Ken Dowson, manager of Dowson's Valu-mart In Port Perry Plaza, tells you how! of PRESIDENT'S CHOICE products, they think of food It's an understandable assumption, because most of the PC products st Dowson's Vale mart are food or food- related But there are many, many non-food PC items out there to discover, and they're just as exciting as the PC foods you've come 10 know love The next ume you go grocery shopping. take a few minutes 0 explore the health and beauty aisle. Among the shi mpoos and conditioners are some classy black and gold bottles filled with PC SALON FORMULA These are among the best shampoos and conditioners you will ever try! Just ask someone with long hair - like the Citizen's Cathy Olliffe, who was paying a kot of money for 'good hair products because the 'cheap' ones leave her hair wagled, messy and mp Bet no more! Now she uses IX SALON FORMULA because it gives her everything she wants mn an expensive shampoo, al the price of a bargan brand And there's more! Try the NO NAME EUROPEAN STYLING MOUSSE, HAIRSPRAY OR SPRITZ. If there's a baby in the family, or if you just like being treated like ome, try the PRESIDENT'S CHOICE GREEN TEARLESS BABY SHAMPOO - ifs biodegradable and gentle on tender scalps There's also a CONDITIONING BALSAM SHAMPOO, » VARIABLE RESPONSE SHAMPOO & CONDITIONER (regular and extra body), and even a NO NAME DANDRUFF SHAMPOO & CONDITIONER If you like that other Australian brand, you'll love the PC KOALA! And if you love hair management rysioms', yow hair will love the PRESIDEN. T'S CHOICE TOTAL HAIR MANAGEMENT SYSTEM! But i doesnt end there! President's Choice offers all this: afer bath splash. fresh facial mis, ASA wblets for the stromgest headaches, calamine lotion for mosquito bites, jodine, hydrogen ide, mineral oll, epson salts, medicated chest red -- ity all TOP QUALITY, ot » better price than the aationsl brand names! | may not be a health & beauty expert, but | know 8 great product when | see i, and these are ALL promt! aa et kA L LSASSPSZ You could win $250 worth of . free, ® Dowsen's n the Port Parry Just 81 In Bs coupon Sh8 heb ad Dubos Shit Four Sivoits product is, Arwwers wil be putiahed in i be chosen, and thal lucky winne: wil Lake home $280 worth of groceries. drop off this coupon at Dowson's Valu-mart, In the Port Perry Plaza. Finsl columns. (Almond Crunch Bars) My greatest concern about writing a 'cooking of. Tasting, however, is believing. column: was whether or not I would have enough original ideas and recipes for more than a few 1 cup butter Hopefully with encouragement from friends and family (like I've received lately) you the readers will help by sending your favourite recipes and meal ideas What's your} favourite com- fort How that favourite that (985-NEWS) you'd never let company know aout? What's the most unbelievable recipe you enjoy? | also know that within our community we have many fine and talented gourmet cooks and it would be just great for them to share their expertise in this column. Give me a call anytime, either at 985- 9268, or leave a message for me ai the Citizen Speaking of 'unbelievable recipes', something most people can't believe - \™ way it tastes, but can't get over what it's made Almond Crunch Bars Boil together for three minutes in a heavy pot: 4 cup brown 'While boil- the crackers. almonds. before cutting here's they love Pour the syrup mixture evenly over the Bake at 400 degrees F for five minutes. Cool (Store in a dry sealed container, not in the refrigerator because they'll go soft and gooey. | never have 10 worry about storing them because they never last that long) Creative credit for Bis recipe goes to Valerie Eden J Hold off on clean-up projects! With the weather breaking much cartier this year than in the past, many homeowners are ich ing 10 get outside and start thew spring Clean-up projects. There are a few projects that should be looked afier, and others that you should hold off on for at least three weeks If insects were a problem last year on yous fruit or shade troes shrubs or evergreen (especially forest tent caterpillar), apply a dormant oil spray sometime dur ing the next two weeks This will severely reduce the amount of insects that will survive If you've used plastc maternal © protect some of your evergroen plants, now 5 the nme 10 remove [] if left on, with the mcreRsed PEAT MOSS Peat Moss Large 4 cu Nt bale Reg $6 99 day temperatures on the rise, you could severely hamper the growth If burlap or netting was used, keep i on for st least two more weeks when the threat &F freezing [ain has past A ot of phone calls by ches in the north, recently, have been durected 0 me regarding roses Is UILOCK' FACTORY OUTLET | Full selection of paving ones, retaining walls, sealers. Rental equipment available' pet: it time to prune them? It will probably be at least two more weeks before it's ume © prune or unprotect your rose bushes [ll give you the details on what © do al that time Some residents may see some of the carly sprouting bulbs pop ping up in protecied south expo sures Bang carly blooming van cues, severe frost or clod won't affect them, but 10 be on the safe ude, laying branches of spruce or balsam fir over these beds will delay these bull for § fos more wopks Mid March is the deal begin vegetable snd flower seeds indoors. Remember 1 give germ nating seeds high humidity, wet Plense see BEGIN, page 11 ume FERTII 125 RS WAREHOUSE PRICED Below Su Retail Prices NOW'S THE TIME TO PUT ON CRABGRASS ONTROL LAWN Fe liLieza *Jgallery