Blue Collar Bart item will close, A full course roast items. Throughout the evening, beef dinner will be served at 7 p.m. various performing groups from the school at 986-4241, or by con raffles aré welcome. Contact the During the dinner; various raffles CHS will entertain the guests. = will be held for a wide variety of Tickets arc $25/petson or or $40/cou- Te Sale alii oy posite tions for either the silent anction or tacting any band member from school if you do wish to contribute Cartwright High. As well, dona- to the evening. p10 enjoy ving acim where efaons change ud ring wit cup, & habit which led to his demise. set free. He had discovered that sitting in the dish caused it 1 slowly (Spring is for the birds -- all those birds! Peeper Number One's end came when he was almost old enough to met with a sad end but was extremely grateful that the sad end wasn't near mine. PEEPER NUMBER TWO: An almost identical repeat of Peeper Number One except, thank goodness, the dish dunking trick. We happi- ly set this Peeper free the moment he could fly. We weren't taking any chances. : Robbie-the-Robin's story next week. ) | HAVE SOME GREAT NEWS BART. COURTNEY HAS OFFERED TO GET UP 8 TRt FU FUND FOR Holding Tank ~ Pumping Nestleton (416) 986-4564 Mobile 1416) Aoasa Landscaping and Gardens THE WORDS COURTNEY, TRUST, AND FUNDS 7 SERVICE DIRECTORY Call 985-NEWS To Place Your Service Directory Ad in the Scugog Citizen - L a UXBRIDGE TREE SERVICE LAWN SPRINKLERS Does 8.5, 8. 8.5 (Agr) 852-5313 Installation - Repairs Custom Trenching « Cable Laying PORT PERRY Warren Rohrer Minihoe & Landscaping PINE RIDGE GLASS SERVICE | | "oe meee WARREN tle Jove. Mon, ok. Mobile 4 Screen Repairs. Flasidental § Commercial Oauking certified landscape designer MINIHOE * seplios, Inndecaping, grading, post hole digging, backfiling HAULAGE oc. - Toamal Gs oocunert Wows - COMPLETE GLASS : 985-18 99 Woodstoves - Fireplaces inserts Aes Swee CHIMNEY SERVIC 'WATER SUPPLY 1 | - CISTERNS * WELLS * ORANY OF YOUR WATER NEEDS * Nesteton (416) 986.4564 ;