fo? Citizen -- Tuesday, February 15, 1993-- 3 __& Robberies, murders up sharply in Durham With some notable excep- tions, the overall rate of crime in Durharg Region last year was fairly | whefl compared with 1990. The 1991 crime stats were released last Friday afternoon at the Durham Police Services Board meeting in Oshawa. Chief Dave Edwards said the increase in the number Of rob- berieg and homicides is of real concern to the force, but the overall increase in all crimes in Durham was just 4.4 per cent above the 1990 levels. But the: number of robberies jumped over 75 per cent (from 177 10 311) and the number of homicides soared 360 per cent (from three in 1990 to 11 in 1991) He also noted a 46 per cent increase in the number of arsons last year at 191, compared with Mulroney pledges support FROM PAGE 1 Honda problem, Mulroney devot- ed a lot of his speech to people, caring, sharing, volunteering in community work and tolerance. (Mrs. Mulroney is national chair- person for Cysue Fibrosis and her efforts have raised farge amounts of money for research) He even managed several pass- able jokes that poked fun at his own low standings in current polis. "I asked my insurance agent for more life coverage. Looking at the latest polls, the agent replied, 'best I can get for you now is fire and theft." The eveninf was billed as a casual, informal meeting with the Prime Minister. Indeed the swing through Ontario was supposed to be ron- At one point he compared the people in the Newcastle hall with those in his hometown of Baie Comeau. "You speak English and they speak French." He got a roufd of warm 130 the previous year. The total number of crimes against people/property in the Region was up 4.4 per cent, from 36,777 in 1990 to 38, 396 last year. A positive trend, the Chief said, was the decline in criminal . code driving charges by 12 pér cent. Also. tailing off in ghe latter part of 1991 was the number of calls for service. Though the department still averages some 55,000 calls per month, Chief Edwards said the advent of the 911 system means some calls are handled at the switchboard/communications without a car or officer dis- patched to the scene. And he said "low priority calls". age not answered at all (about 35 every 12 hours) # fact he said "is a concern for us." applause when he quoted Sir. John A. MacDonald who said "let us be English or let us be French But at all umes, let ug be Canadian." And he was applauded when he took some verbal shots at the media and all the "negative report- ing." . Wearing a trim blazer, grey slacks, white shirt and light mauve tie, Mr. Mulroney appeared relaxed and at ease as he spoke. "Don't be afraid to reach out, keep the flames of tolerance and caring alive," he said. "Canada will always be OK if we err on the side of generosity and compas- sion." And towards the end of the speech, he broke into several sen- tences in French that ended "above all'else, | am for Canada." Many in the audience were young children with local Guides and Beaver groups, or with the Cystic Fibrosis organization. Security around the Prime Minister in the hot, crowded hall Me CONTR COENEN STORE 14020 Old Scugog Rd, Blackstock 986-4997 PRESENTS folk Art Gini PROJECT SAMPLES NOW on DISPLAY CLASS REGISTRATIONS \_ Mon-Fri 7AM10 9PM; Sat BAM 10 9PM; Sun. 9AMI0 9PM J The statisticaMbreakdown for 1991 shows a slight overall increase in crime in 26 Division (Scugog, Uxbridge and Brock Township). There were 2445 cri in 1990, compared with 2 1991. The number of residential break-ins climbed from 254 to 312 and commercial break-ins wenf tp from 209 to 248 in 26 Division. The number off Criminal Code driving offenses dropped slightly, impaired charges stayed the same, but the number of accidents declined slightly' The number of people who died in accidents in 26 Division in 1991 climbed to 12, from 1 cight the previous year. Across Durham, 42 people died in accidents last year, com- pared with 24 the previous year. for farmers was tight and he amved through a side door, avoiding the protesices at the from of the building. Durham MP Ross Sicvenson said the decision for Mr Mulroney to visit places hike Newcastle, Onllia, Peterborough and Barrie was made six months, ago "It is a conscioys effort to get (the Prime Minister) into the smaller municipalgties of the country," said Mr. Stevenson. products. NVICH RVIW2'D (wes "Serptch Dicoun) The Police budget last year was about $45 million. Edwards expected to "be very lean." in} WIN s2s° worth of ee ything! groceries And it's SO EASY TO WIN! Sens nse est? at DOWSON'S VALU-MART! you a Contest Original! 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