ON Ths Farm By Heather McCrae Shirley Cane of Hoskin Stables, Blackstock, has been sur- Her champion ponies are Ardmore Asdobon, Kenview Kally-Ko and Friars Empress. Line/WalkFrot; Walk/Trot; A Division - Saddle Pony; Junior Driver; A Division - Gelding on Line; A Division - Gelding in Harness and Most Versatile Pony. Kenview Kally Ko took top Shirley Cane of Hoskin Stables shows off two of her Welsh ponies the Royal that won several high points awards lest year. The white pony ls Ko also took two red ribbons at Winter Fair. Friar's Empress won top points See story. New farm credit program Ao ab 4 inshutons, A new provide thousands of oid farmers with a secure source of credit at affordable rates and on flexible terms was announced March 25 by Ontario Agriculture and Food Minister Elmer Buchanan, Qntario Council Agricultural Force chaired by Pat Hayes, Parliamentary Assistant to Eimer Buchanan and MPP for Essex- Kent. The other two members of the task force were Ellen McKinnon, MPP Lambton, and Fred Wilson, MPP Frontenac- Addington and Minister for Government Services. commodity groups. The groups will review loan and ministor the program. The tario governmignt's ment will include per cent loan guarantee on total loans, and an investment of more than $200,000 to help defray initial costs. In addition, the will provide $1 million for a fund to gd potential loan losses. The program was developed co-operatively among farm and commodity orgasizations, input gam. ' Marketing Board, the OATS, BARLEY Blackstock horsewoman Wins high points awards for a "Two-Year Old on Line. be on the show Scat nent ghar, You can bet these ponies will claiming top honours again. Banquet Saturday The Durham Region Federati Annual Banquet and Dance, malin ant yoo vir do Recrestion The bariquet begins at 7 p.m. and the guest speaker is Jack Wilkinson, Ontario Fe of Agr Pp For tickets or mord information, call 986-0657. High Point Performance. Kally pve EY LINDSAY COMMUNITY SALE BARN LTD. = For March 27th, 1992 GRODR, WEIGHTAMNGE LOW HGH WIAVG. HEAD AVGWI SLAUGHTER STEERS BIOTIC A EXOTIC GROSS b Over 12500. "9 UN UH MM 1508 1000 - 1250h. 0s "Ne 6h" 3 1,12 Under 1000 b. ee New nen 1 230 BAMSH > Ow 1200 Ten wm Me 10 130 1000 - 1260 on ue 4 1,99 ALL BRITSH, EXOTIC & EXOTIC GROSS "ovr 12808 an ud M14 EE . REIT BIOTIC & EXOTIC CROSS Over 1000. um ue 3» 1m 0- 100k. ns AB 1 BRIS HIN nn 3 19 on su a 1,7 ns ORB 1 98s [1] Ne 112 1288 ne an. 3 1908 me me 2 ne NM MW 2% 1001 NN WE NN 2 WS MM Me 52 780 NEW WB MN 4 ea We mM MAR M7 WS IAM Ten 18 aes 3 We wn we 7 am mE MN Bw 8 em nM WN MR TT on ne "3 " ep ne we FT NE WH 08 0 Me ue me wm 2 ns wm ww nm B35 IAN mn 52 780 Ne mH Wa 4a em WN NN. WW 27 se TERT TERT EN Re TE Lt ERT an ue Be Ww RE. 08 MK 10 ue we me 3 nw ww un % # ann gaan 83s