Kent Famdas with the Sn carved i by Purple Hill BiIL noon. The gallery that Kent laboured over for so day after- fond has baghle- named i hiv honour. HarmiestW Woman in Port Perry' feted by hundreds of her friends Sunday was rainy, humid, and muggy on the outside, but inside Scugog Memorial Public Library, there was nothing but sunshine. And a few happy tears. "The H: -- imagine, way down there -- knew about us!" Every three weeks, a different show would be set up and on that Saturday, Kent would host a Woman in Port Perry', was being honoured Sunday by the library board on the occasion of her retirement after 10 years as coor- dinator of the library gallery. Hundreds of people into the library, making the spa- cious building seem small, Some were artists who at one time or another had shows in the gallery. Some were patrons of the arts. Some were politicians. And all of them were friends. Scugog Mayor Howard Hall hit the nail right on the head when he began his speech: "You all know little Keat," he said, and everyone chuckled. Kent may not be very tall, but her sunny smile and that funny littlgstreak of white hair she has, is as well known in this town- ship as Lake Scugog itself. She's well known because, as Mayor Hall pointed out, "She's worked hard for this library and this municipality." Ten years or so ago, Kent Farndale had what li board member Cathryn Hall calls, "a vision." When discussions for the library constni®tion were going on, Kent came up with the idea of building an 'extra room', a gallery, in which the wealth of local artistic talent would be dis- played. As Cathryn tells it, Kent said if the room was built, she would make sure it would be filled with ant. Well, the room was built, and for 10 years, Kent has provid- ed Scugog with a different art show every three weeks (with the ption of i Kent wasn't afraid to try anything, and had a mind-boggling array of artists show their work -- whether they were famous or fledgling} they all were treated with equal shares of Kent's enthusiasm and support. . As the gallery gyephiation grew, "Our fame " Cathryn Hall said. "Pretty soon, Oshawa ption for the visiting artist, complete with coffee or tea and plenty of good things to eat. Needless to say, during these receptions, the gallery was a busy place. Even people who were at the library just to return an over- due book couldn't help but see what all the fuss was about. "You could never just poke your head in the door and see what was going on," Cathryn said. "You had to go in!" Over the years, Kent has exposed many people to artists, especially local artists. 1. Billy Ray Cyrus - SOME GAVE ALL "1am quite confident," Cathryn said, "that sometime in the future, an artist will be interviewed and he will be asked how it all got started. And he will say, 'well, back in my hometown there was an art show, every three weeks..."" And that art show was made possible by someone whose pres- ence at the gallery will be terribly missed, 'little Kent Farndale'. These last few weeks have been special for Kent. On May 28, Perrin Beatty, Canadian Minister of Communications, presented Kent with one of Ontario's most prestigious volunteer awards, the Lescarbot Award. But Sunday must have been extra special for Kent, as she was Please see KENT, page 12 985-0804 Laughing, Kent cuts the cake! 2. Red Hot Chili Peppers - BLOODSUGARSEXMAGIK 3, Queen - CLASSIC QUEEN 4, Kriss Kross - TOTALLY KROSSED OUT 6. The Black Crowes - THE SOUTHERN HARMONY 3 Day Service - We'll try to find any avaliable Tape or CD for You 110 WATER ST. Trader Sam's Hwy. 7A & Water Street Port Perry 985-9955 ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT SUNDAY BRUNCH EVERY SUNDAY from 11 AM to 2 PM Choose from a Minimum of 9 HOT DISHES as well as COMPLETE SALAD BAR, DESSERTS & FRESH FRUIT, plus One Small Juice per Person. "diz 985-9955 Sunday Brunch from 11 AM 10 2PM ONLY. Rogular Meru afer 200 ONLY "Per Person + Tax Kids under 12 EAT FREE (Limit one child for avery purchasing "Summer School Horsemanship Course Riding, Grooming, Practical Horsecare Management Experienced, Qualified Instructors Classes start June 29th to Aug. 21st Every Two Weeks |] Car Pboling may be available. 3 Ranaake SING ALONG SYSTEMS available for rent at fill Irwin Smith Music Ltd. 305 QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY 985-2635 aiid fort Terry Antique & Craft Show SATURDAY, JUNE 13th, 1992 from 9 to 5 SUNDAY, JUNE 14th, 1992 from 10 to 4:30 Scugog Arena Sponsored by the Arena Board "BEAUTIFUL PORT PERRY ON THE SHORES of LAKE SCUGOG" ADMISSION Adults $2.50; Children $1.00 (Under 12 Free) LUNCH AVAILABLE 3