Scugog Citizen -- Tuesday, EE CB. = CITIZEN CLASSIFIED Fax4985-1410 985- NEWS _ Deadline: Monday 3 3 p.m. WANTED DEAD or ALIVE! cars and trucks. Phone (416) 985-0869. (M3) 1990 SUNBIRD silver, ps, pb, p. locks, auto, full console, air, AMFM stereo, power trunk, 60/40 back seats, delayed wipers Excellent condition. All service bills available. Asking $9000 cert Call ater 5 PM, 985 2267 1983 CHRYSLER 'New Yorker*, ps, pb, never abused Certified $2900 Call Grant 9854073 M3) 107 Fi FIREFLY 4 door, stan, AMFM, stereo / cassette. $2700. Call 985-3086 1964 ACADIAN SEDAN 1988 BARRETTA GT 2 door, V6, auto, ps. pb. aw stereo, red/silver. excellent Certted No GST $5800 Cal 985-2006 'Office i Equipment 'S COMPANY TYPEWRITERS, Fax Ma Machines, Ribbons, Service and Supply for all types of machines. Jenkins Business Equipment 728-7591 or 985-9783 (TF) 2 hull ime positions Start imme- diately $6 / hr level 7. rotating shifts Call 9854471 HOUSEKEEPING Mature, young mother Is willing to come to your home and dean Reasongble rates Call (416) 985-8084 Paula P Trucks | 1978 BLAZER 4 Wheel Drive. 123.000 km Good condition Asking $2550 Cal 985-8116 aor 7 p.m Snownivbiles 1988 YAMAHA EXCEL Call 906-4755 Green Cleans (no chemicals) homes and offices. We offer "Mother-in-Law" clean. Ready for inspection! Bonded, insured 725-9177 24 hv. INDUSTRIAL or STORAGE SPACE for rent. $125. per month. Contact Karl Herder OVER 1,000 SQ.FT. Downtown Space at competitive rates Heat, hydro, air conditioning (TF) NEED A HAND? - Call Murray! Grass cutting, window cleaning. * eavestrough cleaning, garden- ing, hedge and tree tnmming. papering. painting, 985-3885 (TF) included. Also suitable for 2 For details 985-3508 HALL RENTAL - Immaculate or 985-0305 (TF) Ce ion Hall for B: Dances ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT and Meetings Please contact utilities included, downtown Port Father Charlie 985-7071. (TF) Perry. $550.00 per month Call ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT heated and contained, single occupant $495 per month ing, garage, attic, basement and yard clean-up and removal Please call 985-0060 (TF) PROFESSIONAL WALLPAPERING & PAINTING Reasonable rates Cal Roy Povey 985-0040 (TF) PAINTING, WALLPAPERING, plaster & drywall repairs. texture spraying, custom wood finishing & refinishing, furniture refinish ing and repairs References, insured 8 certified Call Richard Appleton 985 0649 (TF) CARPENTRY Specializing in older home * Overioad. Resumes Essays Cal Berruce (416) 986 0653 (F189) OFFICE TEMP available for & day. a week » month Typing bookkeeping computer Merate Lots of varied experwnce Reskstc rates Call Hiary (416) 085 2026 VAN CAMP CONTRACTING Sand, gravel. fil, imestone WORKING MOTHER of one looking for 2 bedroom apt Port Perry Call 416430 2137 betore 2 pm 965-8922 aher at Bob's Barber Shop. 160 Queen Street, Port Pony (F18) INDUSTRIAL UNITS 14' roll-up door, gas heat. wash- room Available immediately (416) 985-1234 3 BEDROOM HOUSE TO SHARE use of all facilities, in-town $450 per month, first and last Call 9850144 TWO BEDROOM COUNTRY HOME 3 miles from Port Perry with built-in appliances. school bus at door. no pets $850 / month pus hydro Cal 985-2788 (F25) NESTLETON 1200 sq t mobde home $575 month plus utilities 086 4617 afer 6 pm SHOP SPACE FOR RENT Reach Induswial Park Cal days 965 333). ove WS.8704 (TF) COMMERCIAL. retail or ofce 760 sqft prime Water Street location Storage space also avaiable Call evenings (416) 264 4916 (TA 985-2829 or 985-2676 VICEROY HOME 4 years old, 3 bdrms in peaceful lakeside setting, i CALL Don - Freda - Phil (16) 985-2788 included. $780 per month plus utilities 20 minutes from Port Perry Available April 1st. Call 277-3551, work 986-4832 Oddfellows Hall, Port Perry 5:00 PM SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22nd hp. Cras with chains, Dishes, Juke Box, Pinball machine, ther dock (Quartz with Westminster