Mand: y- after- noon when wii were ques- tioned about spending at confer- ences and conventions. "It appears to me that you are here (at the council meeting) strictly to try to ng $1338 by Mayor Hall at the Good Roads Conference in Toronto in February. "When people (Township staff 'and other councillors) attend (Good Roads confererice) lunches, * . you have béen doing for so ps time," a visibly angry Mayor Howard £0 on my bill," hr the Mayor angrily. And he said that a $300 bi} f ten people 10 celebrate his wife's as.a candidate in the election last November wants councillors to submit written reports on any con- ference or convention they attend. Mr. Kemp distributed a sheet of paper which he claimed shows that the first four months in office, councillors have spent $4,900 on conference expenses, Rainbow 300 gr. IU, EASTER CANDY GREAT SELECTION - SPECIAL PRICES White or with Crisps, 150g... 97 Dare Fantop Candy, J 300 gr. / 400 gr./ 500 gr. IST 9 Peacock Eggs, 225. .......... $1.97 "a Robin Eggs, Whoppers or ; Mini Eggs, 400. ...... $1.97 Hollow Decorated Egg, 0. $147 (during the conf "was fs (to the Township) by me personally. You did asic about that, did you," he snapped at Mr. Kemp. "I am not trying to embarrass you at at all," replied Mr. Kemp. "Yes, you are," the Mayor shot back. Councillors Ken Gadsden and Stedmans vas VARETY PORI | RRY I'L AZ s also exp anger that Mr. Kemp's sheet of paper listed $145 each for a one- "We paid for that ourselves," said councillor Gadsden, pulling a cancelled cheque from his pocket to prove his point. "You newer even asked (if the cost had been paid by the council lors themselves) he said to Mr. And he ridiculed Mr. Kemp's suggestion that councillors should write Js OF on any any confer- ence "It's not a woop that major orgnizations force people to pro- duce written reports," he exclaimed. That would just cost mongy for (Township) staff to type the reports, file them. "And nobody would read them, any- way." he said. Ward 4: councillor David that each coun- cillor, should receive $500 for conferences and convention r All at Guaranteed Low re hod y without Tempers flare over Councillors' spending Ken C; h "He - > get a seconder for she mattered? furiously, before continuing to read from her budget day meeting on municipal affairs. Mr. Kemp read a letter to coun- text. his motion. cil in which he stated "I am not * inferring that council has been frivolous with taxpayers money. It is just good business practice (to ask for written reports from con- ferences) This is not the first time that Mr. Kemp has clashed with mem- bers of council. He hag been a reg- ular observer at meetings for almost a year and 'ran unsuccess- . fully against councillor Christie in the November elections. But Monday's angry exchange over expenses was the sharpest yet in open council, Laler in the meeting as uncil lor Christie was speaking on 1992 local budget, she bec. visibly angry when informed administrator Earl Cuddie that Kemp was ping her speech with a small hand held recorder. "Is it not illegal to record "3 HOMESTEAD by Ballard & Carnegie - HWY. 7A. EASY. =PORT PERRY 965-2451 ur 965.2157 FAMOUS il VERTICALS * VENETIANS "PLEATED SHADES fo, PH Xi Rosa St. | March 26, 20:04 ¢ Motor vehicle collision, Cacarea assist. March 26, 22:21 Truck fire, y Hwy. 7A. Fallis Rd. 'CALLS SCUGOG HALL NO. 1 * (PORT PERRY) March 25, 8:45 Alarms ringing, SCUGOG HALL NQ. 2 (CAESAREA) A benefit is being planned |= for the family of the late fire- fighter Paul Fidler. The dance | is being held April 10, 8 p.m., at Nestleton Community Centre. $10 per person. Y FIRE |