ON THE FARM "Our Heritage' w was the theme of Ach Black kW. 's Instl Night for 4-H In Blackstock, last Tuesday Award winners: from left, Heather Goulding, Stacey Swain, Laura when s were for thelr accomplishments. in this photo are 4-H honours the achievers FROM PAGE 26 Vanstrien, Kyla Vitek, Julie Williams. Blackstock II leaders are Barbara Byers and Janice Beechey. Members include Jennifer Arbuckle, Jennifer Byers, Katie Coates, Laura Gilbank, Lisa Gilbank, Heather Goulding, Kim Headon, Laura Gilbank, Lisa Gilbank, Heather Malcolm, Rebecca Mills, Stacey Swain and Jill Van Camp. Great turnout at Swine Club By Anson Crosier On Wednesday, April 15 the 4- H Swine Club met at the Ag Office in Port Perry. The club had a fabulous turnout, including lead- er Bill Lamb, leader and presid h Gilbank, Jill Van Camp, Lisa Glibank, Sharlene Kyte and Jennifer Byers. Nestieton W8men's Institute Kim Headon, Heather Malcolm akg Kate Mairs (absent from photo). wards went to Jennifer Arbuckle, 7] oy 4 SEED GRAIR SEED CORN HAY & PASTURE SEED & SOYBEANS We also carry an excellent supply of LAWN GRASS and FERTILIZER Available in Large or Small Quantities. "Serving Scugog & Surrounding Areas for Over 40 Years" RR#2, Blackstock (416) 986-4331 LINDSAY COMMUNITY SALE BARN LTD. 'MARKET SYNOPSIS For April 24th, 1992 Andrew Frew, secretary Carolyn Barkey, press reporter Anson Crosier and other members include Jason Crosier, Tonya Allen, Dave Kemp, Scott Swain, Tim Ashton-Dair and Eric Every member of the Swine Club will receive two weaner pigs that they will raise during the summer and show .at Blackstock Fair in August. The next meeting will be held at Frew's hog barn on Monday, May 25 at 7:30 p.m. I Grain | MARKET | REPORT Prices quoted at market closing Mon., April 20/92 Board Prices includes basis price ---- eer ------ phe § Matric Old Com 267 105.11 NewCom 259 101.97 Old Soybeans 6.19 227.43 Now Soybeans 6.49 238.46 0id Canola 240.70 New Canola 249.80 ------------------------------ Prices supplied courtesy of W.G. THOMPSON & SONS LIMITED R.R. 1, Bethany, he Hwy. 7A & 35 Special awards were presented to Alison Malcolm, Kim Headon, Jill Van Camp and Kate Mairs (absent from photo). CHE is Tg TIMING is the CRITICAL PART of applying HERBICIDES to get the WEED CONTROL you want. Let us help you by CUSTOM APPLYING your HERBICIDES this year and get the timing apd accuracy your herbicide requires for a clean crop. For more in ation call Cory or Lloyd and ask about Liquid 28% Nitrogen for Wheat or Liquid 28% with Herbicides for Corn. 1-705-277-2002 or 1-800-461-7674 GROUP __ WEIGHT RANGE Low HIGH WTAVG. AVG WT SLAUGHTER STEERS EXOTIC & EXOTIC CROSS - Over 1250 Ib. 8200 8950 . 8504 1439 1000 - 1250 bb 000 07S 843 1,204 BRITISH Over 1250 1b 75.00 06.60 8206 1,408 1000 - 1250 b 06.00 17 1,165 ALL BRITE EXOTIC § EXOTIC CROSS Over 1250 1b 80. 88.00 460 1434 1000 - 1250 bb. 617s Ts 85.36 1,189 SLAUGHTER HEFERS EXOTIC 8 EXOTIC CROSS Over 1000 Ib 8200 88.00 [+] 1,255 900 - 1000 bb. nS TTS nT 990 BRITISH Over 1000 b ™O0 8525 83.00 1,156 Under 900 Ib. 00 70.00 ™m ALL BRITISH, EXOTIC & EXOTIC CROSS Over 1000 1b 8.00 05.05 1,235 900 - 1000 b. nS NT ns 990 Under 900 bb. 700 70.00 nw Mn SLAUGHTER COWS Al weights 4700 63.00 5.00 1277 8 Over 15091. 6.00 68.00 60.00 1778 CALVES 451-6000 12650 12850 12850 590 125-300 12000 12000 12000 250 STOCKER STEERS (AGCAN) Over 830 b T5% NN 123 1,201 800-809 b uri 80 9.5 853 700 799 b. $525 9150 CT] 750 600-699 b "00 10700 9.57 650 500 - 569 b. M00 11625 10657 550 400 - 409 10000 118.00 11288 478 Under 400 1b. nm nn nr 219 STOCKER HEIFERS (AGCAN) Over 700 bb. 50 02s ne ass 700 - 799. 05 850 6A 751 600 - 609 b. 028 Ns 02.00 648 500-509 b. 000 10200 [81] 57 400 - 499 b. 0300 10000 10929 466 300-309 b. 8000 88.00 88.00 45 STOCKER STEERS EXOTIC & EXOTIC CROSS Over 809 b. TA00 6150 nn 1,185 750 - 809 b. 050 C08 [t 825 600 - 740. 9025 106.00 3] 686 450 - 500 bb, 96.00 116.00 106.50 546 Under 450 bh. ns ns "ns 216 BRITISH Over 800 bb. 83.25 82 ns 955 750 - 60 b. 7750 00.00 na 780 600 - 749 1b. 66.50 85.00 ns & 450 - 500 b. 7750 103.00 0.25 Under 450 Ib. 07.00 10200 "50 342 DAIRY & DAIRY CROSS Over 899 b. 600 71.50 ny 1,383 600 - 749 61.00 67.50 3.00 633 STOCKER HEIFERS : EXOTIC 8 EXOTIC CROSS Over 799 b. HB 0B UN 804 750-790 050 050 0.05 78 500 - 649 b 9000 110.00 7.4 591 30-409 b $300 10000 10329 468 BRITISH Over 700 b. Qo Ns [(%] 068 650-799 hb. nn ns 540 702 500 - 649 b. "oo 07s [7] 608 350 - 499'b. nS 050 0.50 20 Under 360 Ib. 00.00 © 88.00 ®o, 345 DAIRY & DAIRY CROSS . 500 - 640. "Moo: 0 4.00 508 FEEDER COWS . Al Weights ©0062 50.58 1,40 CA