Surf's up? How to beat the winter blahs? Why, it's easy as these grade three and four students at Epsom Public School found out last Wednesday. Just get dressed up In your favourite shorts and t- shirts (not to mention those wild shages, m man) and pretend you're on a beach warm. Hang In there, kids, spring in Scugog is Just around the corner. Knowing when to quit If allowed to make a general observation I would say the greatest k in any rel p or association is communication (or the lack of it) If allowed to offer a solution I would dish up a meaty consultation. CONSULTATION: It's like making a slew, Ip the cen- tre of AR SA sits an invisible pot. The dy then decide how the idea can best be served. If, when offering a carrot, the donor believes the input to be the only solution, the final outcome will be drastically altered. Instead of a delicious stew with some carrots, you have only carrots. Nourishing as they may be, they don't provide a balagced meal 4 in the of the group deer- mine the style of cooker, oven, crock pot orf pressure cooker. Ideas from the people gathered to search for answers become the 'The root cause of many a failed communication is-clinging to one's opinion. When an idea goes into the jopinion (or ingredi- end, the group. Must af ent) is necessary in their words, they'll be| easier 10 if nutri- tious and delicious. The process offers protection because whatever is implemented pot the of the though must leam to let it go. The ingredi- ent now belongs to the group who holy over a 'good concept. The 'Arsenic' selling fast If you haven't a ticket Borelians' production of ". and Old Lace," get to Irwin Smith end, who rewarded the cast with well deserved ovations. Gales of laughter echoed through the Town Hall Theatre as this wonderful old comedy charmed delighted and frightened audiences. It's a bona fide hit. Director Ed Daigle has done a great job in capturing the play's charm and dark humour, while his troupe of actors give ter- rific performances, Borelians presi- hc. dent John H. Foote was stunned by the response to the play, thrilled could ues this Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings with tickets available at Irwin Smith Music, Queen Street. Tickets available at the door for Thursday night's show, A special treat in this Saturday's show is a cameo appearance on stige by Scugog Mayor Howard Hall as one of the intended murder "DANCE Catholic Church Hall .» MARCH th, 1992 8:00 PM to Lif DOUG PAM i" l $12. per Person Bufiet / Refreshments new-found freedom allows for more and more creative solutions to the In all groups there are those who talk more than others (ask me if I had trouble choking on those words) The big talkers could be considered the meat and potatoes. Everyone's the may, at first be inclined to take offence. If we make a conscious effort to neither give nor take offence we may be pleasantly sur- prised how something that can bring tears, mixes in to impart a subtle richness. With practice, we will learn to keep alive the original flavours by never allowing the process to become too watered down. In other words, leam when to quit. Adding too much only makes us weary from stirring the pot and the stew (consul- tation) becomes less than appetizing to everyone present. There. is wis- dom in knowing when to quit... Have you seen Ben? Has anyone seen Ben? He's the three-year-old Golden Lab in photo and he's been missing since Feb. 18, much to the dismay of Erica and Jeremy Bulloch who miss him very much. Ben was last seen on Carnegle Beach Road on Scugog Island. He's very friendly, has a tattoo In his ear, and Is wearing a black, nylon collar. If you have seen him or have any info., call Mark Bulloch at 985-9984. Erica and Jeremy badly want Ben home again. Shirley Road, J 985-1598 - HOURS - Wed., Thurs., Fri. 5:00 to 11:00 PM Sat. & Sun. 12 Noon to 11 PM Closed Mon. & Tues. We Serve Dinner to 11 PM Duta Plo Cl ow lan 00 PH evry Sandy a Grote Join us In the resteurant and watch Licenced by LLBO COMFORTABLE. CASUAL DINING COME RELAX and ENJOY!" THE BAHA'l FAITH FROM A-Z THE BAHA' FAITH mom A-Z THE BAHA'I FAITH irom A-Z