2 Scugog Citizen -- Tuesday, February 15, 1092 = 0 Happy 70th Birthday, Bill Friday was a day full of sur- prises for Bill Dickinson, who has been the Prince Albert Public School crossing guard for 10 years. Well, Valentine's Day was Bill's birthday. Somehow everyone at the school found out, and when he walked Into the gymnasi- um, everyone In the school was there, singing Happy Birthday to him! The gym was decorated, cupcakes (home baked by volunteers) were munched and the Mayor of Scugog Township, Howard Hall, presented Bill with a plaque In appreciation for his dedication to the job and to the community. All's well that...you know Workshops [I've taken end with only a few onginal starters. Not Scugog's young wniers. We started January 23 at Scugog Memonal Library with 15 and ended last Thursday with 13. They stuck with it in spite of the homework announce ment. "There will be plenty of 1," | said to dropped faces that filled with a look which read, "We thought THIS was going 1 be fun," "But," I continued, "all home wark 1s opuonal " enjoyed your contribution. 'Workshop Evaluation' sheets 10d me the activities young wniers liked MOST and LEAST. Let me share my feelings. MOST -- The silly side of me liked reading your 'mixed' metaphors (incorrect words arg, in caps). Turn the other ELBOW, memory like a FRYING PAN, out of the SIEVE and into the fire, bringing" home the HOT CAKES, selling like BACON, "1s this a nck." your] (aces asked as they bnghtened"? marlene russell The tnck was that if] you dadn't do homework you couldn't eam bonus writer's blocks pots. No bonus points, no chance at the award. Effort (something everyone can give) was the only consideration in the awarding of points. The 13.25 average was out reached by a very high 42 camed by Amanda Warne. CONGRATS AMANDA! The lam scasion ended and finally, slow as an OYS TER in January | was amused out 10 lunch, not have 10 nde the bus anymore, not be able 10 skgp< lass and (bless your hears) yo" would help her out . You imagined what it would be like 4f Money grew on trees. Answers were fun and thought-provoking. You said: We would pick money instead of bernes, grow more trees, all be nch, all be farmers, and wake better care of our forests. You sug Jgested that poor people could find a tree and have moncy And you asked, where would we get our Japples and what would we wnie and touched by what you'd do if (as the IMAGINE exercise put it) you came © school © find your mother as substitute teacher You said: | would pretend | didn't know here, scream, skip school, fake sick, What dud | hike LEAST? Session J, when the honeymoon ended (another metaphor) It felt like some of you were taking advantage of my good nature. [1 was hard for me © Negotiations continuing over Island tire storage Negotiations over how to get rid of more than 30,000 tires stored in an old barn on Scugog Island continued last Friday after- noon. The Township, the Ministry of the Environment and the property owner (who had nothing to do with storing the tires in the bam) are trying to reach an agreement on who will pay to haul the tres away and dispose of them Ward 3 rep Ken Gadsden and Mayor Howard Hall indicated Monday the negouations are at a delicate phase "We are all feeling vicumized," said councillor Gadsden as he briefed other members of council A 11 appears as if Scugog, the Ministry and the owner of the property will share the costs to get Income Tax Problems? LET ME HELP! Reasonable Rates - Call Betty rid of the tires. Mayor Hall said how much should be known "in the next couple of days." The tires were hauled to the barn over a year ago by Gordon Elson who rented the property. He was convicted of breaking Scugog by-laws last March and fined $500. He has apparently left this area. The MOE has been paying about $10,000 per month for 24 hour secunty at the site to prevent vandalism or fires. The property is on Concession 10 East, just a few hundred metres from other homes and Lake Scugog Recycling the tires will mean hauling them to Brampton or Scarborough 10 a proper disposal facility 985-9077 LANCASTER, PENNSYLVANIA WILKUM (dutch for welcome) to the land of wonder - not far from home - 1s the attractor for this unique community, only a day's drive from Port Perry Its history predates the US Declaration of Independence and its culture thrives on a non conformity to the modern world A trip 10 Lancaster shows a contrast of the past century 10 the present Beautful small farms, many powered by windmills and horses are interwoven among some of the modem shopping, entertainment and resort settings Home of the Pennsylvania Dutch, Lancaster offers a variety for any traveller including fun parks, museums wineries quit shops, antique markets, dinner theatres and renown direct-from-the-lactory shopping outlets Home of the Amish people in contrast with the sprawling modern community of Lancaster, Pennsylvania makes a worthwhile trip for those who look lor vanety Come join us April 24th 10 27h for an exciting bus tour to Lancaster, Pennsylvania sponsored by Markn Travel wEMZ rm<>»I- Pont Perry For more information on this and other ugeoming bus tours, please cal 985 2268 MARLIN TRAVE 246 Queen St Port Perry 985-2268 with a tour of the Scugog Citizen die of embarrassment, cry, get taken office. Publishers) au Cathy Olliffe and Jotn McClelland 00k ume owt of thew busy! schedules © pude the Foup trough writing an on-the-spot collec tve story. The story was moorporsted Ingo a mock front page and) copied for cach smi) express my disappointment. Thank you for respecung my wishes and becoming more atientrve If 1 could leave one final thought, it would be this KNOWLEDGE = FREEDOM and FREEDOM = GOOD WRIT ING. Go figure! UNITED CARPET Largest Carpet Selection In Scugog Township and a member of the largest carpet buying group in Canada Limited Time Only to Feb. 24, 1992 UPTO LEVOLOR 50 WINDOW BLINDS % or ing parucipant Thanks, John and Students of Mariene's re cund Writers Cathy, everyone Qather around the computer In the HEATING BILLS TOO HIGH? SAVE UP TO =] 0 LA Whether you have Oil, Gas, or Electric Heating we have a system to save you money on your next heating bill, even houses with baseboard electric FINANCING AVAILABLE from an incredible 5.5% for qualified customers. alVampel) HEATING & AIR CONDITONING eon 986-0818 SALE! HOMESTEAD by Ballard & Camegie HWY. 7A EAST - PORT PERRY 985-2451 or 985-2157