\ Introducing 'The Scugog Citizen of the Year Award! The Scugog Citizen is proud to people who make our community a better way to live: The Scugof Citizen of the Year Award. In this newspapeg's first anniversary issue, Juné 30, the Citizen of the Year will- be announced as part of the anniver- sary celebrations. One of the big reasons the Scugog Citizen started was because its owners felt the community deserved the best. pos- sible recognition. Everyone at the newspaper is proud of the place they call home, and proud of the people who make it such a great place to live. Since the newspaper * began, staff members have debated ways 10 credit the people who make this area 50 great, apd 8 they have come up with The Scugog Citizen of the Year Award. Any resident of the Township, of Scugog is eligible to win. Tomominate someone you think déscoves this honour, write a letter to the Citizen and tell why you think this person deserves to be Citizen of the Year. Be as descrip- tive as yoy possibly can, and make sure you include the nominee's name, address and phone number, as well as your own name and phone number. Mail the letter to the Scugo@ Citizen, 36 Water St, Pon Perry, Ont., LIL 1J2. A panel of distingui local people will ole the entries and select the The dewspaper will accept wBminations up until May 30, 1992. As well as a commemorative plaque, the winner will receive a fall weekend getaway for two at one of Onthrio's most exclusive resorts, Pine Vista Resort, courtesy of Marlin Travel. : For more information about the award, contact Cathy Olliffe at 985-NEWS. wesdey, March 3) Queen & Simcoe Streets, Port Perry s 'GERSHWIN EVENING starring Rob Missén & Avis Romm APRIL 11th, 1992 - 8:00 PM Tickets $20. Avaliable at Irwin Smithy Music, 985-2635 Agincourt Foren Aax For about the same price as the leadirfg import", this well-equipped 1992 Grand Am SE offers a wholéot more: * 4-wheel anti-lock brakes * air conditioning * automatic transmission * a powerful 3.3 L V6 engine * power doorlocks * power windows * electric remote control mirrors * 3 year/60,000 km GM TOTAL™ Warranty . There's also a large selection of Grand Am models witha variety of option packages available for immediate delivery, \ Here's where (o find your GoldeffHorseshoe Pontiac Buick Perforgriance Dealers: Orangevie