ON THE FARM ~~ E The Uxbridge/Scugog Pony Club held its third annual Schooling Show at the Port Perry Fairgrounds May 30 with 72 competitors registered for the day's events judged by Gwen Lehari In the Junior Division, high points champion for flat work was Lise Reid, reserve went 0 Andrea Smith Joanne Bud won the Senior High Point championship with Krista Nelson taking the reserve. The high points champion Pony Working Hunter Over Laur! Morris and Chieftain Uxbridge/Scugog show Fences was claimed by Beth Murray with a tie for reserve between J. B. Reid and Jenny Thompson. The High Points champion in Working Hunter Over Fences (horses) belonged w Lise Reid and Becky Thompson took the reserve. Lauri Morris (see photo) with her horse Chiefion won three ribbons at the show includ ing a first place in Command (open) another first in the pairs class with partner Kyla McCrae on Goya, and she won a fifth place ribbon in Junior Equitation. BJ the toast of harness racing after winning big in Sweden Billyjojimbob, or BJ, as he's known is the toast of harness rac- ing after winning the prestigious Elitlopp in Solvalla, Sweden, Owned and trained by Mike and Lori Wade of Seagrave, and driven by Murray Brethour of Sunderland, BJ flashed w victo- ry in 1:55.3 over the 5/8th mile Salvolla Track, just ahead of the Swedish horse Meadow Prophet For BJ, a five year old geld- ing, it was the seventh straight win and he brought home $225,000 (US) for owners Mike and Lori The Elitlopp is considered one of the premier harness racing events in the world (kind of like the Olympics for standardbreds was the way one local horsemah described it to the Citizen Monday morning) and cenanly the biggest win for Billyjojimbob who has eamed a nifty $390,000 already in 1992 It has been quite a year for this horse who in January won the O'Brien award as top aged wotter for 1991 in Canada. Ironically, BJ who just set the harness racing world on its ear with his victory in Sweden, almost didn't make iL As a three year old he became violently ill with suspected salmonella poisoning, was rushed 0 the University of Guelph for treatment and only give a 50-50 chance 10 survive But he bounced back in remarkable fashion and was training within two weeks of falling ill At the Elitlopp event, BJ won v Happy $A Todd & Shawna Milton. MH L | GRAIN MARKET REPORT Prices quoted af market closing June 1st, 1982 Board Prices includes basis price §/ § (Matric Od Com an en New Corn 77 eos OM Soybeans 671 4854 Now Soybears 691 Mew Cancle Prices supplied courtesy of W.G. THOMPSON & SONS LIMITED ke Hwy. TA & 35 A THK 12 FGNEY' TIMING is the CRITICAL PART of applying HERBICIDES to get the WEED CONTROL you want. Let us help you by CUSTOM APPLYING your HERBICIDES this year and get the timing and accuracy your herbicide requires for a clean crop. RS or Liquid 28% with For more information call Cory or Lloyd and ask about Liquid 28% Nitrogen for Wheat 1-705-277-2002 or 1-800-461-7674 RA. 1, BETHANY, ONTARIO Herbicides for Com. his qualifying heat in 1:55.2, the fastest time anywhere in the world this year on a 5/8th mile track His name is a "spoof" on the names of the children in the "Waltons" television program The horse is expected to be back in Canada by the end of the week and will have most of the summer to get ready for his next outing, the Maple Leaf Classic August 15 at Toronto's Greenwood Racetrack Incidently, the special feed mixture that fuels this marvellous totter was developed by Rober Van Camp, who owns Brooks Feeds in Pont Perry The same mixture was fed to horses called On the Road Again and Matis Scooter, both of whom won a few races from time to 4 cid SEED GRAIN HAY & PASTURE SEED & SEED CORN & SOYBEANS We also camry an excellent supply of LAWN GRASS and FERTILIZER Available in Large or Small Quantities "Serving Scugog & Surrounding Areas for Over 40 Years" RR#2, Blackstock (416) 986-4331 ® Is ol ) in ® Larger multe make it ideal for yard ond cottage use Model 51-15" Model 51-18: $409.95 STA = ON OUR NEW HUSKY-51 (utting power ® Lightweight and easy fo hondle | rand new Canada's Number One Choice in Chainsaws. UTICA FARM EQUIPMENT LIMITED 620 Reg.Rd. 21, Utica 2 Miles West of Manchester 140% chain-broke 985-9701 FORESTs GARDEN