Cawker under study S. A. Cawker P.S. is among six schools in the Region in a pro- gram designed to improve behavioural adjustment, strength- en interpersonal skills and improve academic performance. Students from Kindergarten to grade three will be involved in the project co-ordinal ok a research team f¥o! niversity. The study will Hy of three intervention strategies. A social skills/behavior man- agement training program is intended 10 i Sie students" self esteem, social skills and readi- ness to learn, A parent manage- ment training program is designed to help patents of 'high risk kids develop the skills to reducg social- ly-aggressive behaviour and ton- duct problems. Finally, an aea- demic support program should increase the childreg's. skills in thinking and reading. Each of the six schools will remain in the program for a two- year period. The project will con- clude at the end the of 1995- -96 school year, Along with S. A. Cawker School, the others are Lakewoods, Dr, Cannon, Queen Elizabeth, Westney Heights and Glengrove. winner is... Marg Waits, right, won $500 In the latest 50/50 draw organized by the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 419, Port Perry. Jean Wallis, left, also won $100 for selling the lucky ticket to Marg! And the 'man In charge' of the draw Is Doug Butt, who wanted to say, I thank ev for buying the tickets!" If you haven't got a ticket yet, pick one up from any Legion member. | BOUGHT RLL OF YoU THEY ARE BUT MoST THERE WILL BE LESS THESE PROTECTIVE FACE LIGHT WEIGHT | | IMPORTANTLY EMBARRASSMENT 'CUL NO ; MASKS, AND OFFER | |" WH ONE WILL RECOGRIZS You. - INCREASED PROTECTION. | CARTON SPECIAL by XL: GAS BAR, Hwy. 7A 8 Simcoe SL SERVICE DIRECTORY Call 985-NEWS To Place Your Service Directory Ad Call 985-NEWS To Place Your SERVICE DIRECTORY AD in the SCUGOG CITIZEN iar Services Miscellanious Services [EET NORTH DURAAM APPLIANCE RON LEE in the Scugog Citizen USED TRACTORS BOUGHT & SOLD wm | WANTED ALL MAKES AND MODELS FORWHECKING 4 -- GOVERNMENT SURPLUS Ji Ld hig pre) go fi: 1 ro gL 45 Holding Tank * Buy & Sell Used Appliances 3 i: ie fav got is PartsiLtd. Pumping aay 5. Nestleton PINE RIDGE GLASS SERVICE - geld Cnoskcourne™ wn 3864564 ib Relacanen Widows COMPLETE GLASS SERVICE oe a . (416) Er. 985-1899 | mower wwe noma Ro Septic & -~ ¢ Landscaping and Gardens X oy yong ester esa ry a con Taconite nor 4 ra «0985-7521 "THE WEED WARRIOR power STEER A Work Guaranteed BRIAN , weads ar your grdlem, : ET main After 5 PM * DYNACOR iy car 705-357-3096 ONDE: Phove (416) Sowo00s; Fax (+16)0008148 noms UXBRIDGE TREE SERVICE | | te vane mot. sundotund a ee, Ly 3135 : i * Brush Suvep Romonal KU. . RON LEE FS TnL nS ans fo J Custom . | WATER SUPPLY Warren Rohrer Minihoe & Landscaping | | Forme 985-8302 certified landscape designer CISTERNS * WELLS * POOLS MINIHOE SERVIC : \ ORANY OF YOUR WATER NEEDS fro grating. post hole dggng. backlng, rope Manianarce \ : or mn & Landscaping { \vesteon 6109864564 | | CmIraes wose65318 | | EE \ . . ANALDA LANDSCAPING & GARPEN CENTRE . ---- ~ 4