Miriam Harris (right) Is Conservator with the Ministry of Culture and Communications, and she w. at Scugog Shores Museum last week to meet with museum and staff and give advice on topics like how to take care of collections. Coincidentally, Kim Harper had Just finished putting together a marvellous display of old quilts, which Ms. Harris definitely approved of! It's Heritage Week --~ what better time to visit the museum self. If you can't make it this wi and check out the quilts for your- k, the display continues until May 30. See story for more on Heritage Week New food store gets preliminary approval FROM PAGE 1 Gadsden throwing their votes behind 1 Mayor Howard Hall did not vote, but said later he supports the "approval in principle " The location of the proposed 30,000 square foot store 1s on land known as the Zoecon property, on the south side of Highway 7A, just west of the Port Perry own Limit The proposal was unveiled in front of council a month ago by consultant Bill Ballinger, acting for the developer In a lengthy Monday afiernoon, councillors said the decision (0 approve in principle was a tough one But Ward 4 rep Dictlen pointed out that Scugog ballly needs some construction and some ncw job The cost of the store is esumated at Over $4 million and it would provide some 40 full and pant ume jobs when (inished Councillor Pearce said she doesn't agree with the assessment discussion that the store 15s the forerunner of a major mall "All we (council) are doing is adding one more (commercial) use to an exisung commercial zone," she said The issue likely will be decided by the Onno Mumcipal Board as the owners of land in cast end Pont Perry (the Conway lands acraogs from the Port Perry Plaza) said last week they are prepared (0 take this to the Board A&P has signed an agreement to put a 24,000 square foot store on the Conway site in cast-end Pon Perry Councillor Pearce said Monday she would rather sec the Conway lands used for seniors citizens aparuments or a hotel/motel, rather than a food store and strip mall The name of the store proposed for the west end has never been disclosed publicly, but it 1s believed 10 be a Sobey's, which has numerous stores in Eastern Canada LY. \"J 3 NOGST history a wel 7. \") of satishod 1992 WINTER PROMOTION ALCAN & ALL TECHWELD 2000 VINYL WINDOWS FREE Low E (ends Mar 31/92) Hydro Rebates to Qualified Homeowners Financing Avaliable Discounts Avaliable to Seniors Be a smart homeowner lean as much as possible about your parsaular home Improvement project betore proceeding with 1 Thin includes learning about the contractor and hes past work vw procedures required © cary out te home 'Wolessionally and with Wp qualty produce ALLEN'S SIDING PRODUCTS LIMITED & ore of Durham Region and Victoria Counties largest Alcan Authorized Premium Renovator with over twenty years in business and housands ne of ow od i q 0 actor Owr written warranty program'is among he top in the industry For 'Quotaton (416) 985-3333 or (705) 878-2023 Scugog Citizen -- Tuesday, February 18, 1002 +5 ute Celebrate your heritage! By Gail Sheridan Curator/director This week is Heritage Week and what a great time to start preparing for Canada's 125th birthday. Our heritage is the total environ- ment we have inherited from the past and must pass on to the future. As the Ontario govemment's state- ment of vision states, "Ontario's heritage is a living resource. It is the basis of our identity and our social and economic well being. It is a source of confidence in what we can achieve, as we come to understand individuals and communities are enabled to leam about their heritage and to conserve and develop it as the foundation of liveability and continuity in the province." Heritage Week also marks ume 0 appreciate and acknowledge the people in our communities who ded- icate themselves to conserving and the development of our heritage There are many activities you and your children can do to get involved in our heritage for Canada 125 organize a history treasure hunt, using clues from histonc hous. es, plaque sites and other sources {ind out what kind of wildhife once inhabited your local area and find out if they can be introduced record your family tree and make copies 0 give as gifts wo rela uves recreate a day in the hfe of your community choose some local streets which have been named after famous people. Research these peo- ple and the umes they hived join in the restoration of a her itage structure in your community. --organize a historic fashion show. These are just a few ideas to get you started in celebrating our important heritage and Canada's birthday. Remember, the Scugog Shores Museum Village is open Tuesday to Friday, 1 to 5 p.m. We are cele- brating Heritage Week with the opening of our new quilt display, 'A Thousand Stitches' and offering free admission to our main building during this week. We will also be promoting the museum at the Oshawa Centre on Friday, February 21 at the Durham Region Heritage Network's show- case. H&R Block has the experience you need. wtf At - We prepare all kinds of income tax returns, from the simple to the complex Whatever your tax situation, we can handle it HR BLOCK Canada's Tax Team. Standing up for you! 174 PERRY STREET, PORT PERRY Phone (416) 985-9803 ITS WORTH C- {eo MNT" [1-0 IN YOUR POCKET TO PURCHASE A USED CAR or TRUCK from PHILP PONTIAC BUICK LIMITED 10V wedw d Driv s 290 Present this $250. 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