LIsy Big homecoming for Les Les and Zona Parkes came 'home' on Saturday, and what » homecoming it was! Two years ago, Les, one of Port Perry's most well-known watercolour artists, packed up and moved to the Buckhorn area, north of Peterborough. He says he loves the beauty of Buckhorn, but both he and his wife Zona admit they miss Port Perry. Les still has three students he teaches, sO gots his 'Scugog fix' more often than Zooa. But both enjoyed a warm homecoming Saturday, during the opening of 'Bittersweet' a one man watercolow an show by Les at Scugog Memorial Library Hugs, kisses and laughter were prolific at the library gallery, where family and friends gathered 10 say hello to the Parkes and appreciate the beautiful water olours Les has become famous for While there were some tender portraits of his grandchildren most of the 'Biulersweet" puntings followed a rather umigue theme mixing the beauty of nature with human garbage. The tithe painting reflects the duality it's Nightshade, a beautiful plant that is also poisonous. The colloquial name for Nightshade is Bittersweet. But there is another painting that sums up the theme of the show it's a rather whimsical this forever. So this year, | made a point of i." All of his paintings, while colourful and pleasing 10 the eye, also have their own sense of humour -- especially one called "The Fifth', a forest scene with four crushed cigaretie butts in the phece, § » large, ¢ Lod wp Coca-C ola ¢ can, from and cen- re Les said, "Whenever Zona and I go for a walk, no matter how natural it is, we're bound to comd™s Karen Richardson, a watercolour across a crushed Coke can." Other paintings in the show feature various kinds of trash, from crushed cigarotic packages to palit oo walls "AThere are a few paintings that don't have the garbage in them, per se, but there is some that might not be obvious," he said playfully This penchant for mining nature with trash began in 1985 after he won a J Municipal Garbage'. 8 pe of a mish-mash of broken, rusied stop and tum mgns. "| guess that first one Wentified me," he smd "1 was going 0 do d. "The Fifth' is what you 're looking at when you're smoking the fifth." he said, and grinned. The painting was bor- rowed from the collection of artist horsell who also had a show ot the Scugog Libeary, in January of this year. Karen, by the way, was 50 taken with the Scugog area, that she and her husband are moving to Port Perry in June. Les says he feels flattered that Karen, another artist, has thought enough of has painting © buy iL "1 have a helluva respect for Karen Richardson," he sad But Karen, and everyone who attended the show opening Saturlpy. showed respect for Les Wheh he and Zona lived here they were deeply involved in many community projects, includ ing local theatre, s0 they are ---------------- -------- Las Parkes 1s 8 familiar name in Port Perry artistic circles - white missed by many, many people If you missed seeing Les on Saturday, you can still see his an work on display at the library until April 17 CMHC 5 SCHL Fialping Question habitation house Cansdione pi rw sow HOMEOWNERS DO YOU QUALIFY FOR SS000. ASSISTANCE FOR HOME REPAIRS? This week's column was 10 be about a» robin, but I'M SEEING RED and it 1s NOT on a bird's breast Why are my feathers ruf fled? Well, I'm about © tell you and well you but good. | feel like those people in the movie he lived here, he contributed his many talents to thestre and ant But his watercolour art was the centre of stirsction Seturdey st the brary during the opening of his one-man show, Bitlerswes!'. Lae poses in this photo with fellow artist Karen Richardson, whe owns the Parkes painting In the background, The Fifth', which mixes nature's beauty with human garbage. See story guys everywhere are boing threat ened. How? Every ume someone anyone, pays undue silention 1 the provertial squeaky wheel When an unfair, obnoxious or unnecessarily loud complainer ge kid-glove attention Network' who) wend (© thelr win-§ dows threw them open and yelled 10 the street, "I'm asp mad as hell and I'm not going w take it anymore." Sounds pretty feisty for some one proud of her stay-at-home cookie-beking- Mum image, doesn't it? Why the fury? Something is being threstened gad I'm respond ing with anger. JUSTICE IS BEING ATTACKED. And nice RESIDENTIAL TUR TY EE REN® 1-416-40 INTERPRISI 0020 Canada ) Servige Clubs, Community Organizations, Fair Boards, Sports Groups Seniors' Groups, wl ot 36 Waker Perry, Deadine tor copy information ts Apr 15.1902 mes made based on pacifying the wheel that squeaks the loudest How often have you sen 8 par ont in 8 supermarket line-up ry © The SCUGOG CITIZEN 2 PU (1 would like to announce that in conjunction with has | h - THE TOWNSHIP of SCUGOG PARKS and RECREATION (4,1 pe r I ence DEPARTMENT u nee J: we will be . PARKS and RECREATION '92 JAY eel SUMMER SERVICES GUIDE in early May 1962 We prepare all kinds of income tax We would like 10 invite afl local teturns, from the simple to the complex Whatever your tax situation, we can handle it HeR BLOCK Canada's Tax Team. Standing up for you! 174 PERRY STREET, PORT PERRY Phone (416) 985-9803 Oh, Marlene's angry now! senile the child who 3 whining and pleading for the templing teats (put ®t thew eye level © drive par ents crazy)? H's cay © and a the sidelines and know in Our hearts that if the parent mx umbs they have ncouraged the same scone 10 00 and over again So, why Is it en an adult dis pve they want simply © tt them wp? IT ISN'T FAIR! IT ISNT JUST! And, | might ask (1 think I'm on # roll, 100 bad a few heads aren't rolling along with me), what does this do 10 the nice guy? The person who patiently endures and quietly performs thes service? Often thelr work goes urwowarded and without notice. And, why sre they ignored? Is it because they haven't yelled LOUD ENOUGH? So, how do we change this injustice? Perhaps by searching ow hearts and then acting with justice in ALL shgations. It won't be easy of first, but it will be a Jot more pleasant for everyone in the end (Surely some yell just begagse they know they get action, they aren't really enjoying i, are they?) If the poor behaviour is ignored and the good rewspded with positive sien ton (which most child-rearing expen proclaim) things can only pot boner. The finger isn't potnting in any one direction but, if you feel stirrings, t's ume 10 search your soul My final word on the subject? SQUEAKI!!! Surely, my typewriter malfunctions! SQUEAK! There it good again, that noise didn't come from me, did i? SQUEAK! Yes, | guess it gid. OH NO. Another nice pay shout 10 bite the dus (or is it with anything [ve the next time you we me or call 9R59339 and lewve & SQUEBAK od the answering machine.