can ride around the perimeter of the ice palace nd back. Mr. Grove and his horses will be at the palace on wockends and on several 'special' evenings, such as Valentine's Day when people in love (or people who want 10 be) can take a roman tic ride for only $5 per couple On Sunday, which dawned warmer and sunnier than the day before, the Belgians got quite a work-out, as hundreds of people enjoyed the sleigh ride and all the other activities at the Ice Palace New at the palace this year is a RECY( LED NEWSPRINT § Skate-a<thon, involving local schools, and other children's orga nizations like Scouts, Guides and Ringetie. Local businesses are pro- viding prizes and the Kinsmen Club is doing much of the organiz ing. Money raised will be split between the participating groups and the Kinsmen. The skate-a-thon will measure the length of ume skaters spend on the ice, as well, there will be speed skating going on. Any group that wants 10 get involved, cither by participating in the skate-a-thon, volunteering at the ice palace, or simglly arranging for a skating party, can call Tony or Debra Foggetti at 985-0032 Also in the works is a 17 foot high ski hill, owned by Participaction, which may be installed next 10 the Ice Palace in the near future Many, many people have thrown their support behind this unique winter attraction. Ron Bickmore of Cadmus, for example, has loaned his ice scraper 10 the palace, which should the out door ice similar to that found in an arena. Dave Goldberg has been working on the palace almost wound the clock -- in fact, he and a small, but hardy, group were working on the palace daring ASE, RECYCLE Tuesday's storm! "We'd also like 10 thank every body who was generous enough 10 bring their Christmas roe down," Debra Foggetti added. More than anything, organizers wan 10 stir up some © nity spirit -- and give people thing special 10 enjoy in the winter months ahead As Tony Foggetti says, "The more we get the community involved, the better it Is." More Ice Palace photos pege 13 I Hi ITIZEN 0]