Scugog Ciflzen -- Tuzsday, May 15, T00 ~ 50 ON THE FARM , So, what's up doc? The Central Ontario Rabbit Breeders Club will hold their 16th consecutiye annual two-day Spring Show at the Blackstock Rec Centre, May 16 and 17. The Ontario Polish Rabbit Club and the Canadian Netherland Dwarf Rabbit Club will also hold Milk testing results A swdy identifying possible i and effici the Central Milk Testing Laboratory of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food and the Ontario Dairy Herd Improvement Corporation Laboratory was released April 30. 'A Study of the Rationalization of Milk Compositional Analysis and Related Services in Ontario', presents options to improve cost efficiencies and reduce duplica- ers, the Ontario Milk Marketing Board, Ontario Dairy Herd Improvement Corporation, dairy processors, transporters, and the Ontario government. "The study recommends the streamlining of component testing services by the ser- vices currently provided by the Dairy Herd Improvement Corporation and Central Milk Testing labs. Working with our partners in industry, government and our employees, we will begin developing an operational plan 10 determine the feasibility, time frame, and the extent of the amal- gamation," said David Thomson, director of OMAF's dairy inspec- tion branch. The study was commissioned and funded jointly by the Ontario Milk Marketing Board, the Ontario Dairy Council, the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, and the Ontario Dairy Herd Improvement Corporation. Copies of this study are available from the dairy inspection branch. I grain | MARKET REPORT Lon at market ., May 11thve2 "Board Prices includes basis price specialty shows for their breeds. Exhibitors will be present from Quebec, U.S.A. as well as most areas of Ontario. Saturday evening a banquet will be held at 7 p.m. followed by the presentation of awards won during the show. Visitors are most welcome. For further information, phone (705) 357-3596. avaliable at RR*1, Bethany Cuts More Than Hay Simply designed for reliability Cuts Time New Idea 5209 modular disc mower conditioner designed to cut fast. » Designed and made by Amen New idea disc mowing system cans for North America's ets you out of the field fast farmers and ranchers. Encased Giides through heavy. tough disc gearbox ehminates conditions. the need for daily fluid checks and assures consistent « Conditioning rolls gently crimp hay 10 speed drying. Yel, treat bncation even when cutting at nutrient-rich leaves gently extreme angles ® Modular cutterbar design ® Three-point flotation moves disc na ™ repair axpense. follow ground contour » Power out removal system ® Ask your dealer about special shows ou peep low rate financing programs without leaving the tractor seat B&W N Call for a free color brochure . Farm Service 1-800-767-3221 RRS, SUNDERLAND Or Visit your New idea dealer today ' (705) 357-3760 NI (705) 357-3182 NEW 108A' WT Ol 1. /A { ain NORTHRUP KING SEED GRAIN SEED CORN HAY & PASTURE SEED ~~ & SOYBEANS We also camry an excellent supply of LAWN GRASS and FERTILIZER Available in Large or Small Quantities. "Serving Scugog & Surrounding Areas for Over 40 Years" RR#2, Blackstock (416) 986-4331 LINDSAY COMMUNITY SALE BARN LTD. "J MARKET SYNOPSIS For May 8th, 1992 GROUP _ WEIGHT RANGE LOW HIGH WIAG AVGWI _$. SLAUGHTER STEERS . Pea EXOTIC § EXOTIC CROSS Over 12508. He. Wm ou» 1414 1000 - 1250 b. "ey me ae 1,14 BRITISH Over 12500 BO WB we 1am 1000-1250 LE JT I 1m Under 1000 b nw us ne wr ALL BRITISH, EXOTIC & EXOTIC CROSS Over 1250 BO Ws On 140 10001250 b "NO mn os 1,200 Under 1000 use us ns wr SLAUGHTER MEFERS EXOTIC & EXOTIC CROSS Over 1000 ns we "a 1213 #00 - 1000 bs ne ne new " BRITISH Over 1000 "ww nn ne 1078 900-1000 ns ns 1,000 ALL BRITISH, EXOTIC & EXOTIC CROSS Over 1000 ns we "a 1,192 00 1000 & ne nw nn Ll SLAUGHTER COWS Ni waghts 0 Mw "as 1,267 SLAUGHTER BULLS Over 1500 "no nw [2] 1.926 Under 1600 Bs "uw nn ny 1538 SLAUGHTER CALVES 126-3000 12000 NM 18% mn Under 1250 we 10 100 STOCKER STEERS (AGCAN) Over 890 CTT ns 1,200 00-00 ne us an [ood 00- Mb no ws we od 600-600 neo uw (2) Ld 500-500 LETT IY sn "00-40 "oO We we wm Under 400 Ib 20 Me un 7 STOCKER HEIFERS (AGCAN) Ov 7B we nw na» [ed 00- MeL 00 ns ns ™m 000-60 b. ne wm we "a 500. 50 oe nw "wn ar "00-400 "eo se "a "- 200-300 LI RT we wr Under 300 "oo em es w STOCKER STEERS EXOTIC 4 EXOTIC CROSS Over B00. "we nw nn 1,187 0-800 no Ws "ws 00 en no ms ne bd "0 0b WN 10 es Under 450 0 1200 108 wr BAITISH Ow ib "ne Len un 1,100 0 Mme CTT ha " 00. Meh ne um wn ™ "0-5 b "wn ue wn saz Under 450 0000 TH 0s 00 DANY § DARY GROSS Over 80 b. un ae an 131 150-408 "we nm ne m STOCKER HEFERS EXOTIC & EXOTIC CROSS Over 00. we ne na 1000 0-06 ne ns an Ld 500.8400 neo 100 "a " 0.400 [TT we od Under 360 b. LU RTT RT "» Ll) Ow 00 ns ae ne " 5. me ne ne na ™m 00-00. ne We ns m 60-0h ne ue "wn "- Under 350 100 10M Cem m DAIRY & DARIY CROSS § 500-400. an um an LU FEEDER COWS Wage "us om as "