A bad case of the back-ups Before starting this column let me back-up for just a moment to ask a question. Why is it that moving in a forward direction sometimes seems i ible? Do you ever suffer from what | begrudgingly call the 'back-ups'? Here's a situation. Can you relate? sures, you say, you indulge daily... daily (personally, | prefer tea -- the caffeine jolt from coffee is 100 much for my system so carly in the day, but | digress) You plug in the kettle. The fuse blows. You make your way 10 the basement to check the fuse. You can't see without light and the basement happens to be on blown circuit. You return b, upstairs to retrieve a flashlight. The batteries have been barrowed for use on that marvellous toy the kids play with. The hunt is on The abandoned toy is found under the bed of a sull sleeping child Cautiously you reach under the Weiner's mom angry over Meatball Soup One of my first stiempts at re creating a recipe was b bed awaiting the attack of the killer dust bunnies. They like to gather there to mercilessly taunt children at bedtime. The dust bun- nies leave you alone but some- rest of my day be different (WOW! Do you really want to ask Back down in the basement you discover the blown fuse with the now bright light. Unscrewing it Now, bck to my column. OH! NO! I'm out of space! Can | tell yo# sometime about the talk | gave oh procrastination? LEVOLOR LIMITED TIME ONLY. you look for a ..but...but...who could be this $ unfortunae? Back upstairs you end another hunt (this onc for 1 ar keys) by While the car fills, you gaze with interest at the that? Think about re-wording that request.) Still on your knees, you udy under the bed, hoping tonight will be better than this morning Finally, you go back to the kitchen, battencs in hand, load the flashlight, go back to the base ment, direct the torch wowards the fuse panel and switch and click, click, CLICK! Your cyes refuse to believe what they still can't see You go back upstairs congrats laung your organized self for the recharging back-up batteries and the only spices that | knew about Soup in 1968. My best friend Weiner (then and now) and myself were staying at her parents home in Willowdale while we complet ed our RNA course through the Department of Health on Christie St., Toronto. Her mom was so mad at us when we ate all the soup before she arrived home from work that | never had the nerve w ask for the recipe Here's what | developed remember, that's a long time ago AA y ! Meatball Soup In a large soup pot: 4 large carrots, peeled and coined Same amount sliced celery 1 large onion, chopped 1 large can tomatoes, chopped Before you Buy or Build Your New Home, Visit Our ... NEW HOMES DISPLAY COURT carpets, cabinets and advanced construction methods that go into a Quality home! i Ww i LN, ME Mon Fil 1090 5 Sut & Sun 10004 C s who freq; the near- by coffee shop. You wonder about their glazed cyes and ask yourself why thew chagrined faces look so odd Ah, but you're on top of it now, soon you'll be home, mellowmng in your morning cuppa. Home at last, fuse m place, you perk up at the sound of the whistling kettle. You open up the refrigerator 10 find an empty coffee can -- THIS IS THE BACK-UPS! (Free Blind is the smaller of the two) 1 large can spaghetti sauce 1 cans water Salt and pepper to taste. Bring 10 boil and simmer one and a half hours or until vegeta- HURRY Last Day to Order May 29th, 1992 Menor, make ml mek HOMESTEAD balls from 1 Ib. lean ground beef: 2 tices bread, crumbled, 2 by Ballard & Carnegie ip ren i, ok. HWY. 7A EAST - PORT PERRY 985-2451 or 985-2157 balls into soup and simmer for approximately 30 minutes. Enjoy! 15 WATER ST., PORT PERRY Zee tvmsonr 983-3061 h MUD BOGGERS Ontario Mudracing Beac Party PRIZES CONTESTS - FUN X-LARGE PIZZA With 5 Toppings Expres a SRE big rio woh "%sssassnannns Additional seSnsnensEn, 17.50 Available "sssussassnad