HEL EE -,,S°R ZENS' COMMUNITY ENDAR -- MAY 5 TO MAY 16 S5Tuesday MEETING 8 Friday SPRING SMORGASBORD Spoasored by Nestleton UCW at the Nestleton Community Centre. Sittings ot 5 pan. & 6:30 p.m. Adulus $8, children under 12 years $3, pre-schoolers fred. For tickets call Bard mt 986-4630 BRIDGE i MUSICAL Scugog Duplicate | Bridge Club meets dq Miller Lights The King and I, May 7,89 a Town Hall 1873, 8 pm. Tickers $10 « krwin Smith Music. TRAVEL CLUB Explore the Trent & Rideas waters with slide presentation at Scugog Library, 7:30 p.m. For info. call 985-7110. B MEETING Su High. For info., 723- 460. hall, 5:15 p.m. or 6:30 pm. Adults $10, children 12 & ender $4. Call Bonnie, 985-7426. Port Perry Ringette Association, annual gen- eral meeting. 8 p.m. Kinsmen Hall. MOTHER'S DAY BREAKFAST Pancakes for Mom at the Nestieton Community Centre, 9am 02pm Adults $3, children $2. Pre-schoolers are free. Nestleton [¢ y Centre, 7:30 pm. For info., call 986-5503. i Port Perry High School present Summer Breeze 92 7:30 p.m. in the gym. | Admission: $3, students and séhiors $2. Pamily $8. (Spinners and i] Weavers Guild) MORGAN HORSE OPEN BARN & POKER RUN Celebrate the 125¢h birthday of Canada AND the 126th Museum, 7:30 p.m. For more . call 985- 3 prizes | at the end of the run, such as: horse riding lessons, horse driving lessons esc. Demonstration st Cyan Star Morgan i Farm in Pon Perry, 2:30 pam. Call 985-0691 for info. x ope s A Spring -- a great time to start composting probably written this colume sooner, want one of the signs, give ine a call (985-3229) hasn't fot like spring until now! At DEN is charging $2 per sign © cover costs and your, pot in he mood 10 raise a small #mount Tor future projects have been Cleaning wo that Scugog Library has 'Silent yards and, if we are gardeners, thinking Spring' by Rachel Carson and "How © Get Your season of planting. People who Lawn & Garden Off Drugs' by Carol Rubin if you composting may be thinking sbout want 10 learn more. getting started, while others may be wondering if This week is Pitch lgal eek right across 10 quit dosing yards with chemical Canada. We can all help tommunities look p debris left : puichase copies of las 25% OFF fy) =i ° Down on the views Saskatchewan LAWN ticing organic methods. of this video country road | will be wp, making sure 10 355 16 Rati tum the Sin. Hbraries In UE slong I ph - O00 Frtage, ind the Oshawa in Newcastle, sowspring, tins, Or glass that FORNITUIE 7° || ERE SEs Fyfe te oe 's sa © san --- ¥ Webbed Chairs and Lounges 8 Boiron Fomadaton et with numer The ARISTICORD Another project for which DEN received finan ous other benefits besides. is great for OR a aada Tous ia he cronion of fields and gardens and also 10 cut down on Line of Chairs & Lounges Kita which somain intormuon sho Sol aroun, Sulcus Srubigus Cube thts pesticide and allératives to use. kit 3 MALAGA Lo-back Stacking Chairs | | Su cose » laws si saying Pesticide Free st oe ings Oanden Contre ¢ 183 Scugos 5. & a a Lawn', a neat way 10 make 8 statement 10 the Port Perry. Durham Region is still looking for a whole neighbourhood. To receive a of the volunteer willing 10 spread the word sbout com- kit, contact Breads Stevenson st 2, or Josting. lf You're jarstied plosis ll Mini By Uh Barnes a aan (l # Durham Region (668-7721, collect Crescent, phone 435-0497). If you just if nectesary). )