one. For the C ians, it was Jason Maurice Secortt with the singleton. Up~coming in the series are this Wed. night (May 6) in Stayner at 8:00 PM, Friday in Belle River at 8:00 PM and back in Stayner afiemoon at 3:00 PM. The Siskins dumped Port Perry MoJacks in the semi finals four games to one and the Canadians took out Dundas in six. two and Scott 204 Casimir Street, PORT PERRY, Ontario LL 187 0985-9725 "Slo-Pitch swings Without a doubt, one of the ®ihere.are a couple of veterans like most popular summer sports these days is slo pitch, or lob ball, as it is sometimes called. Ten years ago, the Scugog Mens Slo Pitch League ftarted with six teams. This coming Friday night, 16 will swing into action for summer of fun and com- petition og the diamonds. And as an example of just how popular the sport is these days, league statistician Randy Hathaway said there is enough interest for 24 teams, but there's no place fo play, what with the lack of diamend space in the Township. Players in the Scugog League must be at least 30 years of age. Most are in their 30's and 40's but Wrestlers capture medals Scugog Township wrestlers Jay and Ben Blain in the Eastern Canadian School, (up 10 38 KG.) and he wrestled his way 10 & bronze medal, Ben is a 8 student at P.S. and he captured a silver medal in the Bantam Class * (up 10 57 KG.) Both boys had recently won gold medals in the provincial championship held in April in Fergus. Jay and Ben are members of the Durham X-L Wrestling team and their efforts helped the team 10 an overall title in both the Kids and Bantam weight classes. Congratulations on the fine showing, guys. * * Financial Accounting Income Tak" Planning & Consulting _ . Financial Planning & Projections Business Consulting Gary McHugh and Jim Scala on competitive, but not at the expense of anybody getting hurt," said Randy. Last season, the Mariposa Hawks 100k the A championship, with Pizza Delight capturing the B division. Both are back to defend their titles this year. But there are 14 other teams into action ra CE) just as eager to see they don't repeat. The first action gets undervay this Friday evening, May 8. Teams will play on Monday and Friday evenings on diamonds in Port Perry, Nestleton and ve. CY The final tournament, when things do get serious, is set for September 16-18. Here's a list of the teams in the League: Square Boy Pizza, Scala Bros. Auto Wrecking, Sportsland, Pizza Delight, Galley Fish and Seafood, Seagrave Steel Buildings, Forder Park Insurance, Oppers Aluminum, Merchants, Mariposa, Trader Sam's, Port Perry Auto Glass, Coldwell Bankers, Goreski Summer Resorts and Pineridge Sports. for the Young \ at Heart By Joe Mahoney ME! (On Harvest Moon (AR He IN WUR INTEREST TO LET ME GO FIRST. T'M MAKING A DEPOSIT, IT woub pe \. J) Call Now! (705) 357-3112 GOLF CLASSES 3 for $35. F | SHEE (VISA ER Down & Dirty Pricing on all RM, RMX & DR models - [A ©.