=| 985-NEWS Deadline: Monday 3 p.m. Fax: 985-1410 TE --__, SEs 2 ForSale |p For Sale 13 Cars | and split 16°, also firewood logs Cal 9653361 (TF) TRUCK CAPS. box liners, running boards Sales and rwtalaton Van § Truck World Call 579-6868 (404) WINDSHIELDS Up wo $50. OF on any one replacement wind shield insurance claim (with Most INSUIANce Companies) 985 8507 or 668-2008 (TF) BUILDINGS Factory Clearance 20x24- $2800 24x24 $3100 28x36. $4500 IDE $4000 36x48. $7000 4OWSO- $8700 60x 120-$33400 416-086 7900 on FRIDGES, STOVES, WASHERS DRYERS FREEZERS DISHWASHERS Call (416) 986.8312 (Jy28) NEW - NEW - NEW * Al Natursl Swiss Viamine and Herbe * Cream Cakes & Torten * Freshly Ground international Coffees * Bulk Spices, Candies, Baking Supplies * Cold Cute & Sausages * Chosses * Party Trays prepared now svadatie sf KOUNTRY BULK & DEL) 36 Water Syeet, Port Perry Phone (416) 988-3007 CANOE CLEARANCE LIOUSDATION Drastic Gavings on AB 1001 Models $170 © $200 Of Vicon Marne Sunderend (416) 862 3688 (MS) NEW AIR COMPRESSOR 34 hp with tank Asking $328 Phone after 7 pm. 986-8116 APARTMENT SIZE ARLE SYRUP Appraised of $6000 Best oft owns (1 Partial trades certified Best offer Partial rades conmdersd #85 1583 CEDAR TREES lor HEDGING Debversd | 708.432 2237 BATH TUB beige 6 Call (416) 085 0027 WOOD SHAVINGS Bagged $2 / bag 966 5441 NESS WOOO SPUTTER Mubote engine powered $1600 Call 416-687-1811 or 986 487 1984 GRAND PRIX 306, black. an, AMFM cassefie, cruise, ps. pb. Business Equipment 728 7591 or 985 9783 (TF) 1979 FORD F100 PICKUP Rare short box, 460 di, 4V suo pe. pb. new gold paint with new wave stipes Too many new parts © Bist Truck mus! be seen to be appreciated Appraised al $9000 Asking $7500 Call (46) 9865772 alr 6 pm 167% FORD 100 VAN standard. 6 cylinder good runnung order Needs some body work 86 000 km as is Phone 985 3012 PRVS COLEMAN CAMPERS #1! Selling ightweight Folding Tradpr with more value leatures tor small cars New Demos Used of Best Prices invest nn affordable holdeys SUNWAY SALES 433 Bloor SL W, Oshaws (416) STV-2210 (Jy28) UGHTWEIGHT TRAILERS Travel Traflers Filth Wheels Truck Campers, Folding Trallers tor day's smaller vehicles Pp Cars | EE - , Sorap oars end Pucks. Phone (416) 985.0000 (M12) 1979 GRAND LEMANS Owr designs are different inves! in affordable hobdays New Demos Used ot Bost Prices SUNWAY SALES 433 Bloor 81 W_, Oshsws (418) STI-2210 (Jy28) 1974 DODGE MOBILE HOME $4,000 or best offer Excelent running condition Cell 986 6312 P Work Wanted CL AUTOMOTIVE (m8) Cleaning Catt 085 2827 Call (416) 085.0068 b Sewing DRESSMAXING & Alerstions (TF) by For pS rates & service cad Avie 985.1478 ) Larry or Brenda (416) 086 96.27 Have you got om 14 REPAIRS 10 ALL MAXES by hoensed mechan $35 per hour Salutes $45 Aso do dassic oar resioraions Phone Jem (416) 486 1583 NEED A HAND? - Call Murray! Grass culling. window cleaning savesvough desning. garden 3 Contracting | VAN CAMP con NTRACTING Help Wanted BOAT SUPS Open 40 Covered 0 31 COTTAGE RENTALS Sougog Island Marina. (416) 985-8200 (430) Large eatin kitchen, Parking, cable. pay TV lsundry $350 nc Cell 985.0080 (MS) PORT PERRY 2 bedroom ground floor apt iidge. stove. and uthties included Available July 1st First § last References requred Cad between 9 4 5 9854455 OME BEDROOM APARTMENT 906-2745 receptions. banquets Kitchen and bar Call (416) 965-7488 or (Veto)