Stevenson calls budget 'most realistic possible! Durham MP Ross Stevenson says last week's federal budget is "the most realistic possible answer to what Canada wants and needs." In a statement on budget day (February 25) Mr. Stevenson went on to say "there are further cuts to spending by making the govemment leaner and more effi- "This should make the process simpler and more responsive to individual needs by directing assistance to those families with low and middle incomes," he said. "I am sure that small business and manufacturers will welcome their tax concessions. And the elimination or merging of 46 cient,whilé providing some sig- nificant tax. relief for individual Canadians, which will help them and stimulate the economy. I think many people will now see boards and agencies, along with the five per cent pay cut for the Prime Minister and Cabinet, all are sending the right signals. the benefits of the tough but diffi- "The most important message cult decisions the govemment has is this budget is that the govem-. had to face and make since it was ment intends to keep reducing the first elected in 1984. deficit while it's also cutting Oshawa Pony Club members were treated to a plon show pony. Mrs. Cane was teaching club mem- And the Durham MP said he is especially pleased with the budget provisions for families, including a major rationalization tic leadership we've given | By Heather McCrae tack used on horses, also the clean- of the present complex system of Canada_over the past seven The Oshawa Pony Club held its ing of the bridle and saddle. family allowances and credits, so years---which is not coming monthly meeting at Hoskin Stables In Pony Club, some of our that a monthly child tax benefit from any of the other political | on a recent Sunday afternoon. The senior members assist ifthe teach- will be paid to parents. parties," he concluded. members learned about the different ing. The three members teaching on" spending and taxes and creating more jobs. That again demon- strates the determined and realis- lon by Shirley Cane and Toby', a cham- bers the do's and don'ts of hitching and driving. 'Toby' teaches art of hitching A & P - Catering Display ZELLERS - Accessories & Props for the Fashion Show to be held March 7th at 2 p.m. KENNEDY JEWELLERS - Store display of Bridal Gifts, Check out the fine selection of clocks TRENT TRAVEL - Display of Honeymoon Getaways Come to the Lindsay Square BRIDAIL SHO Services @ Displays ® Fashion Show @ Draws, These Lindsay Square Merchants will amaze you with their Bridal Services March 4to 7 MALL HOURS J CHEZ LORRAINE - Wedding Gowns, Mother of Bride Dresses, Day Dresses FASHION PLUS - Fashions & Accessories GENERAL TRUST - and Loan ion for y HALLMARK - Wedding Invitations & Accessories. Decorations for the Shower or Reception PEOPLES JEWELLERS - Jewellery for the Fashion Show AGNEW - Shoes and Purses for the Bridal Party UTTLE BOOK SHOP - Draw Prize, ASA - Music for the Fashion Show RON SIDER JEWELLERS - Gifts for the Bride, Bridesmaids and Groom BEAUTY BOUTIQUE - Hairstyles for, the Bridal Party QUATTRO - Casual Hairstyles for the Honeymoon MAGICUTS - Hairstyles for the Casual Life DONUT VILLAGE - Sandwich and Sweet Trays for the Reception " orpephaemgmns ein ora Bai Pary : dn rn tool DRAW PRIZES. ~- - sories, ther with ... MARWILL'S BED & BATH: AConyrte Bovion ot iso PARTICIPANTS: LINDSAY SQUARE VIDEO - Come see the Bride and Groom in the "Box Office", P ) and marvel at the many Wedding Videos A & PO TTL ETIOND Gasual Fashion deas Trent Travel BAY Co's Gon Yew, Vieques PharmaPlus And ... We welcome these Lindsay Merchants to our show! . "THE BEST 37 OF THINGS SFORGT. Carchyn Fogks witwirk har magic with towers ol Radio Shack Brides, , ta Jr a SOs Sages ro A & A Records LIMOUSIN ERVICI mercial its, special occasions and weddings. Loox ior the Limo n fom of Poople's Jewelers! Income Tax Plus "WALTER CRACKNELL PHOTOGRAPHER" rom beautiful downtown Lindsay, Picture Perfect a Crodive Burger King CATERING om MSBETY', Kons y Zellers MUSIC. DJ "FROGGIE" will perform his musical at Lindsay Square Video, ' Biway LINDSAY RE = complete place settings for the reception, fountains, arches, linens. the various tack were Blair Trotter, Kyla McCrae and Melanie Thomson. During the second 'half of the meeting, everyone had the pleasure of listening to the guest speaker, Mrs. Shirley Cane of Hoskins. There are no formalities at the sta- ble; Mrs. Cane is known by one and is affectionately called Shirley by young and old alike. Shirley's talk was on hitching a pony toa cart and then she gave a driving Shirley had everyone view the parts of hamess used when driving, namely the collar, breastplate, lines and the backpad. There are three -aids used when driving -- the hands, the whip and the driver's voice. The attire worn by a driver in the show ring is a hat, jacket, fancy: white blouse, gloves, sturdy shoes, an apron (minus the bib) and you must have a whip. Shirley's talk touched on many events involved in driving a horse in ealighicaing everyone pre- sent on this type of competition. Shirley has been involved in har- "ness competition for many years. You can see the twinkle in her eye and can share her delight when she talks of the champion animals she owns and shows at various shows, starting in the spring and carrying through to the fall. One might think a whip is not a costly item, however you can expect to pay anywhere from $150 to $200 for a good whip. And don't think harness is cheap. The Freedman hamess, which is one of the best which includes the backpad, breast- plate and bridle, can run you up to $2,500. One of Shirley's top Welsh ponies was brought into the ring. Adrmore Audobon, alias Toby, was hitched into the hamess and cart, this particular model of cart known * as a Meadowbrook. Shirley drove Toby around the arena and demon- strated how he reacts to voice com- mands only. Many had the opportu- nity to drive Toby, with Shirley beside them offering assistance. Pony Club's next meeting is March 29 at Hoskin Stables. Steve Daiken, a ferrier, will be our guest speaker.