-- - WITH DOUG OLLIFFE Just call Michael Duncan 'Ice'. Every year for the last 12 years, ice' has To the Editor: In the very near future Bob Rac and his no-names are to return to the legislature preparing to this province more. One of the bombs being that of the budget, i in which they insist on taxing the already empty pockets of Ontarions and the second bomb, should we call it the Atomic Bomb, is that of the Labour Law Amendments. Why does he insist on crippling industry when its already crippled due to his socialistic views? Does Mr. Rae realize that his amendments to the labour laws are been taking a cold, cold dip In Lake Scugog on Easter Monday. This Monday was no different -- he took a deep, warm 'breath and jumped Port Perry govern- ment guy Is, um, braver ever be. Is he the first one to swim in Scugog this year? if someone you know has been In earlier, lot me know! (Is there a Polar Bear Club this guy can join?) --Bargoons in Brief (not briefs) -- Wow, comics! Great, huh? In response to your requests, we've added a great page to the Scugog Citizen called Just For The Fun Of If. You can have some fun doing the crossword, planning your week with the Astro Advice, and enjoy a few yuks with the comics. But take a mine to cruise across the top of the page and check out the great folks who sponsor the comics. Next time you run into one of these sponsors, why not thank them for sponsoring a laugh or a smile? In today's Citizen: (Selected areas) 1. Proud to be Canadian (10) Welcome to our new advertisers! Great deal on Square Boy's 20 pc. Bigfoot pizza! See page 2. 2. Paulmac's Pet Food Pamper your favourite feline, and * save some money too! Leona Helmsley's favourite records for prison listening. 10. Poor, Poor, Pitiful Me 9. If I Were A Rich Man 8. Dust Your Broom 7.99 Bottles of Beer 6. Heartbreak Hotel 5. Jailhouse Rock 4. Cry, Cry, Cry " 3. Tax Man 2. Another One Bites The Dust 1. Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Old Oak Tree for Dwarf Spireas. 4. A&W Construction Order now -- walk- Doug's Flyer England in the early 1970's and in turn brought England to its eco- nomic knees? Rae's legislation would give the Ontario Labour Board the power to force a company to unionize, even when less than 50% of the workers sup- ported that move. In the event of a strike, workers who disapproved of the strike would not be allowed to work and managers would not be allowed to hire replacement work- ers. Collective contracts would fol- low a businessman so that the free market would become an anar- chism. What that means is if I ran a restaurant chain and decided the cost of cleaning from supplier X ment, it would do me no good to go 0 lier Y. Why not? B under Rae's proposed labour laws, the businessman would be com- Enough is enough pelled to pay supplier Y the same rate as supplier X. Come on Mr. Rae, give your head a shake or if you like, Il shake it for you. If Mr. Rac stays in power and implements his econom- ~ ic programs, I'll make a bet that the interest groups - will increasingly be replaced by the coercive struc- ture of communism. The only way in which Ontario will differ from the Old Soviet Union is in the degree of cruelty and repression. Enough is enough Bob Rae. Resign - that goes for you 00 Mr. Gord Mills and the rest of your no- name Ron Colvin ' Rob Long, Scugog. Thanks! To the editor: On behalf of the Red Cross Blood Program, I want to thank the staff of the Scugog Citizen for giv- ing the Port Perry Blood Donor Clinics such excellent coverage. Every weekday, 840 urlits of blood have to be collected in cen- tral Ontario to supply 61 hospitals. The Blood Program is an integral part of-our health care system, and I am glad that the citizens of Port Perry have made a commitment to this vital community service. Thank you for your support. Marianne Clarke, Clinic Co-ordi- nator, Red Cross Society. We Will Clean Your CANADIAN FLAG (any size) FREE PORT CLEANERS 255 Queen Street Port Perry 985-7105