stand. Hand scrub board, Stan (Walch next week's paper for Church window. Cream and milk our March 1st Antique and cans Lamp Many more ems Collectable Auction ) Terms Cash or Cheque with 1D | MecGREGOR AUCTIONS Bruce Kellett, Auctioneer Mike MacGregor 416-987-5402 Call 985-9131 Junior West 416-083-5556 Quickly bright light 10 grow well Plants can be successfully grown under fluorescent light. If, however, African Violets are being grown, they need a 'high pressure sodiem vapour' type. Most plants need between 12 to 16 hours a day of Humidity plays an important role but is ofien ignored. Keeping a house humid in winter can be difficult as there is little humidity outside due 10 the cold air sucking out moisture and little indoors dee 1© heating systems It will help if the plant pot is There are three important {actors 0 consider when introducing plants into your home, LIGHT, RELATIVE HUMIDITY, and TEMPERATURE The sun is the best source of light. If plants are placed in a sunny window be aware that there is a great deal of heat directed on the plant which could burn the leaves and may cause the soil to dry out _-- / / How to introduce new plants to your home FROM THE MASTER GARDENERS The temperature in a house is a personal thing and unless your plants demand special conditions, most N hold deg However, plants do require the night- time temperature 0 be about § degrees Celsius (10 F) lower than the day-time temperature. Now that light, relative humidity and temperature, are under control, the type of planting medium, fertilizing watering can be dealt with The planting medium used should have good drainage but be able 0 hold some water. For most plants, the commercial mixes are adequate as they have he correct PH and right consistency, as well as being sterilized Fenilizer should not be needed for about three months IF new pot- ting soil is used: it should then be applied as directed on the comtainer Read the instructions very carefully and do not over-fertilize. Also, bear in mind that a plant may §0 dormant, usually during winter placed on a bed of pebbles which is kept wet It will need wopping up often as the water evaporates, giving the plant some humidity. Be careful NOT 10 have the pot sitting in the water" Lack of humidity causes leaf damage, leaf drop and generally poor foliage when the light levels are low, so the fertilizer will not be ken up by the roots. This results in an accumulation of salts which will damage the plant. Observe your plants carefully for dormancy and stop fertilizing until new growth appears or the light levels improve in the spring Watering is one of the most difficult factors for which 10 give hard and fast rules. YOU NEED TO KNOW YOUR PLANT: some like wet feet, some like dry feet, some like it damp, others like to dry out between walerings, others must never be allowed w dry out. Having said that, the most common mistake is over- watering. Once a week should be enough, but of course plants in hot conditions will dry out sooner than those in cooler ones, and when a plant is growing vigorously nt 3 more water than when it is dormant Even though you have done everything correctly, your plant may still become sick. Problems caused by insects and discases occur at any ime and must be dealt with immediately. The most common problems are insects such as spider mites, mealy bugs and white flies Fungus discases are rarer and are usually caused by over-watering of poor drainage. There are many sprays and powders to deal with these problems. When choosing a remedy think of the environment and the fact that your family and your pets will be in close contact with it. Read the instructions carefully It is important 10 know as much as you can about your plant's natural environment and do your best 10 emulate it One final thought -- cats are well known for eating house plant leaves, some of which are very toxic and can make your cat very sick