Scugog Citizen -- Tubsday February 13,1993 ~ 33 4a Helen has a touch of...what? AIXELSYD mean, dyslexia. For those of you who may not be familiar with this affliction, it just means you sometimes put words or letters backwards. If I really concentrate when I'm writing, or using a cash register, I'm fine, but let my mind wander a tib, I tend to do things sdrawkcab. I have never had it checked out, nor it is it a big deal, but it does come to my attention at times. I guess it may have some- thing to do with being an identi- cal niwt. You usually find one It's true, folks. I seem to have a touch of aixelsyd... oops, | will be definitely right-handed the other very left-handed. In fact, when I learned how to print as a small child, I did what they call 'mirror-writing'. this is true. You actually had to hold my printing up to a mirror to read it. Somewhere along the line, most of the letters and numbers reversed themselves in my brain, but 1 still have a problem with the odd eno. 1 was curious enough that 1 have written more than once to the 'Left-Handed Society for the Pi and Rehabili Dyslexic Identical Twins', but d never kcab from them. My letters 'were always returned. I kept lick- ing the wrong side of the stamp. It does have its advantages at times. Consider, for instance, when I went in to have my driv- er's license rencwed a few years ago. Silly me, I put my age down as 23 instead of 32. Now that I'm (gasp) in my late forties, I make sure | concentrate very, very care- fully on writing the four first. The disadvantages are mini- mal; 1 hardly notice them, although I have to admit it is a bit of a pain in the tub ringing in $5.91 for a greeting card on the cash register at work, when we all know the price is $1.95. Does it bother me? Not at all, although it is something that | suppose will be with me reverof. However, things could be a lot worse. I could be one of those people who keep repeating them- selves, keep repeating them- selves, keep repeating them- WELL BART, DO WE HAVE R DEAL OR 1 Blue Collar Bart Consulting PROJECT MANAGEMENT RESEARCH Durham Colin L. Kemp Phone (416) 986-4305 Fax (416) 986-5865 carpets 8 couches 985-8552 TRKE IT OR LERVE IT BART! | GUESS NOT. TEN OF MINE FOR ONE OF YOURS, WHAT Wouwp | Do - WITH RLL THE LEFT- OVER EQUIPMENT Wrens Ra B 7 CARTON SPECIAL On all Canadian Cartons Only Excluding 15's & Maverick Cartons | .80 cents OFF WITH ANY PURCHASE OF GASOLINE 4 38.19 1" «37.69 | i Sno TRY US .. WE CARE! A We reserve the right 10 mit quantites. | BLUE COLLAR BART is brought 1o you 'J by XLGAS BAR, Hwy. 7A& Simcoe St. |i JACK R. CAYNE, mA. Certified General Accountant * income tax H Septic & k Scugog olding Tank Pumping Appliance Repair (wre 086.4564 "en 8 oad Apne or Sn Mobo Buy. UY SELL- TRADE 1416) 434-0454 TOM ANGERENOE 986-5312 PINE RIDGE GLASS SERVICE - Jhomal Glass - Replacoment Windows COMPLETE GLASS SERVICE ops, Mirrors, ec. ih Cass & Screen 'Repairs Residential & Commercial Caulking 985- 1899 RON LEE WATER SUPPLY CISTERNS * WELLS * POOLS . OR ANY OF YOUR WATER NEEDS Nestleton (416) 986-4564 * business & corporate inc. fax * goods & services tax call collect during business hours prone @16) 733-8055 axe 733-0248 CORN and PELLET isang ST0VEs Clean, Natural Fires with Automatic Controls J Fireplace Plus 900 Hopkins St WHITBY Burns Woodstoves - Fireplaces - hserts KUSTOM LAWN SPRINKLERS Design - Installation - Repairs Custom Trenching - Cable Laying GARY SMITH 985-8302 A= UXBRIDGE TREE SERVICE ORS oni 8525313. * Brush Chipper * Stump Removal * FULLY INSURED * Hedge & Shrub Trimming OVER RIDGE BEALL WOOD * NATURAL GAS * PROPANE INSERT * FIREPLACES * STOVES BIS HERITAGE CHIMNEY CLEANING, LINERS, SYSTEMS, MASONRY SALES - SERVICE - CERTIFIED INSTALLATIONS 985-0715 60 Vandedward Dr, Unit #7, Port Perry A-Klean Swee "CHIMNEY SERVIC SERVING DURHAM REGION SINCE 1978 9, © CERTIFIED CHIMNEY ove © EMERGENCY SERVICE "Technical © '© BLOCKED FLUES CLEARED Training BOX 9, PORT PERRY ONT, LSL 1A2 {ARTAy UPHOLSTERY 985-4357 * Recoper * Rutwe * of NSH 085-5732 60 VANEDWARD DRIVE - UNIT 8 - PORT PERRY