J 5 ~ Seugog Cltizen -- Tuesday, May 13, 199% A CITIZENS' COMMUNITY CALENDAR -- MAY 12 TO MAY 23 = Monthly meeting of ITC at the Gate Restaurant, 7 p.m Tomight, members will debate the killing of ani mals for use of ther fur All welcome. For more info., call Ruth at 985- 9126 FASHION SHOW 9:30 to 11:30 a.m, Emmanuel Pentecostal Church, across from arena. Babysitting pro- Scugog Duplicate Bridge Club meets Wednesdays, 1 & 7 pm at Prince Alben hall. For info. call 985-3450 after 6. LAST DAY MAY 29 SUMMER BREEZE '92 « The music students of Port Perry High School present Summer Breeze 92 7:30 p.m. in the gym. Admission: $3, students and seniors $2. Family Scugog Community Care, Information Scugog general meeting, Laicham Centre, Port Perry, | p.m. Dessens, meeting, entertainment RSVP 985.8461 A Kk. (12 Tuesday h (13 Wednesday (14 Thursday ) (15 Friday a (16 Saturday ner ) MEETING BRIDGE MEETING BINGO Uxbridge Swim Nestleton Community Centre, 7:30 p.m. For info., call 986-5503 MUSIC Branch 419 RC.L Friday night entertain- ment in the Downstairs Lounge, music by Chuck Stewart & The Country Strings band, 9 p.m. Members & guests wel- come. Season's final per- formance club, 7 p.m., features Murray McLaughlan in | J concert at the Uxbndge Music Hall. Tickets $20, available at Irwin Smith Music in Pon Perry RABBITS, RABBITS, RABBITS! Central Ont. Rabbit Breeders Club 16th annual 2-day spring show at Blackstock Rec Centre. On Saturday 7 p.m., banquet and awards. For info. call 705-357-3596 | vided. $5. refreshments. \» ) \_ \_ / WA £ 5 71 ) (7 MEETING /n. OPEN HOUSE (n N 18 Monday . 20 Wednesday Head Injury 21 Thursday Blackstock Co-op Nursery 23 Saturday MEETING Association of Durham Region, support group School open house, registra YARD SALES Port Perry Paichers meeting, 7:30 p.m, 459 Bond St, East, Oshawa tion, 6:30 10 8:30 p.m. at Blackstock Rec Centre Nothing to do? Quilting Guild meets on the man Classes start in Sept. Programs for children aged 2, Check out the third Monday of cach month MEETING 3 & 4. Bring the kids and have some refreshments. For Citizen's Classified at Prince Albert Community Durham Environmental Network, 7:30 pm info, call 986-4263 section -- there are a Hall, 8 p.m. New members Scugog Township council chambers, 181 Perry are always welcome St, Port Pgry. All welcome! Lug-a-mug' Call MUSEUM SALE 985-3225 for more info Scugog Shores Museum FASHION SHOW annual yard sale, 9 am. 985 7:30 p.m.. Blackstock United Church 3589 Luncheon, door pnzes. Proceeds to UCW. Adults $5. stwdents $3 Call 986-5557 bazithion yard sales and auction sales to choose from! ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Scupp Toy Lending Library annual general meet ing and 992/93 registration. First come, first served Guest speaker for parents. 7 p.m, Port Perry United Church. For more info, call Dayle at 985-3808 PUBLIC MEETING 7:30 p.m., Township of Scugog office, Perry St Government reps 10 discuss lake water levels and win \- aN ce fishing INE J\ CMHC 5™ SCHL Haining le Question habiiation house Cane complet pur pour HOMEOWNERS DO YOU QUALIFY FOR SS000. CTURGET LTTE GRANT ENTIERPR 1-416-404-0020 ASSISTANCE FOR HOME REPAIRS? | don't expect to make myself 100 popular with this column, since I'm raising an issue many women might rather | quietly ignored. | don't wish 10 offend anyone. but feel | should spread the word about the "Stop the Whitewash" cam paign launched in March The book "Whitewash™ was written by Luz Armstrong and Adrienne Scott 10 alent the public 10 the "health and environmental dangers of womens sanitary products and disposable dia pers The campaign offers suggestions on how we can help put a stop to the enormous probleny caused by two products we take pretty mach for granted these days. 'Whitewash' and water Our bodies, like those of other organ- Ysms. are parts of the cycle." So, we are not exempt! The mim of the "Whitewash" campaign, first and foremost. is 10 harness consumer power 10 Ip get rid of all chlorine compounds in pulp paper bleaching A whole chapter of the book is devened 10 sug gestions of how we can help--and | have copies of a 2-page handout on this (call me ar 985.3225 il you'd like one) The popk has plenty of inter esung reading, more than | have room 10 mention here It includes surprising An interestin fact mentioned, i that althoug women own les than | per cent the world's wealth 5 in North America we Go more than B0 per cent of the shopping. Armstrong and Scott hope 10 see us harness that impressive consumer clout, and real- ly put it 10 good use What most of us have probably still not clued into is the fact that the bleaching of pulp and paper products--10 make them "whiter than white" for fussy consumers is causing damage 10 the environment. Rivers and iakes receive a heavy burden of pollution from pulp mills' waste water, which in turn cauges damages 10 fish and wildlife The damage to water and ecosystems, of course, is in addition 10 the cutting down of mil lions of trees and wanes of garbage crested as a of d dence on these disp The Great Lakes Science Advisory Board has stated si toxic sub i food by vie of cycling trongh thea, land ersistent problem, of npn pcan washing up by the th ds on coastal Since | can't do full justice to the book here, | strongly recom mend that interested people borrow it from the Scugog Memorial Library. A quick read, it shows clearly why more and more of us are refusing © be consumers of disposable diapers and sanitary products. Also at the library, Earthkeeper Magazine's July/August '91 issue has an article on reussble feminine products. "Ignorance is bliss" or 30 the saying goes but our ignorance has been leading to some petty nasty ¢ q We cannot to ignore the problems being caused by disposable diapers and womens sanitary products, or our throw-away mentality may eventually land us in - FEATURS - 20 Plece PIZZA "DELUXE" = 14"