OVER RIDGE RETAIL QUALITY NORTH PORT The GALLEY 38s als DRY CLEANING MMERSO WOODWORKING LTO FISH & SEAFOOD oe SRR | | EMMERSO Top Quaity Custom 161 Queen Street Wha [Poe] PORT CLEANERS 193 QUEEN STREET Cabinets & Carpentry PORT PERRY 005-8647 Cothed Professors) resieons | 251 Queen SL 985-7108 PORT PERRY LOL 189 #9 NORTH PORT RD. Eat In or Take Out megan | EEEEEEED REMIT ATEAATENS (416) 985-7306 PORT PERRY Serving Breakfast hen L008 All Types of Insurance 985-W000 158 WATER ST Licenced by LLBO SET Cn SHIRT LAUNDRY (416) 985-9663 PORT PERRY sansa Waterways | cathy SE a : SR IF 1 EVEN MENTION YOUR 11 1 Dow 1 your (ove | [sweerie, Tm wot LIKE Twat / LOVE LIFE, YOU LEAP TO THE Com [LIFE, YOU LEAP TO THE CONCLU- | [WHY CAN'T YOU BELIEVE THAT CLUSION THAT I wow'T REST | [S108 THAT I'M AVOIDING (T ON | [AS LONG AS YOU'RE NAPPY PURPOSE BCCAUSE OLLP oon I |X COULDN'T CARE LESS IF oT REST UNTIL URC AARRKD. | YOU EVER GOT mrRIED 7? | I S ! A Adam" by Brian Basset Bove Bis] speculations 26. Perform poorly ™ committment 3. Battie two vam . Hudson 4 Filed by packing 29. Wid Tibetan bovine . bn tits 3 WOMP pies 32. Pann advan ¥ PTR = ree Py 13. Can be Wgh or low -- Aylesworth 33. inpre ! 14. Fourth largest Great 6. Painting -- Homo: 4S at Cory Engh THE Sipe GARY LARSON {kA © --t a by REAL FE ADVENTURES 1, Gary woe on once atch yr ud 9. Metric unit of ares 41. -- bargain: legal TT em re wo 18 Canadian Seaway 10. Yang's counterpart 42. To prams 21. Largo or West e.g 11. ingrained 43. Roman emperor 22. Manitoba river 19. Related to Claudio 26. Amelocentesis sample 20. Combining form for W. Siarbudie "Lat 4 whale ~! / 23. Fo the prosant 2 Labrador and Arctic 4S. -- Arslan Persian 30 Mires meres 2. sire Pad or Tome 32 Buddy 25. Belonging lo Nosh. 47. Boxing term 33. Sarah, Nathan or Douay v George 34. William Tells canton _ 35. Noah's vessel ue yA] wae 36. Containers atsts 37. To happen to a vial 1 39. Tamish h 40. River explored by v ¥ ol 45. Piedmont ares city nw HW aly ¥ 48. Prov. of Athebasks L] T River : . -- Now Settamant hat aun | SO. Kootenay or Testlin ag. visiv ae) \ hE obi ou AW ne | weekenos § rir rw AA 55. Quebec referendum option negoing Forecast lor the rest of your iife. thought! He was an old dog and this wes » new rick. ARIES (March 21-Apr. 19): Concentrate on making 13th you may have difficulties with best that you can be on the 7th. You can make job changes on the Sot you send out resumes or go for interviews. The 9th and 10th your pan. By Eugenia Last ner will be upset if you have neglected 10 take for ig you p 10 do. The 11th, 12th and 13th social events will lead to adventure. You will have great ideas regarding changes in your home. . TAURUS (Apr. 20-May 20): You will be able 10 help family members solve their problems on the 7th. Don't overspend on luxury items on the Sth. You can talk to your boss sbout your grievances on the 9th and 10th. Make love not war on the 11th, 12th snd 13th. Don't neglect your mate because You are engrossed in your career needs. Be sure 10 plan equal time in order 10 keep your life harmo- mious on all levels. GEMINI (May 2/-June 21): Don't take on so much that you run yourself down on the 7th and Sth. You should look into ways of yourself on the 9th and 10th. You need » little pam- pering. The 11th, "12th and 13h you may find yourself in & predicament if you haven' dealt with SC NCER (lune 23 Ju Yi ealily 22): You will be upset if someone 7th and Sth. 30. Do Gmetil 2o 4 lk 0 moh Spt yor misinterprets you on the personal life. The 9th and 10th you can expect to have problems wich those you live wich If you have bon nagging them sbow thes iin. The 11th, 12th and 13th the love bug is coming 10 bite you. You will probably have & choice. Try to Shnine lomass fon nic ielect swell te Jodha. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): You will get upset with someone who owes you money on the 7th and Sth. You must avoid arguments that will result in hard feelings. The 9th and 10th will be favourable for discussing future plans with your mate. Talk 1 relatives that you feel may be able 0 help i opie The F112 nd 50 oes deh wl coe me A, on others, ARGO thug. 2 Sept 23Sept. 22): Don't hesitate 10 travel on the 7th and 8th if the arises. Novi houeso wich yous eotions] napouse to yous wate if oo vevel wists. Sth and 10th financial affsirs will spear 10 be quite good. You must consider your good fortune a license to Astro Advice Weekly =.= = you were their age. June 7 to June 13 rh 23-Oct. 23): Minor health problems will surface on the 7th and 8th if you haven't been taking good care of yourself. You will have 10 avoid unharmo- nious situations on the 9th and 10th. The stress emotionally will cause problems with your mate. The 11th, 12th and 13th career changes may be Go after the opp need new scenery in order to be SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22): Don't be talked into volunteering for jobs that you really don't have time © do on the 7th and Sth. Minor accidents will occur if you are the least bit careless on the 9th and 10th. Don't let your emotional jealousy take over on the 11th, 12th and 13th causing discord vie x . Sit and view the situation completely before making any rash comments. ARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21): The Tth snd 8th will not be the time to confront problems bs Te dH To ee oro acon and 10th will be favoursble for love. You will meet new friends if you attend group functions. The 11th, 12th and 13th you will have problems with officials if you haven done your paperwork cor- rectly. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 20): Travel for business or pleasure will pay off on the 7th and 8th = long as you don't overspend in the process. The 9th and 10th you may make a mistake regarding or dar. Thin wi is bo fn ie 0 othe, decison. The 11th, 12th and 13th listen 10 the advice insight 10 your own personal situation. AQUARIUS (Jon 31 Feb 19: 19): The 7th and 8th be careful not to get pulled in © a joint financial venture that will probably end up being quite risky. The th md 10th you shoud conider signing up eat AI i you ht sialon youve been lacking lately. The 116, 128 nd Ty, de Comet cone 2 vt bt a ): You changes on the 7th end Sth. You Te 20 hive phoblerst sikiny from those you live with. Tih 104 yous WE on Sb fo iat money i nication and travel. Your interest in foreign cultures may lead you to unique events. Sipetiutiiss. Tia Sih; 12h od D3 be quite favourable for commu-