Can't you fee! It in the air? Patriotism Is buliding quickly In A Proud Voice For Scugog Vol. 1, No. 40 Tuesday, March 31, 1992 CIRC. 10,000 32 pages Local tax bite ~ held to 1.47°, Scugog Township council has approved its 1992 budget with a 1.47 per cent increase in property taxes. That will add $6.20 cents 0 the tax bill on a home with an assessed value of $3600, said finance committee chairman mill rate hike a 1.47 per cent, coun- cil opted 10 dip into cash reserves to spend about $200,000 on several local projects such as paving the parking lot at the Scugog Arena. Councillor Christie warned that by dipping into reserves, Scygog probably will have to take short she said such services as Blue Box rec-cycling may become a local, Both the province and the Region are "downloading" the cost of some services omo the municipali- ties, she said. The budget got approval from all members of Scugog Township, as residents gear up for all kinds of 125th Yvonne Christie as she presented term loans from the bank to pay the council with the exception of Ward birthday celebrations. At Cartwright Central Public School, for the budget for council approval Board of Education levy this April. 4 rep David Dietlein. 1 can't sup ple, staff and alike wore red and white last Last J the Township bor. an i of 1.47 Wednesday. Above, ki en students Mark Carnaghan ahernoon. ahuary ownship port an increase of even 1.47 per and Mitch Truax happily showed off their patriotic outfits. Just how much the total tax rowed about $600,000 (at a cost of cent | campaigned (last November) According 1o Mitch, the best thing about Iiving If Canada fs. increase will be won't be known $2800) for operating costs until the for a zero tax increase," he said "You can go swimming." Meanwhile, the Kinsmen Club of Port until Durham Region and the first installments of taxes were paid. "Spending must be held at last Perry is ing ready for ts major Canada 125 event, The Boards of set their bud- "There are Do emergency cush- year's levels. The $6.20 increase Proud To Be Canadian Tour. See story for detalls. | [ ] Talkin' proud! Are Kinsmen proud to be Canadian? You want to believe it! Members of the Port Perry Kinsmen Club are just bursting with pride --- so much so, they can't wait to share their exuberance with the rest of the community as Canada celebrates her 125th April 25 is the big day, when local Kinsmen and K The Proud To Be Canadian Tour 10 Scugog. But the "un begins even before that, with a Big Band Music Kickoff at The islander on Scugog Island, from 8:30 p.m. to midnight. Tickets wre $15 in advance and are available a Irwin Smith Music (they're $20 at the door, but there are only so many, 80 get them fast!) The big day begins carly, 7:30 a.m., when is given 10 the Kinsmen Club of Port Perry (Simcoe St, south of Port Perry at the ridges) The procession the Peace T the Ridgeview Diy gels some time in the next few weeks, The 1.47 per cent increase this year is the lowest local tax hike in recent mamory. Last year, for example the increase was 4.9 per cent. In commenting on the budget, councillor Chriggie called it "good and bad news." She said it will keep current levels of services in Scugog, and there will be no municipal staff layoffs. However, she wamed that layoffs might be necessary in the future. And she also warned that the budget this year is 50 Jean that tax hikes may be higher in futare years. "1 just don"t see how councils can keep this (moweade) at this level in the future," she sid. And she noted that 10 keep the ions (in the budget) but we are try- ing 1 keep staff employed and © be raised from the mill rae. The rest comes from other revenues and pants. The largest single item is for roads at $2.1 million which is 2 1.5 per cent increase over last year General jon will cost $944,000, Pire Unit 1 $275,000, Fire Unik 2 $167,000. The direct grant of $51,000 10 the Scugog Arena is unchanged from last year, likewise the grant of $31,000 for the Blackstock Rec Centre. Councillor Christie warmed that increased costs garbage disposdl will impact on future mills res and (locally) won't matter much when coupled with (increases) from the Region and School Boards," he stated. He requested that the budget be tabled for staff 10 make cuts to bring the increase down 10 zero. He less. He lisied many budget inems which could be cut, he said, and would mean 8 10tal possible reduc tion of $376,000. Among she cuss, he called for, wre the grants 1 the arenas and community halls. "The users should pay. It's not 100 much © have people pay for ice Ume, in fact to pay for their Aeads north on Simcoe St 10 the back parking lot of Port Perry High School, accompanied by dignitaries in horse-drawn carriage AL 10 am there's a parade featuring community groups, the RCMP Colour Guard and others. It will start at the school and carry Park on Waugh the downtown core 0 the gazebo wes w Palmer Park on Waser St. The Proud To Be Canadian Flag Ceremony happens at 11 a.m. with master of ceremonies Pete Kneale, special guests, a flag pole dedication, the Peace Tower Flag Raising, speakers and a Flag Signing Ceremony (for children under voting age) Al noon, a Palmer Park Dedication Ceremony is planned, fol- lowed by a Lip Sync Contest from 1 10 3 p.m ot the Latcham Centre Applications aad tickets are available at Irwin Smith, for o $5 entry fee Admission is $2 per person in advance, $3 per person ® the door. Limited quantities are available. From 3% w Spm there will be Bingo at the Latcham Centre And from £30 pm. © 12:30 a.m. there will be a Gala Dance with D Flat & The Binz. x also a the Lacham Centre Tickets are $8 per couple in advance, $10 per couple at the door A limited number of tickets ar¢ avail I able a Irwin Smith Music } On Sunday, things will wind down a bit. At 10:30 am. the § Peace Tower Flag will be turned over 10 Whithy/Brooklin Kinsmen ! Clubs for continuation ofthe Proud To Be Canadian Tour leisure." he stated. When he sug gested a $10 charge for library users, he was told by Mayor Howard Hall that provincial legis- lation does not allow this Al one polst as Mr Kemp was making his presentation, Ward 2 (ROCOPROS, staff time and agendas fog the Taxpayers Coalition, * Mayor Howard Hall described make a sop in Port Perry. | Walch for more details isfupcoming editions of the Scugog Citinedl.